Sunday, January 09, 2011

Dysfunctional Sunday...

Hello again peeps and assorted are things in Old Man Robb land? Well things are well..going i guess.. right now i am presently working on my second major assignment for Education 4683 and its getting Alexander Keith said..slowly..surely...taking the time to get it right.. after this chapter there are only three chapters left and there are only some eight weeks left in the sure Old Man Robb can get three chapters done in eight weeks..cmon now! Anyways the first major question is about morphemes..what is a morpheme Old Man Robb?

 Morphemes are what make up words. In Linguistics, a morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a given language. This is the definition established in 1933 by the American linguist Leonard Bloomfield.
Often, morphemes are thought of as words but that is not always true.  Some single morphemes are words while other words have two or more morphemes within them.  Morphemes are also thought of as syllables but this is incorrect. Many words have two or more syllables but only one morpheme. In the English language, morphemes may also be classified into the following types: root, stem, or affix. A root, sometimes called a base, is the morpheme which gives the word its meaning. For example, the root morpheme “bird” gives the word “birds” its meaning, which is a particular type of animal. A stem is the root of a word combined with any affixes. An affix is a morpheme that comes at the beginning, called a prefix, or at the end, called a suffix, of a root morpheme.

Hopefully, asssignment #2 will be finished this week and then i can begin chapter eight... hope to have it all finished before the beginning of can get hard, esp now that i am the interm manager at the store formerly known as Andrew's, but with a bit of luck and spare time i can get it done...

How's about those Axemen? A big win on the road this weekend over PEI followed by a  big ol 6-0 loss to UNB..right now UNB is #1 so in reality folks that is not a major suprise there...the only thing that makes me kind of roll my eyes is that i was reading the CIS Blog about UNB and i guess their fans must take them for granted because i guess there have been lots of empty seats for the games..sound familiar??!?!!? Hopefully this coming weekend i can get out to either the Friday night game against STFX or the Saturday night game against SMU..

Because of weather fears i did stay in last night and watched the Habs-Bruins game..i must say it gave me great pleasure in seeing the Habs bounce back and beat the Big Bad Bruins in OT.. this also means the Habs have beaten the Bruins some five times in a row now...what is sad was big ol Zendo Chara's temper tantrum after the game..going after the Habs, including 5 foot nothing Scott Gomez...ya know what they say folks? The bigger they are, the harder they fall...don't believe me..someday Chara with his big ol reach advantage and size is going to pick a fight against an opponent and end up on the shitty end of the stick? Still don't believe me? Well don't stop believin because i can still remember as a kid the Stan Jonathon-Pierre Bouchard battle where Bouchard was the reigning heavyweight champ of the NHL after taking care of David Schultz and well fought little Stan Jonathon...this scrap ended Bouchard in Montreal and Jonathon was crowned the Heavyweight champ of the NHL...

I do have some things to get off my mind..i know i am back at Andrew's...i find it funny how people don't follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Robbblogs and alot of other places...i know that i tend to come across as lame brained sometimes..i might come across as dumb, but im not stupid..i hear the peole chatting about how Robb went to university all this time and here he is managing in Middleton...they don't seem to notice that i am still going..last year i maintained a 4.0 many other people would love to have maintained a 4.0 GPA?!?!?!?! I made 86% on my first assignment this year! People love to bash and bash and what is funny is that some of these people who assume don't even know me and what is sadder is that some of these people on FB even though we may be FB friends, they really haven't chatted to me in years..some people think they are elite, high and mighty..but really how many of us have taken the easy way out? There is no easy way out folks...some other people just wanna sit on the couch all day, waiting for somebody to come and give them something..its a dog eat dog world out there and some just don't want it while some of the rest of us are just biding our time..waiting for our opportunities...alot of people don't realize either that when i am done Linguistics, then it is on to part three of my TESOL course and onto the Aquisition of Language (Educ 4863) and then probably in the Fall if all goes well i have to complete a 20 hour practicum that included observing 10 hours of ESL classes and then 10 hours of TEACHING an ESL class at Acadia sit back...take a long swig of hooch and or whatever Kool-Aid your drinking and re-read that ....ROBERT REID HAWLEY will be teaching at ACADIA UNIVERSITY..not some rooty poo english school in Japan or some misleading hagwon in S Korea...some people just don't get it...they think they know me...and they really don't...sad

