Friday, October 30, 2009

Alice Cooper - He`s back ( The man behind the mask ) LIVE 91

A Halloween treat and a RARE treat to see Alice singing this in concert....

Almost time.....

"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible."- Vince Lombardi

     Hello peeps...yes yes the wait is almost over...Monday @ 2:30 PM...what it is i cannot reveal because well i don't want to jinx it......Old Man Robb is kinda superstitious about these sort of things and i don't want to well get all ahead of myself, make big announcements and then if they do not come true, end up sitting there looking like a this world there are talkers, lots of talkers who said what theyare going to do and then they do not go through with it . Basically i do not want to be an armchair quarterback like many people out there who talk a good game, but that is all they do! Talk talk talk about this and that...about how they can change the world or how they can do this better than this and if i did this i could do a better job than so and so can.

     Now sit back and think about that for one second. If they can do better...why not get off their asses and show us how they can? This is what others fear, people get a good position of power and they do not like a challenge. My Dad used to say it to me all the time believe it or not, that people do not like to be challenged, that the person giving you the interview and taking your resume and checking out your character is sure to take that resume in the next room and put it through the ol paper shredder because they have made you out to be the dude who is going to take their job someday. Many people given good positions become complacent in those positions, this is where they are self-satisfied with their position, situation and or merits and are often unaware of other things going on around them, they become very smug.

   Defnition of smug- Contentedly confident of one's ability, irritatingly pleased with oneself, superiority, or correctness; complacent.

    So on Monday...things change for Old Man Robb...fingers are crossed that i get the go-ahead, it is a goal i want to achieve, i decided i was sick and tired of being short-changed, why not choose my own path, my destination? Make something happen? Why play armchair quarterback if i do not have to? Its my desire, my intention to achieve this goal. So many in this life take so many shortcuts, they babble on and on about the hand that life has dealt them. This goal for me is very attainable and in the end will be so worth it. Will it be easy? Hell no! Will the ends justify the means? Hell yes! The sleeping giant is now awake and hungry again, no not for Hungry Man dinners either, but yet for something that can make me smile and feel at peace with myself.

     Definition of Goal orientation- Goal orientation is often seen as an aspect of an individual's motivation. An individual's goal orientation describes the goals that they choose and the methods used to pursue those goals. How do you get motivated? The final step towards motivation is to take action.

     Your never too old to stop learning, those who have yet to learn have not yet begun to live...why go through life like a lump of crap? Especially when you have it all in front of you and are too blinded by outide influences to take advantage of it? Me? Im breaking out of this self-imposed exhile i have been in for these last few years and i want to get back to go back to the beginning, what worked before? Because going by on instincts, while a great trait to have is going lets have something to back that instinct up so that i myself can reach that next level, that is what i want to achieve and on Monday, that is what is going to happen..and if it doesn't happen Monday, then it will happen soon enough.

     So Monday it is...back where i belong, sort of...its been a long road the last few years since leaving home..well not home in the traditional sense, but home in an away from home sort of way. Am i risking losing everything in the pursuit of impossible goals? What is there to lose? If one does not try than what has one really gained? Life in the real world has been scary...i've done the overseas thing and i have worked for some people with less than dubious character, i've lost the greatest influence in my life whom i still miss everyday, i've had to think for myself and sometimes that is so hard facing so many odds all alone without having that person to turn to and ask for his widsom and knowledge, always thinking and thinking..what would he do...

WWDD- What would Dad do? I think i know what he would say, what he always said, go for it, do your best and do not worry about what others think. Do what is best for you and even if it turns out not to be the best, at least you have given your best.

I am the author of my next is what must be done....

Welcome home Robb...sort's been awhile...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gun's 'N' Roses...i mean Axl's Roses Canadian Tour Dates....

Here are Axl & company's Canadian tour dates...wonder if they will be on stage before 11:30-12:00 this time? Here they are...

