Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#4 Buzzcocks- Singles Going Steady (1979)

Hey now this is a steller collection of punk-pop from Britain's Buzzcocks who never rised above cult status in North America. My introduction to this band is really weird too...back in the ol Passage days..probably around the 7th grade i rented this movie called, "The Party Animal" which was about a student (who looked to be in his 30's) that tries and tries to lose his virginity. Anyways the soundtrack featured Dream 6, REM and a whole lotta songs by the Buzzcocks including the movie's theme song "Why Can't I Touch It?" which should have become a national anthem for virginal men everywhere. Anyways i was in a pawn shop in Greenwood in 1995 and WHAMMO! I found this album after years of looking and i still have a cassette somewhere..awesome yourself a favor and seek it out.
PS- my old buddy Eli from MTA used to borrow the Party Animal every week along with Shogun those out as well! Posted by Picasa

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