Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#6- The Sex Pistols- Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols!

What an influential album this is! While the Ramones invented punk becuase of their boredom with the music of the day (and because Johnny Ramone couldn't play a gutair to save his life!) The Sex Pistols brought forth the attitude. They raised hell wherever they went, they fired their original bass player after he admitted to liking the Beatles, swore on British television and were banned everywhere. They broke up and reunited in 1996 where Johnny Rotten would tell the audience after every performence "Thank You for the Money!" even now in 2006 some 29 years after their only real album the Pistols again raised controversey for not wanting to be a part of the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, telling them where to stick their that is punk rock! Posted by Picasa

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