Janary 13th- Winnipeg MTS Centre

January 16th- Calgary Pengrowth Saddledome

January 17th- Edmonton Rexall Place

January 19th- Saskatoon Credit Union Centre

January 20th- Regina Brandt Centre

January 24th- Hamilton Copps Coliseum

January 25th- London John Labatt Centre

January 27th- Montreal Bell Centre

January 28th- Toronto Air Canada Centre

January 31st- Ottawa Scotiabank Place

Febuary 1st- Quebec City Colisee Pepsi

Febuary 3rd- Moncton Coliseum

Febuary 4th- Halifax Metro Centre

UCW Wrestling in Windsor!

Went to see UCW Wrestling last night at the War Memorial Community Center in Windsor, NS. I've been there a few times for Wrestling events over the years. Pictured is Wildman Gary Williams, the current UCW Wrestling Champ. I really love the belt, it reminds me of Curt Henning's AWA Title. It was a good night, took my nephews and they met WWE star Eugene who was nice enough to sign autographs and pose for pictures as well. I hope they return to Windsor as i like watching the events at the War Memorial, the smaller venue brings the fans closer to the action and you can really interact with the wrestling, cheer the good guys, boo the bad guys and at intermission the wrestlers always come out and sign autographs and pose for pics with the kids or whoever else. Another bonus is that the souvenir stand was selling ROH- Ring of Honor DVD's...something you dont see much of around these parts. I would like to see UCW give Middleton a try, sure the rink is in use now for Blues hockey and the like, but we have the NSCC gymnasium and Middleton High has a brand new gym that they just built. Advertise the daylights out of it, put up posters around town, maybe get an ad on the radio and i think the people would come out.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anvil: The Story of Anvil

This week i finally watched the documentary, "Anvil: The Story of Anvil"..sooooo..what did Old Man Robert Reid Hawley think? Well i saw lots of parallels...many moons ago in the 80s Anvil was a rising metal band, their videos were a staple of "The Power Hour" on MuchMusic back in the day and they used to show the track "Metal on Metal" alot which had footage of the band in front of a monsterous crowd in Japan and i lived in Japan for over half a year and if any place has a case of the rock n rolls it is definitly knew who the old school bands were and CD stores were to die for! Only place i have ever seen ALL the Night Ranger CDs...
As a Passage boy i bought "Metal on Metal" and "Forged in Fire" on cassette (Remember those?) and even had "Metal on Metal" on my cassette of K-Tel's "Masters of Metal Volume's I & II!!" Anyways then Anvil just well...disappeared...where did they go? Turned out these Canadian metal legends were working full time jobs working for a catering company and i believe as a carpenter...i was like...WTF?!?!?! Life had dealt the members of Anvil a raw deal while their metal counterparts like Metallica, Slayer and the others that they influenced were still selling out arenas and making platnum albums...
Many many people wrote Anvil off...hell people didnt even remember who Anvil was! I can see the point...many people wrote me off...that loser in high school that couldn't graduate, who did graduate but people laughed and laughed, didnt make it into the radio business (Kinda glad i didn't) and i worked many many crappy jobs that well...yeah they sucked...dishwasher, bingo attendant, cleaner, pizza driver, stock boy, gas jockey, video store clerk...what i do now... the list went on and on and on..other people float through life like pieces of crap, but yet i somehow managed to get my degree...go teach internationally and now once next week comes and with a little bit of lady luck riding on my shoulders...maybe just maybe i will complete the pieces of the puzzle.
Some wrote me off as a has-been or as i overheard one person say about me, "A never-was" but im still trying, im really trying all the time to make it, realize my destiny? Well im putting together the puzzle and i know i have found all the missing parts...the 11 herbs and spices maybe not...but i know im onto the secret recipe for Old Man Robb's success...or maybe when i saw this documentary, i realized that sometimes life does suck..watching Anvil go on a horrifying European tour which features a "Monsters of Rock" in Romania which draws 127 people...where other bands would have quit, they have perserved, watching record labels reject demos, one show where only some 5 people show up at a club...but the band doesn't give up...
The climax showing the band's triumpant return to Japan is heartwarming...even to a non-metalheads (Your poor people...listening to your Salad Dion...sigh....) it would be hard not to be moved in the slightest watching the band return to their former glory, even the sighting of a "NOVA" sign in the background during their time in Japan couldn't take the smile off my face...but what it is all about? People never giving up their dream, doing what they love when others laugh at them...having the last laugh is always a good thing.