I don't mind being there..i really don't...sure it can make for difficult times..but remember it is leading to something better..i am still doing well at the educational level...doing well at courses that in 2008 i was denied access to full time being turned down for the education program at Acadia U... once again i am showing people that i am more than capable of succeeding where they or them or whoever the cowards are think that i will not...sometimes it is important to look beyond marks...marks are just a number..a friend told me once that "C's equals degrees" but they also come back to haunt you when you need something the does feel like its 1998 all over again..working all the time at Andrews and taking courses from Acadia U...reminds me of that song from Slap Shot..."We Gotta Get Right Back To Where We Started From..."

Is the Turkey Burger in Cookesville closed for the season? The family was down the South Shore last week and told me that it sure looked closed...just wondering...

I think the first feel-good story of 2011 is the homeless man with the Golden Voice..Ted Williams who was one minute a panhandler, the next minute he was being chased countless radio stations and even the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers for a job...what a voice i must say..Mr Williams personal life and career in radio was destroyed by addictions to alcohol and drugs..but im glad they did not destroy his voice or his zest for talking and showed more life in that clip that alot of today's radio announcers.. ...lots of today's radio station announcers now are have grown stagnant..they just come to work..punch in and punch out like clockwork..why? Well i think there is so much of being told what to do and when to do it and alot of times a radio announcers true personality fails to show through, alot of the time there are also script doctors whom slow things down for announcers as well..well sponsors $$$ runs..i mean ruins radio as it is.. this man seems like he was wanting to work just to earn his next meal..see what happens when one gets a second chance? Some people in this world who are in positions of power (And some who should not be in those positions in the first place) take one look and say no...the video of Ted Williams changed everything for him and that is good. How many other talents are there out there waiting to be recognized or not being given a second chance? I waisted a year of my life at radio school..but i knew the skills were there and i proved it during my stints on Radio Acadia and on CHMA... some people should not be judges of talent...

Speaking of people with nothing better to do..what about that protest against Don Cherry supporting Canadian troops? I have no problem whatsoever with Grapes honouring our Canadian soldiers, especially those who have passed on. Never once have i heard Cherry say that he was pro-war and or anything like that. He is Pro-Canadian..not pro war. Mr Chery is entitled to his opinion and you know what? If you do not like it then these people can just turn the channel...all your doing is getting your fifteen minutes of fame or trying to...leave it to these damn morons to try and get Grapes into this mess just to get a headline...stupid

Im sure glad to see Facebook groups for both the Market and Billy Bob's Pizzeria in Wolfville (Or Wolfvegas..) The Market has been an institution in Wolfvegas since i believe 1971 and Billy Bobs since my first year there back in 98...hard to believe that a KFC could fail in a university town! Or did it? I've also seen Greco Pizza leave Wolfville, i think due to the Pizza wars in town and the ultimate rumor is that Raunchy Ron was supposed to come to town years ago and it was shot down...i can't see McDicks not wanting to be in Wolfveagas...i mean there was one in Sackville when i went to Mount A... weird..

