Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All That I've Got

Hey bloggeronies! What is a happening? Well tonight is ROCKY BALBOA night! Yes i have been looking forward to this, leaving around 5ish and getting a bite to eat and then headed to the Empire for the 7:00 showing. So what else is new? Can you believe that in 19 days i am going to be in Japan? Right now we are awaiting my Visa papers/ Certificate of Eligibilty papers to come back from the Japanese Consolate in Montreal. They should be here via Priority Post in the next little bit. What is good about NOVA is that your rent money accordoing to the gentleman on the phone is taken directly out of your paycheck, leaving room for budgeting and other concerns, like paying back me student loans. Mom layed her offer out on the table again yesterday, but i declined, it is time for Old Man Robb to fly, to jet ya many of my friends are married and have kids, and what have i done outside of my illustrious (insert laught track here) college career? No no i need this experience for the resume and some time out of NS. Yesterday me and Mom went to the bank and applied to have $2500 put into Yen, which is $256,855.86 in Yen. Not really much difference in the dollar eh? Found a NOVA student's website showing his time in Japan..check out the apartment! Mom and me ate at Subway again yesterday (I think she has a thing for toasted veggie subs) and she compared it to me going off to university for the first time, except on a larger grander scale and much much further away. I mean i won't be home till Christmas of 2007, so much much much can change in one year ya know, like Middleton finally getting some traffic lights downtown or something drastic like that. I found a piece here about the costs of products in Japan... How much does stuff cost?I dunno tough question, here we go: Starbucks coffee 300 yen ($2,87 American), Beer at an izakaya 400 yen ($3.38 American) Plate of curry rice 400 yen ($3,38 American), Ramen 400 yen ($3.38 American) Pair of shoes about 3500 yen ($29 Ameican) , Nice dinner (sushi, appetizer, dessert, 1 drink) 5000 yen ($42.00 American) Remember this stuff is all ballpark figures… take it with a grain of salt…. maybe i should be a stand up comedian, they seem to get in all the S*** these days!
My old buddy Craig from the Passage wrote to me yesterday and actually commented on here somewhere about some of our past exploits in the Passage back in the day (The 80s) When my Mom's hair turned purple and when we found Captain Redneck's collection of porn. Ahhhh the good ol days eh? Q-104 stickers and all! I should phone him some night and see if he is going to get the Twisted Sister Christmas Album!?!?!?!?!? Well our staff party was Friday night at Dooley's in Gwood. It was good times seeing the gang together, except the band playing was very out of key and friggin up tunes like "What I Like About You" and April Wine's Rock Myself To Sleep...and some dufus tried to pick up all of our staff and managed somehow not to get kicked out when he was cut off from the bar..what a maroon...Tash is still bugging me about me giving him the eye on you hand signal that Ben Stiller/ Robert DeNero gave one another in Meet The Parents. Me and Tash are working Christmas Eve again this year and we are going to follow in our tradition of playing the Beatles: Yellow Submarine which we only play on Christmas Eve every frickin year...ok ok ok...why the hell would you even play that? Well we know it will not rent on Christmas Eve and it always gets customers going "What the F***?!?!?!?!?!" My last day of working at the store formerly known as Andrew's will be on January 2nd. Weird eh? An end of an era. Now most of our customers know i am headed to Japan, you feel important, but it is like my Dad used to say, Son stick your hand in a pail of water, what do you come out with? That is how important you really are. Life will go on when i am gone to Japan, people will still rent movies, bitch about late fees and complain that the movies are in Widescreen and we don't have enough copies of some crappy independent film blah blah blah... was nagged into going to PJ's on Saturday night..whatta dive! There were five cougars dancing, one of whom tried to put her boa around my neck..and that was it. Draft was $1.50 but mostly i sat at the bar and stared at the Montreal game that was playing and left at 12. Watched the new American Pie V: The Naked Mile the other night, i liked it better than i liked Band Camp. It had two Stiflers and one of them had this awesome drinking heavyweight belt designed with crushed beer cans and beer caps...i so need one for my trophy room! Went to go see Casino Royale the other night and it took some getting used to seeing a blonde James Bondage, but it was an ok flick, nice to see a more gruff Bond for a change as you can see the change into classic James Bond throughout the film. So my nephew got caught drinking at school again, when will they ever learn eh? He is really embaressed as he was having a much better term this year than last years record setting year. Well life is ok, wish i heard from a certain someone but i think i can understand why that someone would not wanna talk to me. So what else is new? Well still going to the gym, was there a good 75 minutes yesterday and i am going again today after i am done taking the dogs for a walk. Awww getting payed Friday and then there is the weekend, well it will be time to finish off my shopping, pick up my Mom's gift and be done of shopping for another full calendar year...have a good one folks!
PS- Actually there was a part of Band Camp i liked and it is a song by a band called
Breaking Benjamin entitled Forget it, here are the lyrics...

It's a crime you let it happen to me
Nevermind, I'll let it happen to you
Out of mind, forget it there's nothing to lose
But my mind and all the things I wanted
Everytime I get it
I throw it away
It's a sign, I get it, I wanna stay
By the time I lose it
I'm not afraid
I'm alive but I can Surely fake it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're the part of me that I don't wanna see
Forget it
There's a place I see you follow me
Just a taste of all that might come to be
I'm alone but holding breath you can breathe
To question every answer counted
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
Forget it
It's a crime you let it happen to me
Out of mind, I love it, easy to please
Nevermind, forget it, just memories
On a page inside a spiral notebook
Just fade away
Please let me stay
Caught in your way
I can live forever here
Forget it
How can I believe when this cloud hangs over me
You're a part of me that I don't wanna see
I can live forever here

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