UCW Wrestling Tour Dates!

Me and Cuban Assassin II at the Berk Arena during the summer of 2008. I shall be at the Windsor show tomorrow night!

October 22nd, 2009: Halifax, Halifax Forum Doors open: 7:00 pm Bell Time: 7:30 pm.
October 23rd, 2009: Windsor, Windsor War Memorial Community Centre Doors Open: 7:00 pm Bell Time: 7:30 pm.
October 24th, 2009: Eskasoni, Sarah Denny Cultural Centre, Doors Open: 2:30 pm Bell Time: 3:00 pm.
October 25th, 2009: Barrington Passage, Court Yard Place (formerly known as Barrington High), Doors Open: 2:30 pm Bell time: 3:00 pm.

Monday, October 19, 2009

So Close...And Not Really Far...

Hey there bloggeronies...what is new in Robert Reid Hawleyland? Well Well Well as of last week i made a sweet deal..a deal with the devil? No No No I raced with the devil before, Shouted at The Devil and lived to tell the tale. However last week i negotiated a new deal for myself, will i reveal it quite yet? Nope..not going to at this present time..why not reveal it Old Man Robb? Well it will reveal itself im sure, but not till after the 27th of October true believers...the piece of the puzzle will be back in town and then and only then the deal will go forward.

Why wait? Because i have to...what is the suprise? Lemmie tell you this is something i have been wanting for a long long time and no its probably not what you assume, what your thinking and all of that good ol stuff. Well then again maybe it "Rowdy" Roddy Piper likes to say, "Just When You Think You Have All The Answers, I Change The Questions." I will tell you this brothers and sisters that this deal is essentialls killing two birds with one stone, its the first part to something i have always wanted and i am smiling ear to frickin ear!

So all is well in Robert Reid Hawleyland, no worries whatsoever! Well as long as i don't let others waste my time that is...did you ever think that you did something good just once in your life? I mean be honest... ok ok i have done things in the past that were not that cool, i've hurt people so i guess that im the ultimate hypocrite when it comes to saying stuff like this, i guess i feel like i was taken for granted recently, helped someone out...i got sold a bill of goods...maybe it was a misunderstanding...but it didn't tickle...i guess that is what it feels like to not be the only hypocrite in the world...

Oh? What's a hypocrite? Its our new word of the day boys and girls...

"Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy is thus a kind of lie. Hypocrisy may come from a desire to hide from others actual motives or feelings. It is a common fallacy to—in an ad hominem attack—accuse someone of being a hypocrite in an attempt to invalidate their argument. In other words, just because someone is a hypocrite, that does not make them wrong."

The above pic was taken at the West Kings game the other night, it was a return of sorts for me as i volunteered at West Kings games for three seasons- 1991-92/ 1992-93 and came back to announce in 1995-96 while i was attending Kingstec. WK lost to Avon Port 7-4. What struck me was the crowd support. A few years ago i believe in 2005 i went to a WK-Middleton game and the crowd was well...for a lack of a better word pretty dead, so i was pleasantly suprised at the turn out and the fact that there were WK souvinears for sale! That crowd made more noise than football crowds at Acadia! Anyways it was a good night, tickets are still cheap at $4 per person and i hope to attend some more games this season.

PS- The West Kings Tournament is this weekend at the Kingston is a schedule:

Friday, October 23rd:

Saturday, October 24th:

Sunday, October 25th:
2:45 -4:15- first place b /SECOND PLACE A

Anyways folks, that's it...have a good one!

Ramones - My-My Kind of Girl [[acoustic demo]]

This should have been on the album instead of the regular version i thinks...

