Monday, October 24, 2005

Things Happen All The Time

Hey there webslingeroonies! Long time eh? Well i have been a busy little Maritimer, fighting off the wormslime known as student loans, working working working and doing all sorts of stuff. Went to Hfx last Wednesday and had interviews at Mount St Vincent, Dalhousie and SMU, as well as dropping stuff off at Kingstec of all places, acutally the new front enterance at K-tech looks really good, time to be out of the 1970s and into at least 2000, however as i walked further through the building, past the new enterance it seemed like a demented trip back into time...back to 1995, even thought the decor screams 1975-76, old lockers and classrooms, i peaked in and thought, good friends...even though some said things about me..always about me, not to my face eh? Some people... some good memories marred by one cold callus moron whom did not see true talent when it was presented right in front of its face...ugh... anyways, i did have a stroll around the city, saw an awesome Jason Voorhees bust at one of the comic book stores downtown, however they wanted $69 dollars for it, when i could get it off Ebay for at least half that if i really wanted it that damned rumor is out that Jason Vs Freddy Vs Micheal Myers (From Halloween) are going to team up in a new sequel...believe it when i see it... Pigged out that day too, ate at Pizza Corner in Hfx and in Sackville i had Mary Brown's, which i had not aten since we lived in Edmonton back in like 1983, i'll wait another 20 yrs on that one ok? Some sad news about the Axemen game the other night, i guess one of the Blue Eagles was really hurt on Sat night as i listened on the radio. Hope he is ok, he had to be stretchered off the ice. Strange about McGill and their hazing incidents that has cancelled the whole football season. Can you imagine what their fans are like right now? Probably besides themselves! What about the players not involved? Scouts and people from the pros who were going to attend, i imagine there are some very nasty people there right now. Hazing is getting a bad name, look at the Windsor Spitfires this week, their head coach is suspended for 40 games, that is pretty stiff as well... they say that hazing is supposed to draw a team closer together, but i dunno...i figured it would do more psychological damage to a player and isolate them alltogether more than anything else it could possibly do. An old friend of mine Craig wrote to me on my MSN Hotmail and gave me the lowdown on all that is happening in the ol Passage, we haven't chatted for over a year, i figured i probably would be grating his nerves if i was bugging him all the time, you know..too much Robb can be a bad thing...i have the knack to get on people's nerves really damn quick...i should have taken a spin over the the Passage on Wednesday of last week, but i did not... a few doors that i would love to knock on, you know...people you have not seen in a long time, you wonder if they will open you with welcome arms, or give ya a smack on the nose... i just don't know sometimes... So i have a meeting at Acadia tomorrow at 10:30 in the morning. Meeting with an old friend who can give me a boost in the right direction about something that Old Man Robb is pursuing right now, gonna remain tight lipped on this one folks ok? Oh i will probably be up at Acadia again on Saturday as we are taking on The Blue Eagles at Acadia Arena, hopefully i will have more news about that player by then, hope for the best. Anyways i am going to go get ready for work and chitty chat again soon enough... lates!

PS- For ol' Craigger, an ol video from the olden days- The Clash: Rock The Casbah!

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