Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#5 Black Sabbath- Paranoid (1970)

I remember the 6th grade, i was in EPJH (Eastern Passage Junior High) and i was with my parents at the Sears Bargain Basement in HFX when i saw a deal saying 3 tapes for $20! So i begged my dad for some cash and he let me purchase, Aerosmith- Rock in a Hard Place, Van Halen- Van Halen II and this gem, Black Sabbath- Paranoid. I was in heavy metal heaven taking this three treasures home, however it would be Paranoid that would stick with me the most. Paranoid, War Pigs, Iron Man (theme song of wrestling's Road Warriors!) i had a fellow come into work telling me that he would love to get into Black Sabbath and told me of this CD he had purchased and he thought it sucked..when he named it as Paranoid, i gave him a blank stare and point blank told him, "Your no metal fan" and recommended he buy an Air Supply album. Posted by Picasa

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