Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just Wondering...

Here is a note i wrote on Facebook today...thought i would share it here as well :)

Lately ol Robb has been sitting back and thinking..and sometimes that can be a dangerous thing indeedy. What is on my mind? Well quite a bit course, finishing my course, maintaining my average, getting my ESL Teaching Certification and of course how well Acadia sports and the Habs will do! Anywho there is something that boggles this old brain about all this great technology and the technology that Old Man Robb is referring to today is this site right here...Facebook..good ol Facebook..or Crackbook as i have heard it be referred to...

What i am wondering is why do some people add me to their Facebook or accept a friendship request from me in the first not saying this about all people, but well quite a few? Especially is they are not going to talk to me...esp if i message them or write on their wall just a friendly response...why? Did Robb do something wrong? Am i not cool enough to drop a friendly line back to? Especially when it is old friends from long time ago...what is it? Is Facebook just a popularity tool for people to say oh look how many friends i have? Look how big my list is? Life is not a popularity contest...basically life in the real world can suck really bad sometimes and other times it can be quite rewarding based on personal accomplishment.

If you don't want me on your list...say so! It's ok gang will still go on.. i will still get my ESL Certification, i will still realize my dream of being a teacher in the next year or so and helping people, the Leafs will still suck, movies will still be bogged down with crappy CGI, i will still go on about the virtues of Colt 45 and someway...somehow Carey Price will still be a Hab even though i legally think he should change his name to Red Light Price...all im saying is in the outside world outside of Facebook, nothing will change and life will still go on as planned. Perhaps people realize...holy shit! Look at this crazy dude! What a wanker! I know in real life (Whoa! What a concept!) that if i don't want to talk to someone, im not going to ring them up, stop on the street to say hello if i run into them shopping or sitting at a pub or what have you...should FB be any different?

Don't get me wrong..i like coming on here, i love chatting to old friends from back in the day, from the beginnings in the Passage, to WK, to Kingstec, to Acadia U, to Mount A, to Acadia U (Again!) and from Japan and S Korea and all theinteresting and non-so-interesting jobs that i have held over the years and all kinds of other people that i have randomly met or never met over the years but added cause we had a common interest over something....I do realize that people have grown up, have jobs and so on and so on and don't check this thing...heck some people have accounts and haven't checked them in eons! However if you don't find the time to answer a quick hello over the course of two months or so...or a year...why have me on your FB?

Anyways that is my two cents for the day...have to do some homework...WTF is this lingusitics...linguini stuff all aboot anyways....

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