Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The BIG 500th Post

Wow...roll out the cake and the Dr Pepper i guess....Robbblogs...The Confessions of Old Man Robb is finally celebrating its LONG overdue 500th post...i was thinking to myself this post would have came alot sooner than it did..sitting in the Sub, at Perkins back in 2004 and wanting to spout off about life and so Robbblogs was born..500 posts ago... Why was it born? There were things that i wanted to say at the time, things i wanted to get off my mind that were on my mind...that necessity to find that happy place or just a place...somewhere... so to speak where i could really let it out what the hell it was that i was thinking about...

I remember it was fairly simple..i was ready to be interviewed by a friend at the time for the Ath (The Acadia Student Newspaper) after my year at Mount A...and it was going to be a timely interview as well because Mount A was beating Acadia in those MacLeans Canadian University rankings and we had questions set and everything..it was going to be talking about the differences between Acadia and Mount A and well everything from classes to student life in residence was going to be addressed...and at a personal level too, not some corporate shrill talking about campus life and how oh yeah blab blab blab you will love it here or there...why BS people? However if you tell them the truth about stuff then there is that chance that they are going to go somewhere else instead...

Well her moron of an editor put a stop to it and said it was going to be a bashing interview, nobody would want to read it...blab blab blab...just a bunch of bs... that combined with the fact that Acadia U had no radio station at that point in time left me frustriated...especially after having a great year on CHMA up at Mount A w/ Assume The Position... i found i had alot of pent-up frustriation happening and i just wanted an outlet to say what it was that i wanted to say at that particular point in time...i guess the best way to do such a things was to show my frustriations was to show my emotions through writing on here...all too often i have kept many things to myself and its not healthy to do that...it builds and it builds and it builds...sometimes though one has to say what is one their mind and other people aren't going to like it...perhaps that is why one keeps to themselves..it keeps their family..their friends and their reputation...

Alot has changed since that day in Oct of 2004....went to Acadia U that year...took time off to be with my ailing father whom passed on in June of 2006 (RIP Dad)...went to Japan in 2007...S Korea in 2008 and i worked the whole time i was home as well...at Andrews and at Acrobat..there was an attempt to move to Kentville last summer and that didn't turn out as planned,..also something i worked every hard to get was stolen away from me by some coward who can't admit or face up to what he did...something he will never achieve in this lifetime..my body of work was sold out probably for a quick fix and that eats at me..something that my late Father gave me is gone forever..i hope that person can live with himself...nuff said about that.....however the best news was that in October of 2009 i made my return to Acadia U through Open Acadia and now i am presently working on recieving my TESOL Teaching License..almost done part 2 and going forward...imagine if Robert Reid Hawley becomes a licensed ESL Teacher...it will happen...just like Messier saying back in 1994 before facing the Devils "We Will Win"....

Do alot of people read this blog? Im not too sure...the stats say that people must...rarely do i get comments as i figured stuff that i would say would definitly stir up the ol pot so to speak...not just saying them for the sake of saying them, but because that is what was on my mind at that particular point in time..i do however get lots and lots of Spam..back to what it is about what i have to say... now is it the truth? Perhaps it is the truth to me...might not be the truth to other people, or the fact that they just do not wanna hear it and they really don't want some blue collar guy like me telling the truth, telling people how it is...Don Cherry does that every Saturday night...not everyone agrees with Grapes.. but like everyone else he has a right to say what is on his mind...maybe it is like Jack Nicholson in that "A Few Good Men" movie..."You can't handle the truth!" Or maybe what in my own whacked out mind that i percieve to be the truth...

Im more than just the dude who goes on and on about the virtues of Colt 45 and about his Axemen football and hockey games...im a dude who is slowly, surely, taking the time to get it right (Remember thos Keith's commercials?) Im the guy who is biding his time and will eventually get what i want..i will become a certified ESL teacher...consider my path to be someone like Axl Rose and Chinese Democracy...or maybe closer to Brian Wilson and Smile to be honest... i am not perfect and nor do i intend to be..i am just me... good ol Old Man Robb and this is my safe haven...feel free to visit whenever..or don't..i will still write and spout off about God knows what..whatever is on my mind...i know it might be what you want to hear and you may answer what i want to hear, but i will defend to the end your right to say it...just leave me that same courtesy...

Enough ranting for now...i have an assignment to finish and off to work i go....

Happy 500th Robbblogs

PS- Was going to save the above collage pic for the BIG "40th" but i was so happy with my work i left it here for ya all to see..frown upon..whatever... :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I love your blog. Also, I love that you have a rockin' 72 song playlist happening. One last thing..you are gorgeous. Have a good day =)
