Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rain...Rain...Go Away

Hello people and scum of the Earth..what is a happening? Well same old same old in the world of Sir Robert Reid Hawley Esquire...where to start? Well tonight is going to be a fun night indeedy as me and Sir Blair are heading out around 5ish and headed to Raymond Field to go watch the Axemen Vs STFX in a nighttime game!!! Saturday Night Lights! And the big announcement is tonight we are VIP!!! Yes we are actually going to be able to get a beer and sit down with the damn thing right in our seats! And for the $19 bucks that VIP costs it better be darnwell worth it!!!  The pic of the new grandstand comes courtesy of Jerry Neville's AVR will be nice to go sit and have our beer in a seating area, last time it felt like the Cantina sscene in Star Wars w/o us having VIP tickets..."We don't serve your kind here!"

Last week wasn't so great for the Axemen though as they travelled to Bishops and promptly lost 31-16 to the Gators who were up 31-0 at the halftime, so the Axemen did manage to make somewhat of a game of it in the last 2 quarters...but not enough..however we are good to go because SMU, STFX and Mount A all managed to lose their games to our Quebec counterparts...I do think interleague play is good cause it is a chance to see a different team and a break up some of the monotony, however with the new stadium built in Moncton i thinks we are going to see expansion coming sooner than later to the AUS

Of course there was the revelation this week that the Uteck Bowl is moving to do i feel about that? Well i think Halifax dropped the ball, Mayor Kelly and his gang were doing the old it aien't broke so don't fix it and left town..see if Halifax had taken the Commonwealth Games, then we woould have had a new stadium built, we can long for a CFL team all we want till the frickin cows come home, but the point remains that will remain a pipedream at best until we have a stadium..Moncton has expand the seating in that stadium to a good 25,000 seats if they want to with room for a 5,000 or so on the field fot a big size concert attraction...and the CFL having an game being played in it this week..heck Moncton might get a CFL franchise before Halifax ever does.. I really think Halifax dropped the ball on this one and that is too bad....

What else is happening?
Well i am onto chapter two of Education 4683: Intro to Linguistics and Chapter Two is concentrating on phonetics..what is phonetics? Phonetics is the knowledge of a language, including knowing what sounds are in the language and how they may be strung together to form these meaningful units. In contrast to phonetics, phonology is the study of how sounds and gestures pattern in and across languages, relating such concerns with other levels and aspects of language. Phonetics deals with the articulatory and acoustic properties of speech sounds, how they are produced, and how they are perceived. Pictured below is the North American Phonemic Chart...oh boy Robb's got lots to do...sigh..

I did however order "Great Gonzos- The Best of Ted Nugent" from the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's...why Old Man Robb..why? Well i know it is the day and age of the MP3 and i am as guilty as anyone walking the earth of doing this...however i must agree with a roomate that i had in Japan when he said something along the lines of "I like going over to people's places and seeing their CD's...something to look at.." and it is true..who wants to look at a bunch of blank CD-R's? Plus i had Great Gonzos on cassette back in the day and it went along with a BIG box of cassettes ..some 100 or more cassettes to good ol Tash..why? Well cause i did not have a tape deck anymore and alot of them had been replaced...except for Black Sabbath's Born Again (Miss that one alot) and a few others...

Sadly Intensities In 10 Cities was out of stock...  :(

Finally got out to see the EXPENDABLES this week at the Zedex!!!! It really delivered the goods...was glad to see Stallone back on the screeen for the first time since Rambo IV and to see that cameo with him, Arnold and Bruce Willis was great as was the return to the big screen of Dolph Lungren and of course all the star power with Statham, Li, Couture, Stone Cold, Eric Roberts and Mickey Rourke who mumbled and mumbled for about ten minutes about some lost im pretty sure there will be a part two...who should Sly get? Chuck Norris? Jim Kelly? Mr T? John Saxon? Van Damme? The possibilities are endless for a sequel and they could make a few of these things...

And yes i am going to order this one next...
Alot of people might not be aware of this and i wasn't as a kid renting the original SPM from the Dairy Bar in the Passage, but the original flick as well as the two sequels were all directed and written by a woman..that was quite rare back in the 80s hayday of the slasher flick! Yes it was and still is a slasher classic, of course it is overshadowed by Friday The 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and countless others, but it has become somewhat of a cult classic amongst slasher fans and people who love 80s cheesy flicks...

Of course this is the one i want out of the set...
Another classic from the Dairy Bar...this time the killer is brought back as a rocker with a big ass drillbit on the head of his guitar..nope that is not a misprint true believers...

Oh yeah last weekend for the drive-in located in Coldbrook..didn't go out at all to it this summer..why? Well there was never two movies together that i wanted to see and really folks i want to make it worth my $$$ to go to the drive-in..don't get me wrong now..i love the drive-in, it is a relic from the past that we here in the Valley are very lucky to have as well...there are not too many of the darn things left anywhere...and i know they make lots of cash off catering to families and playing alot of kiddie stuff and indoor bullstuff as the great Joe Bob Briggs would say...ahh to dream of those nostalgia days of the drive-in..triple features and the if the adults could have one of the week, say a Sunday night to cater to them that would be good, i know that would probably cost $$$...but it would still be pretty cool...

Ahhh...the glory days...

Well i did attend the Axemen Vs STFX game last Saturday at Acadia Arena...we lost 2-1 in a really decent game as part of the Don Wells tournament and well there are some things i would love to babble hear me out aboot this one.. it was a really really rough game we had going there and lots of scrums after alot of plays in the game between two old rivals...and i know fighting is banned at the AUS level..but what would happen if it wasn't? I could hear fans ...or what few fans attended and they were obviously newbies because they were wondering how come no one is dropping the gloves...i just wonder if even if percieved as cheap, would spike attendance..just something i have always wondered...The Flyers in the 70s, The Red Wings in the 80s with Kocur and Probert..MSG was sold out in minutes knowing Domi and Probert were going to go at not condoning it folks so do not damn me for it...but im just wondering if more people's curiousity would be settled...the rough stuff draws them in...the quality of play they discover is happening keeps them there...just a thought...cause it is sad with this level of hockey to see this...

Oh and before i go away not quietly into the night...what is up with this?

Now come on! The tickets used to have BK coupons on the back and if you presented the ticket after the game at BK and got a Whopper, then you got a second Whopper FREE and did you hear that word true believers? FREE!!!! Now i like going to Joe's and Scottskins are like GOLD in WolfVegas...but come on now..half price? That is just plain silly..come on Joe's offer them things up for free ...i guarantee a spike in business after the game is over and like anyone could eat two plates of them things in one sitting!!!

Anywho folks that is enough babbling from Old Man Robb..i've got some more homework to do on this rainy Saturday afternoon in Middleton and then at 5 i am leaving for tonight's Axemen-STFX match-up...have a good one!!!!

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