Friday night i went down to Brickton to visit my old friend Barry and his wife Michelle who made the best Philly Cheesesteak was the suprise visit from Barry's brother Terry who had something with him...OMG...he brought with him a VHS of us hanging out together back in 1993!!!!! Eighteen years ago! My eyeballs almost fell out truebelievers....i could not believe that there was a younger version of Old Man Robb doing fake kung-fu against the invisiable man outside MRHS and us driving around Middleton and Greenwood..weird to see no Tims in Middleton and alot of houses and businesses that are gone now in us hanging out at my home...i could not believe that was me..wrestling my friends on the floor..dryhumping everyone..i was laughing but so damn redfaced at the same time...have i grown up?!?!? Well maybe im not dryhumping everyone...but omg..i just didn't know when enough was enough...why? Was it the need for attention..was it always wanting to be the life of the party when there was no party? Center of attention or just being an a-hole? No wonder some of them don't talk to me all that this goes back to what i said earlier in this blog..people remember then, but have no clue as to how you are now...would you have thought then i would go to university and teach in Japan and S Korea?!?!!? Hell No! I would have been lucky to have a job washing cars! much has changed, but some has stayed the same..maybe im the blame...
Thanks for the visual trip back in time boys.... :)

What is a scary story originating out of Halifax is the recent robberies of gay men whom have been targeted by thieves using Plentyoffish...i know i have been a member of POF over the years and the site itself has been bashed by many (Plentyofsex...amongst other names) and well i have experienced good and bad with the site, but a story like this is scary and one doesn't have to be gay or bi or anything like that to have a meeting set up with someone who has something else in mind (Like robbing you...) However when you meet someone off a dating site for the first time..exercise caution and meet in a public place..go for a Tims or go for dinner..bowling..something with lots of people around..of course im guilty as anyone of not meeting them in public (Meeting them at their home...never know who's there...stupid Old Man Robb..) I know lots of peolpe who met their mate online, got married and all the rest... I hope these recent happenings in Halifax don't scare people off dating sites...just use caution..

One thing i was hoping for and at this point it doesn't look like it is going to happen is Motorhead coming back to Halifax...i saw them here in 2005 and it was a frickin good jealous of friends who are going to see the gigs in Calgary and in Toronto...wish Lemmy would change his mind..why are some of the legends not choosing Halifax?!?! Iron Maiden's new tour didn't include us...Ozzy's..Alice Cooper..Rob Zombie etc etc...anyways for those who might read this here are Motorhead's scheduled Canadian tour dates...
02/07/2011 CA Vancouver - Vogue
02/09/2011 CA Edmonton - Edmonton Event Centre
02/10/2011 CA Calgary - Flames Central
02/12/2011 CA Winnipeg - Burton Cummings Theatre
02/25/2011 CA Kitchener - Elements
02/26/2011 CA Toronto - Koolhouse

I did stop into the Capital Pub here in town after work on Thursday and me and Justin ordered the wings...darn good but man oh man i can remember going into the Dirty Touque (aka The Top Hat) years ago and or well not too too long ago and BAM! Wings were like 5 cents or 10 they are what?!?! 25...50 cent wings? Inflation! They were good though... i just wish they would change their music once in a blue moon...i like the 80s as much as the next dude or dudette but man i think they loop and loop that thing over and over and over again! I should find my vinyl of K-Tel's Hit Express here somewhere and ask them to loop that!

Finally...whew...i must comment on Team Canada's epic loss to the Russians at the World Junior' i have seen losses before that made my mouth fall to the floor..heck i remember as a kid the mighty Oilers having a 5-0 lead over the LA Kings in the opening round of the playoffs and they sat on their lead, the Oilers thought they had it in the bag and WHAMMO! LA scored some six straight goals to win the game 6-5!!!!

Team Canada played a great game...for 40 minutes...they forgot to play in the third and got beaten by the better team...a lesson in the fine art of playing hockey..we lost folks...plain and simple..the worst thing anyone can do is stop doing what brought you to the dance..they stopped hitting and assumed a defensive stance in the 3rd cheap goals..the coach didn't take the win away..the ref didn't take the win away..the timekeepers, the dude selling one to blame..only in Canada would winning the silver medal be the same as dying...or subject to intense scrutiny from an entire nation...mind you the Russians also got kicked off their plane...i guess its better to be kicked off the plane with gold than arrive home sober with silver...

Maybe they were partying with too much Buffalo Wings, Smirnoff and Billy Dee w/ some Colt 45..who knows...oh well wait till next year...

Have a good one folks!

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