When I saw you on 8th street
You could make my life complete, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're my-my kind of a girl

And when I saw you by
The jukebox, ow-ow
You put a quarter in and played
My favorite song too, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're my-my kind of a girl

I think we'd look pretty good together,
Walking through a winter wonderland
And this time I think it's forever
I hope your parents understand
When I saw you by the Peppermint Lounge
You were lost but you've been found, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're my-my kind of a girl

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sha Na Na - Teen Angel

Love this version of this oldie performed at Woodstock in 69...i think this was like Sha Na Na's 7th or 8th gig, can spot Jimi at 1:17 enjoying it...The song is about a girl who is out on a ride with her boyfriend. Their car is stalled on a railroad track when he pulls her to safety. But when she runs back, she gets hit by a train. When they find her body, the narrator's high school class ring is in her hand, apparently the reason that she ran back....

"Teen angel, teen angel, teen angel, ooh, ooh

That fateful night the car was stalled
upon the railroad track
I pulled you out and we were safe
but you went running back
Teen angel, can you hear me
Teen angel, can you see me
Are you somewhere up above
And I am still your own true love
What was it you were looking for
that took your life that night
They said they found my high school ring
clutched in your fingers tight
Teen angel, can you hear me
Teen angel, can you see me
Are you somewhere up above
And I am still your own true love
Just sweet sixteen, and now you're gone
They've taken you away.
I'll never kiss your lips again
They buried you today
Teen angel, can you hear me
Teen angel, can you see me
Are you somewhere up above
And I am still your own true love
Teen angel, teen angel, answer me, please"

Time to Babble....


     Its been too too long since i wrote on this frickin thing, ok so you didn't wait as long Chinese Democracy...which wasnt a full-blown catastrphe...but instead tolerable mediocrity...(Change your band's name Axl...your not G'n'R anymore!!!) Something has been stewing on my mind for weeks night after another night of being mr nice dude at work i went to Tims for my relaxing, shouldnt drink it at night but im going to anyways cup of medium double double when the dimwit behind the counter makes a statement about my "Acadia Alumni" sticker on the car...
     Now now first of all when you serving the public you keep your shit to yourself, i know the customer may be the biggest assclown on the face of the planet, that he or she has come in when your closing and or you have just cleaned your store and her they are messing up your shit and just making you want to send them to intensive care...but yet you keep shit to yourself...i mean wait until they leave till you let no one around you know your oh so deep thoughts, but anyways this clown says to me, "Aren't you a little too old for that?" that line..."Aren't you a little too old for that?"
     What is wrong with this picture? Someone telling me im too old to be proud of what i accomplished? That i shouldn't proudly wear that big "A" on my sleeve? Lemmie tell you something...i was in classes with people where some people were in their 40s, 50s...hell even 60s... education is not just a young persons game, at least not nowadays, but no leave it to idiot commentators who have never even tried, who can't leave their fucking videogames alone to see that there is more of a big world out there.
     Too many people just refuse to get out of their comfort zones..oh sure i have worked for years in retail, serving the public, doing jobs that i didnt want to do, but i had to do in order to make $$$...but at least i tried, i wanted to live my dream , went to Acadia, Mount A and back to Acadia again...too many people told me i couldn't and i did...people now tell me i can't and i will. I don't want to rest on my laurels of past accomplishments, i still have stuff i want to do, and i will do it. I have been to Japan, i have been to South Korea, i've come home time and time again with sometimes noticible black smoke coming from my head...but i rise up and i do it many others can say the same? How many others just throw in the towel? it reads like a confusing fricking mess up there, but those are my deep thoughts i know...Old Man Robb saying the same old shit over and over again because he is probably developing alzheimers or something and is well slightly off his rocker again...but i am proud of that "A" i proudly wear and im not peeling off my bumper sticker for some jabroni who wont shut his damn trap...your never too old to learn more, but years bring more experience than books...but you learn to get that experience, nothing like being Two Steps From The Move and not being able to grasp onto your dreams no matter how close that you are, but it is another thing entirely to have never tried....

Keep well Peeps...lots of morons out there...

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Get To Know Me/ Questions of the Day.....

Lately i've been filling out these "Get To Know Me/ Question of the Day " thingies on are quite a few of them combined for whoever's enjoyment...

What state do you live in?: I Live in Canada silly...

