Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Destination: No Where Near Here

Hey all those out in bloggo land! It is Old Man Robb here with another edition of Robbblogs! Well now i was up to the old homestead as in Acadia University right dab smack in the middle of good ol good ol Wolfville (ode to the Dunker!) and i went to see a few people here and there, esp an old advisor of mine who sent me straight up to the employment office at Acadia, where i seen something that could be my job, something so perfect, so right...yeah...
Well anyways i went to Workopolis and applied from there, it is the sort of job where i had to provide my resume, a cover letter and my unofficial transcript...yikes...esp on the unofficial transcript part, but the secretary was really nice so maybe that is a good thing eh? I visited up at the history dept and saw a few familiar faces, man am i just getting that damn old or are the kids getting younger? As i made my way around the campus i noticed some faces of people i liked saying hi to and others...well they can just go to hell as far as i am concerned, damn brownnosers, sure i would go get help from profs and others when i had a problem, but to do it 24/7? Brownosing helps people step on other people, step on toes, but to me it is a problem that puts other more deserving people down. If a person has looks or something, than they can get ahead of other, more deserving people who actually had to work for what they achieved. It is something that is ruining the moral fabric of doing business in North America today as we speak. I question those very people, how do you live with yourself? All they care about is the cash value, but do they care about the prestige? Are they prepared to work for what they now have?
A definition i found on the net of brownnosing:

Brownnosing can best be described as the implication that servility is equivalent to kissing the hinder parts of the person from whom advancement is sought.

Nuff said

Anyways i think it went well

I work Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week, it is going to be so strange going to see the Axemen game on Saturday, it will be the first Moncton Blue Eagles game since the unfortunate incident last Saturday and reports say that the team is really shook up, they cancelled their game against Dalhousie this week. It shall be an emotional night. The Associated Alumni of Acadia keeps sending me notices that they want biographical information to be included in their Associated Alumni of Acadia University Directory, i know some info for them......


Well i have tonight off and i have to go back over to the Middleton Library to return me books, but first how's about some more random trivia?

1) The First Player to be penalized 400 Penalty Minutes in One Season:
Answer: David Shultz, Philedelphia, 1974-75
Schultz's fans at the Philadelphia Spectrum wore Nazi helmets, which was rather fitting as he was the closest thing to a war criminal that the NHL ever produced. The Hammer pounded out 472 ugly minutes in 1974-75, a record that looks as far out of reach as Wayne Gretzky's 93 goal season.

Betcha the author won't call the Hammer a war criminal to his face! The Broad Street Bullies would have his ass!

Anyone see the Trudeau movie the other night? I was asked the other day about what was one of his most memorable moments in office and so after going through some textbooks, this is what i found.

