Saturday, October 15, 2005

This Business is Killing Me

Hey Yo (Rocky Balboa style) Weblingeroonies! Well just watched the Habs lose to Toronto on the telly...i know Habs to fight another day! Man do the ol Habs fans boo ol' daddy's boy Lindros or what? Well he deserves it for refusing to play for the Nordiques (Or No Dicks as Dick Irvin Jr used to pronounce) Well i did get some awesome news today! My old friend Barry is getting married next summer and asked me to be one of the three that stands for him at the altar! I was shocked as we really had not hung around in years, what times we used to have! Going to bars, driving around, going to bad movies with the express intent of ripping the poor picture apart, just mocking everything in plain sight! What times! We grew apart over time, he met girls, hung out with other people while i went to Acadia and did other stuff, i am touched and quite a bit shocked that he would remember me, that he would think of me that much to let me stand for him...weird eh? Took me nephew to the Axemen hockey game last night against Dal, we won 3-2..but Dal's goalie played exception, the Axemen fired like some 45 shots his way and he made 42 saves. Saw alot of familiar faces last night, many very welcome and others, well could care less if i saw their faces or not...u know all who u are u buncha one can stay smarmy forever and what comes around goes around. However i was again honored as my old pal Corey came up to me and wanted me to sit with him and a buncha Tower kids, i had my nephew with me and really my time had passed as far as Tower goes...i know maybe three people there now...but it is funny, still invited to Tower stuff some three years after living there... it is different i guess with Harper, i love Acadia, frown on my academic Mount A experience, but yet really for the most part loved residence life laid back, being able to walk around with your beer good and open and no Dudley Do-Right idiotic RA telling u to put it in a foamy and or even worse...take your hard-earned booze away, i saw it happen once with one particular RA and man..guy always deserved a good ol tumble down the Tower steps..would have loved to have been the Tower legend that did it! Well the student loan people are after me now, got the letter of doom the other day, so i have to apply for interest relief...wish somebody would hire me as i am getting back on the resume warpath... my Dad hit it on the proverbial head the other day, he stroked my ego somewhat by saying, "You know why someone like up there at one of those cushy desk jobs won't hire you son? Cause your the guy that will be sitting in their chair given a year and a chance to show your stuff, cause you are a go-getter!" I will admit when i do have focus, have a clear track of what it is that i do want, then i do not stop...look at me and the store! I open at 10:00 and i am there at 9:20 getting ready for my day, making sure everything is just right, what kinda boss would not want that? Someone who would not want applecarts upset that is what they do not want, the status quo to take a severe kick in the ass! Ranting lunatic that is what i am becoming eh? Well i see that SMU has carried on its winning ways at football with a victory over STFX last night in Halifax. Today we beat Mount A, i had to work so Dad watched the game, man i do feel bad for the Mounties, someday soon they can get it together. I was going to go to the Mainstream Wrestling show next Friday in Windsor at the Community Center...then i read something that changed my mind, seems the promoter of the company will not take the students of a fellow wrestler who trains them due to bad blood between the two... jeesh anything to not make some money eh? Oh well i might go out with some of the girls from work next weekend on Friday, we all have not been out for a drink since the summer so maybe we shall relax for one sooner than later, besides it is good to see people outside of work, let down the old hair..drink a kegger..just kidding! See the news James Bondage? i mean Bond? Dude looking dirt a corpse or something! Oh well, some people have been quick to knock, but lets see the guy in action before we bury him deeper than that Geore whats-his-name guy that replaced Connery as Bond and they had to bring Bond back before this hack drove the series into the grave...we had one guy who came into work saying that he is not going to watch the new Dukes of Hazzard movie because the Dukes have beards...whatever (i used to think all guys from the South had beards...too many older siblings southern rock records) actually the movie did a good job of making fun of the Dukes, something alot of people got pissy with,...again...whatever... then again some whino tried to tell me one day that the new Bond was going to be a woman..who the B***ch of the Baskervilles?!?!?!?! Oh yeah almost forgot you! Sorry to hear your gone...don't let the door hit yer ass on the way out honey bunny!
Oh for my old buddy Eli up at Mount A..the trailer to the movie he always borrowed the to Shogun Assassin...The PARTY ANIMAL!!!!
Anyways i am gonna go watch the Oilers-Flames game, finish off the rest of my Appleton Rum and rest up...have a good one Slingers!

PS- classic Ramones from the 80s- Bonzo Goes To Bitburg (My Brain is Hanging Upside Down)

PS Part II- What is that song about? In May of 1985, U.S. President Ronald Reagan visits the Bitburg cemetery, site of Waffen-SS graves, in West Germany at the behest of Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The visit touches off an international controversy, inciting worldwide protests because 49 of Adolf Hitler's dreaded Waffen SS troops are buried there.

PS Part III- Bonzo Goes To Bitburg lyrics:

(Dee Dee Ramone/ Jean Beauvoir)
You've got to pick up the pieces
C'mon, sort your trash
You better pull yourself back together
Maybe you've got too much cash
Better call, call the law
When you gonna turn yourself in?
Yeah...You're a politician
Don't become one of Hitler's children
Bonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of tea
As I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered me
Drank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policy
Pick up the pieces
My brain is hanging upside down I need something to slow me down
My brain is hanging upside down I need something to slow me down
Shouldn't wish you happiness, wish her the very best
Fifty thousand dollar dress
Shaking hands with your highness
See through you like cellophane
You watch the world complain, but you do it anyway
Who am I, am I to say
Bonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of tea
As I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered me
Drank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policy
Pick up the pieces
My brain is hanging upside down I need something to slow me down
My brain is hanging upside down I need something to slow me down
If there's one thing that makes me sick
It's when someone tries to hide behind politics
I wish that time could go by fast
Somehow they manage to make it last
My brain is hanging upside down
I need something to slow me down

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