Do you like the state you live in?:  It has it moments
What other states or countries have you lived in?: Japan and South Korea

Are you still searching for the perfect person for you?:  Im searching...not seeing..but searching...hell im not even really looking...
Jelly Belly flavor?: Those black ones are pretty good...
Thing about someone in your family?: Never a dull moment...
Beverage? Colt 45

Food you would take on a picnic? KFC, coleslaw, macaroni salad, tater-tot casserole, beans and weiners, Colt 45 and some Namino bars for dessert....what woman could resist?

Had a one night stand? Shhhhhhhhhh....
Said WTF to someone? Many many times...
Been bummed out because your inbox was empty? Only when waiting for something...
Your favorite pet's name: Gizzy & Maggie
The breed of dog you own or have owned?: Shitzu, Dashound, Valley bull

One thing you've always wanted to do?: Many many things...
the best Halloween costume you've ever had?: Jason Voorhees....first time in 86...

the longest you've ever been in the car at one time?: Those family trips to the States...last one way back in 92 was a blast.
If you were stranded on a tropical island, what three things would you want with you?:  Me, Heather Locklear and some Colt 45...
Have you ever wanted to be on Survivor?:  They sang Eye of the Tiger...

If you could swim in any liquid what would it be?: Dr Pepper
dated a relative by accident?:  Where do you people come up with this shit?
ever stayed awake for more than 24 hours?: Yes...dummy thing to do
Are you single, engaged or married?: NONE, NONE and NONE
How old are you?:  Too old...38
What is your body type?: Plump
Do you tan?: I Burn
What is something you insist on when looking for a partner?: Can you put up with me?
Will you always have feelings for your first love?: Who?
Have you found the love of your life?: Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
Cake? DQ Ice Cream Cake
NFL team? Minnesota Vikings

slept outside without a tent?:  I think it was called passed out
slid across the room on your socks?:  I tried to dance like Tom Cruise in Risky Business...shhhhhhhhhhhh

witnessed a crime?: Yes...HAmilton being robbed of their NHL team
the worst thing you've ever eaten?: Something in S Korea im sure
What cartoon character are you most like?: Mr getting old

Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?: Take
Are you a beach, country or city person?: Beach Baby Beach Baby Gimmie Your Hand....
climbed a tree as an adult?:  Yes
ever seen Niagara Falls?: 1976..holy frick im old!
Do people mispronounce your name often?:  Holly as in Buddy..or Spark Plug Bob Holly
Do you usually smell really good?: Sure do! Right Guard and Irish Spring baby!
What is your current relationship status?:  VERY VERY VERY SINGLE
How often do you talk to your parents?:  Talk to Momma all the time, would love to chat with Dad

What sibling are you closest to?:  None really
place to swim?:  Crystal Falls
thought you saw a ghost?:  Yes
not gone to work because you were hung over?:  Nope...i went
used a computer at the library?:  Yes here in Middleton
the longest you've ever gone without sex?: Too Long...
the longest you've gone single?:  Years and Years...
Do you like seafood? Yes
taken a bath this morning? Yes
Been on a date recently? NO
Do you wish you were taller?: Sometimes....
Do you wish you weighed less?: yeah
Are you the oldest, youngest or middle child?:  Youngest...
Do you have brothers, sisters or both?:  All
Do you like to cuddle?:  Im very a Muppet

TV Channel?:  TSN
Radio Station?:  They all suck nowadays...good song, then crappy song...
felt insignificant?:  from time to time...
gotten an indecent proposal?:  on Hooker Hill

been to a wedding that you believed would never last?:  Yeah....a few
been in a wedding?:  Yeah...that too
your middle name?: Reid
something that always cheers you up when you are down?:  A few Keiths...a good road to a few friends

Do you twitter?: I had it sucked
Do you have a facebook account?:  We are on one
Do you forward jokes via email?: No and people who do need a kick in the junk
Do you have a library card?:  Yes i do
ever opened up something from your fridge and didn't know what it was?: Gizzy & Maggie's food
ever been on a boat?: Yes
ever been cow tipping?:  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Are you a giver or taker?:  Depends what we are giving or taking
Are you usually grumpy?:  Sometimes in the morning...this coffee is helping though
Does a long term commitment make you feel trapped?:  Im free as can be right now...and i LOVE IT!
hangout?: The Vil for a cold beer before some college football..speaking of which that is today!

sexual position?: Wouldnt you like to know!
dessert?:  Namino Bars!
pair of pajamas?:  My red and blue flannel jammies
changed clothes in a car?:  Yes....
ridden a mechanical bull?:  I want to...
yelled at your television?:  The Habs make me lose my voice!
the most annoying sport?: Andy Clay said it best..."Golf is like watching flies fuck."
your least favorite meal?:  Some of that Korean stuff i had last year
your bedtime?:  Anytime...
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?: Axemen football tonight @ 7:00!