"Resentment against francophone militancy reached new heights during the October Crisis, which erupted in the fall of 1970. On October 5, 1970, James Cross, the British trade commissioner in Montreal was kidnapped by members of the FLQ- the Front de liberation du Quebec. Five days later on October 10, 1970, Pierre Laporte, the Quebec minister of labor and immigration was abducted by another cell of the FLQ.
Since 1963, the militant FLQ had carried out over 200 violent crimes, including several bombings that resulted in the death of people. The most serious attack was a blast at the Montreal Stock Exchange on February 13, 1969, which had injured 27 people. FLQ members also had stolen several tons of dynamite from military and industrial sites. After many of these acts, they warned the public that more attacks were to come through their official communication organ, known as La Cognée. The FLQ funded their activities with bank robberies.
By 1970, 23 members of the FLQ were in jail, including four members convicted of murder. On February 26, 1970, two men in a panel truck were arrested in Montreal when they were discovered to be in possession of a sawed-off shotgun and a communiqué announcing the kidnapping of the Israeli consul. One of them was a man named Jacques Lanctôt. In June, police raided a home in the small community of Prévost north of Montreal in the Laurentian mountains and found firearms, ammunition, 300 pounds (136 kg) of dynamite, detonators, and the draft of a ransom note to be used in the kidnapping of the American consul.
By daring to seize a represenative of the British Crown and a Liberal cabinet minister, the FLQ was hitting at the heart of the establishment.
When asked how far he was willing to go to stop the FLQ, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau stated, "Just watch me". Three days later he invoked the War Measures Act at the request of the Premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa, and the Mayor of Montreal, Jean Drapeau. At the time, opinion polls in Quebec and the rest of Canada showed overwhelming support for the War Measures Act. Politician and future Parti Quebecois Premier René Levesque wrote that he agreed it was necessary under the circumstances. Since then, however, the government's use of the War Measures Act in peacetime has been a subject of debate in Canada as it gives police sweeping powers of arrest and detention.
Simultaneously, under provisions quite separate from the War Measures Act and much more commonly used, the Solicitor-General of Quebec requisitioned the deployment of the military from the Chief of the Defence Staff in accordance with the National Defence Act. Troops from Quebec bases and elsewhere in the country were dispatched, under the direction of the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec's provincial police force), to guard vulnerable points as well as prominent individuals at risk. This freed the police to pursue more proactive tasks in dealing with the crisis.
Outside Quebec, mainly in the Ottawa area, the federal government deployed troops under its own authority to guard federal offices and employees. The combination of the increased powers of arrest granted by the War Measures Act and the military deployment requisitioned and controlled by the government of Québec, gave every appearance that martial law had been imposed. A significant difference, however, is that the military remained in a support role to the civil authorities (in this case, Quebec authorities) and never had a judicial role. Nevertheless, the sight of tanks on the lawns of the federal parliament was disconcerting to many Canadians.
Once the War Measures Act was in place, arrangements were made for all detainees to see legal counsel. In addition, the Quebec Ombudsman, Louis Marceau, was instructed to hear complaints of detainees and the Quebec Government agreed to pay damages to any person unjustly arrested. On February 3, 1971, John Turner, Minister of Justice of Canada, reported that 497 persons had been arrested under the War Measures Act, of whom 435 had already been released. The other 62 were charged, of which 32 were crimes of such seriousness that a Quebec Superior Court judge refused them bail.
Pierre Laporte was eventually found murdered by his captors while James Cross was freed after 60 days as a result of negotiations with the kidnappers who requested exile to Cuba rather than face trial in Quebec. The cell members responsible for Laporte were arrested and charged with kidnapping and murder.
Ironically, the use of the act to detain over 450 people, most of whom were never charged with any offence, became another example for Quebec nationalists of the injustice imposed by an English-dominated Parliament. In reality, all the francophone members of Parliament voted for the War Measured Act. The sixteen MPs who voted against it- fifteen Democrats and one Conservative- were all anglophones.
This incident proved to be the most serious terrorist attack on Canadian soil in modern times and the response by the federal and provincial governments still sparks controversy. However, at the time, opinion polls showed overwhelming support in Quebec for the War Measures Act. A few critics (most notably Tommy Douglas and the New Democratic Party) believed that Prime Minister Trudeau was being excessive in using the War Measures Act to suspend civil liberties and that the precedent set by this incident was dangerous.

Heavy stuff eh?

Anyways here is the home hockey schedule for my alma mater West Kings! This is so alumni will stop asking me when games are

Tuesday, November 15th 4:00- CK Vs West Kings
Friday, November 18th 7:30- NKEC Vs West Kings
Friday, November 25th 7:30- AHS Vs West Kings
Friday, December 9th 7:30- BRHS Vs West Kings
Friday, December 16th 7:30- MRHS Vs West Kings
Tuesday, January 10th 4:00- MRHS Vs West Kings
Friday, January 20th 7:30- MRHS Vs West Kings
Friday, January 27th 7:30- CK Vs West Kings
Friday, February 17th 7:30 HHS Vs West Kings

Anyways Webslingeroonies this is Old Man Robb over and out!!!

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