Thursday, December 21, 2006

Enjoy the View

Hey gang! Wow close to ol Merry Xmas eh? Wonder if the ol gang from WK would remember Merry XXX Mass from back in the day? Never look at midgets the same way ever again... Well went out to see Rocky VI last night aka Rocky was suprisingly very well done, the theatre was packed and it was funny in a way cause you could hear people being impatient because they were running just one too many trailers and people were going, "C'mon!" amongst other words. They did have a trailer for Ghost Rider which was delayed till February from the summer. Anyways Rocky runs a restuarant and there is no Adrian, which i could see was choking up lots of people...i could feel a little bit of a lump there when Rocky sits at her gravestone or visits all the places where they first went on dates and they play them old Rocky cues..of course there was a great training montage and Rocky regains alot of his dignity. Just go see the film because this will probably be the last time Stallone at age 60 or however old he is has this character on screen. Until Rambo IV appears. Me and Blair went to Doolys in New Minas last night before the movie, it was funny cause we were flirting with the female bartender who thought Stallone was still hot...mmmmmmmmmmm k... So tomorrow is payday and i am going to pick up my Mom's present and some stocking stuffers and that is it for Xmass stuff.. what about today Old Man Robb? Well today is a day off, i dunno why cause i know i would have gladly worked the 10-6 shift. However all is good. So today i will wrap presents, take the doggies for their walk and probably go to the gym...sounds boring eh? Next week ol Tash is on vacation so i will be working lots of 10-6 shifts in her place..well someone has to work them...I cannot believe that now it is 18 days till Japan! So much has happened! I should do like my old pal Gorgeous Glen and write a year in review on Robbblogs! Man this time last month on this exact day i thought things were going to be different, but i was wrong. I dunno why i am dwelling on that still...i think it is the time of year ya know, it is Xmass and not to sound like a broken record player, or in my friend Craig's case, a broken Mickey Mouse Record Player!!!! (probably listening to Accept!!!)LOL! No one wants to feel crappy on Christmas....but it is like seriously Robbie find your strength because you are going to a $30,000 or so a year job and you can't be being all silly. I actually had Mom at the computer yesterday afternoon to see Craig's webcam so she could see his kids. Mom has to learn to use the computer in order for us to save money while i am in Japan. I hope someone can show her the ropes cause i wanna save her alot of money in calls. I remember going to Mount A and i swear every night that phone rang, what is she gonna do with a 13 hr time difference? Have you ever heard of Japan's fascination with vending machines? Take a look at this!!!! Starting to get a bit nervous about going too, imagine the jetlag? Or stepping off that plane and wondering just where the heck am i? Too weird to even imagine eh? As i write this, my money transfers are taking place and American dollars are being converted into Japanese Yen. So much to learn in such a small amount of time, to be able to adjust to a new way of living. However at the end of the day i am still gonna be Robbie, i am going to be paying back my student loans the honest way and this is going to be good for my resume, where can it go? Who knows? Maybe after my loan is all well and paid off within two and a half years i will stay an extra year and gain more money and experience, maybe i will go corporate, try to get into Nova's corporate offices and come home and live in Toronto or maybe at one of their stateside locations. I guess the sky is the limit as they say, Mom says i have the world by the ass and i don't even know it. I guess i let little things get to me like i always do, turn little things into big things, make things worse than they already are. I think i am at peace with myself at the moment.

Well here is the Acadia Hockey Schedule for the rest of the year while i am in Japan.....

Fri. Jan. 5- Acadia @ UdeM 7pm
Sat. Jan. 6-Acadia @ UNB 7pm
Wed. Jan. 10- Dalhousie @ Acadia 7:30pm
Sat. Jan. 13- StFX @ Acadia 7:30pm
Fri. Jan. 19- UdeM @ Acadia 7:30pm
Sat. Jan. 20- UNB @ Acadia 7:30pm
Wed. Jan. 31- Acadia @ Dalhousie 7pm
Fri. Feb. 2- UPEI @ Acadia 7:30pm
Sat. Feb. 3- St. Thomas @ Acadia 7:30pm
Fri. Feb. 9- Acadia @ UPEI 7pm
Sat. Feb. 10- Acadia @ St. Thomas 7pm
Fri. Feb. 16- Saint Mary's @ Acadia 7:30pm
Sat. Feb. 17- Acadia @ StFX 7pm

Anyways folks i have to get off my ass, get showered, walk them doggies and get to the gym and be Rocky...i mean Robbie...or something like that..have a good one!