What did you want to be when you were little?: Lots of things- rock star, hockey player, pro wrestler...i ended up being a S*** disturber! LOL
ever kissed a picture?:  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ever felt pathetic?: Oh i few times...
ever given a homeless person money?: Yes during a pub crawl
ever compared a recent photo of yourself to an old one?:  Damn i've gotten

ever peed somewhere other than a toilet?:  All the time!
have a piggy bank?: Montreal Canadiens piggybank

get in trouble for talking a lot?: Back in the day
know anyone that says exactly what they think?: Yes
tip well at restaurants?: If the service warrants it
What is something you'd like to do that you haven't done in awhile?: Teach
the month that is busiest for you?: September
the worst present a woman could give her mother in law?: Me
the worst present you've ever gotten?: My brother got a Ken doll for Christmas...pretty funny
Do you hate your ex? If so, why?: Which one? Too many reasons....
Are you a virgin?: I wish sometimes...
What is your marital status?: VERY single
No matter how hard I try I can't....: be normal.
At least once a week I....: apply for another teaching job
traffic ticket?: 1995
drivers license?: 1991
thing you do in the morning?: Brush my teeth
Last time you bought a computer?: 2006...time again soon
time you were at the grocery store?: Needs last night
time you hugged someone?: Just gave Gizzy n Maggie a hug...does that count?
Age?: 38 and counting

Gender?: Male
Race?: Whitey
School or job?: JOB
Middle Name?: Reid
Have you Ever met someone with a really weird name? If so, what was it?: Bill Gilligan...but we never met
shaved your head?: buzzcut in summer of 1995
Do you have to wear a uniform every day?: NO
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: Quite a few
toothpaste?: Crest
deodorant?: Right Guard
soap?: Irish Spring
Have you Ever been shot or stabbed?: A few have wanted me to...
been at the wrong place at the wrong time?: Hooker Hill
literally peed yourself laughing?: Almost...
floated down a river in an inner tube?: Yes
Do you take your dog for walks?: All the a matter of fact in a few minutes...

ever go to the store and only get what you went for?: Sometimes no...
go on vacation once a year?: I try
go out of town a lot?: Japan...S Korea

own more than one car?: I wish
What is the exact time right now?: 11:06 AM
going to happen in one hour?: I will be showered...have some lunch..working at 2:00
something fun you did today?: Woke up
something you have to do before the end of the day?: Work
shampoo or conditioner?: Shampoo
spend or save?: Both!
cash or credit?: Cold hard cash
I'm so glad this weekend I got to.....: Go watch the Axemen lose in the dark. :(
I can't wait for....: My next teaching assignment
I totally love....: Kraft Dinner
what is the first name of the person you miss the most?: Colin (Dad)
what is the first black object you see when you look around?: Stapler
first thought when you see a police officer?: What did i do?
Last song you heard on the radio?: Thin Lizzy- The Boys Are BAck in Town
time you changed clothes?: Last night
time you washed your hair?: Yesterday...gonna again in a few minutes
food you ate?: Pizza slice last night
food you prepared?: Made pizza yesterday...Chef Robb!
Have you Ever been a manager somewhere?: YEs
been to a nude beach?: I should....
been in a wedding?: YEs
Do you sing in the car?: Always..."Jessie is a friend....yeah i know he's been a good friend of mine..but lately something changing..blab blab blab.."

care what people think of you?: Sometimes...
What is the best thing about your mom?: Her unpredictability
the best thing about your dad?: His sense of understanding
the silliest thing you've ever done in public?: MANY THINGS
french fries or tator tots?: "Hey Napoleon..gimmie some of your tots"
scary movie or comedy?: VEry scary!
The last time I moved was....: Moved home from S Korea in June
My favorite show on tv right now is...: NONE
Last DVD you bought?: WWE's The Best of Saturday Night's Main Event

last movie you saw in a theater?: Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day
last thing you downloaded?: Ramones- Ramonesmania 2

last place you drove to?: Work
last time you laughed so hard your side hurt?: Friday night at Barry's

Do you smoke?: HEll No!

Did you go to college?: HEll YES!
What college do you or did you go to?: Acadia University/ Mount Allison University
What was/is your major?: History/ Sociology
Favorite College Sport?: Acadia Axemen football baby!

Professional Sport?: Hockey
Soup?: Campbell's Mushroom
Breakfast food?: Those Tim Horton Bfest sandwhiches
Do you have a common name?: YEs

What month is your birthday in?: March
What day of the week were you born?...: 15th
Where are you from?: The Passage

Do you still live in the city you were born in?: No
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Death by Chocolate
side order?: A&W onion rings
way to have a burger?: BBQ
Have you Ever worn your pajamas out of your house?: All the time walking the dogs
tried to write a book?: I would need a decade
borrowed a book from the library?: Yes
gotten super glue all over your fingers?: Now i WAnna Sniff Some Glue- Awesome Ramones tune!

Do you love someone but they don't love you?: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh
feel that you give more of yourself than you should?: YEs i do sometimes
fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow?: yes
ever sleep in too late?: I have
What is your worst habit?: BEing myself
something you hope people think of you?: Im entertaining
your favorite kind of wine?: ick..rancid shit
McDonalds or Burger King?: BK all the way
Love or Lust?: Bring on the lust baby
Concert or Play?: If its a good concert...if its country, rap, Bon Jovi, Pickledick or Nicklebeck or whatever they are called or Celine Dijon im bring a bag of frickin rocks to throw!
Have you ever used an online dating service?: Yeah...shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The color that looks best on me is...: Back in Black
My favorite pie is....: Poontang Pie
The last time I threw up it was because...: Had a quesy stomach in S Korea....lasted awhile but when i got home it was gone...go figure...
Who bought your first car?: Dad and me went splits on a 1986 Acadia Chevette in 1992

What did you do with your first paycheck?: Blew it buying tapes and metal t-shirts at the Penhorn MAll
What is the first thing you do when you get home?: Take off my sneakers
When was the last time you ate seafood?: Ate some at Boondocks in the Passage in early September
When was the last time you put gas in your car?: Monday
When was the last time you argued with someone?: Me and Momma have pointless ones all of the time...usually forget them like an hour later...LOL
Is your hair curly or straight?: Beatle Bowl
How many kids do you have?: ZERO
Would you like 8 kids?: What... the hell is this? Eight is Enough? Think im Dick Van Patten or something?

Favorite source of entertainment?: Just being myself....entertaining enough
Have you Ever dressed sexy for your spouse?: I dress sexy all the frickin time!
What is the next vehicle you'd like to own?: JEEP
likely to happen tonight at 7pm?: Be stuck at work....
different about your life now from a year ago?: Was teaching at this time last year....mind you for a bunch of banditos...but teaching
something you'd like to change about your life?: Wanna get teaching again....
Scooby Doo or Shaggy?: Shags....its so rude the way Scoobs snatches food from him...if it were me the damn mutt would be finding out what the five fingers say to the face...SLAP!
Movie Theater or DVD?: Drive in
How did you meet your current love?: Colt 45? We met at the Wolfville NSLC

For lunch today I want a.....: Salad and slice of McCain's Pizza
tattoo?: The Plane! The Plane!

time you saw a professional sports game?: Well saw an Axemen hockey exhibition game Sat night...we beat Dal 7-1, damn place was empty...big party on campus Sat night..wondered why no one was there...

Last time you were in a Walmart?: A couple of months ago...
time you ate chocolate?: A few nights ago i had a DQ one w/ lots of cookies...good stuff