Sunday, February 06, 2011

I Am Here...Kinda...

Whoa...where does Old Man Robb even begin to start? Well folks its been awhile..i've been busy out conquering the world...well trying to my mark back for my second assignment for my linguistics course and lo and behold Ol Robbo made that is down 2 marks from my first assignment, but seeing as how i am working full time and still managed an A-...that feels pretty good to me to be completely honest with ya all... I am now on Chapter Nine and within the next day  i be starting Assignment #3 and then onto the Final Chapter and that will be it for this part of my course...i think i am on my way...i think i am... and this Final Chapter will turn out alot better for me than it did for Jason back in 84...

An A- is not all that bad folks...i don't know where some of these morons are getting their information about "Oh Robb..your slipping!" I mean for crying out's an A-!!!! I would have shot someone to get one of these back in the day! Of course many people think back to what was before...what i was like when i was in residence and attending Acadia U...some people get the past confused with the present...

How does an A- reflect your performance...straight from the source...

A- Excellent 84%

An excellent grade in a course or on an assignment is given for a response that demonstrates a thorough knowledge of relevant concepts. The response is largely complete in its content and clearly presented. However, some minor aspect of the assignment which may pertain to content or effective communication is lacking....

Something was lacking...but it's ok folks really...i will take the A- and run... :)

Today i answered a questions about social stratification and diglossia, what i answered is that social stratification is one's identity. What is one's background? It is the way that people are seen as identified by their background and their social class. There are many factors that play into this such as family heritage, a peron's occupation and the material possessions they may have. Money can seperate the classes, we have high and low class and or upper, middle and lower classes of people. You do not have to be a sociologist to figure out the differences between social classes or differences in education. In my experience i have seen social class differences play a role in applying for jobs, family background also plays a role in regards to employment, whom does one take for a position? The person from lower classes who has an A average or the person who's family has contributed a great deal of money to that business or institution?

Diglossia can be described as a laguage difference where there are two different kinds of language that manage to exist as standards in the community. One class is latter as signified by an H to signal high and the other is former as signified by an L to signal low. High is formal speech used by newspapers, sermons and speeches and lower is everyday conversation between family and friends, language that would be heard on the television and the radio. The former reflects the everyday feelings of the people, what people are really thinking and how they would like to express that. It is a more effective way of communicating when it comes to conversation. There is such a thing as talking over people's it said in the readings when it came to specialized language, how people in one class would speak to another another, they must have the ability to style shift, to go from formal to informal so that they can keep a conversation from one class to another.

Could always be worse off folks...i could be that stuff that Taco Bell is trying to pass off as being meat these days...I don't go into a taco bell expecting real food of any sort, or any fast food establishment. Why make a big deal about common knowledge? Taco Bell's meat filling looks like ground beef before and after cooking, but it has been augmented with fibers and other substances to keep the price low...
Besides...WTF ever happened to Taco Bell in the Valley? It used to be in Greenwood and i believe Coldbrook w/ KFC...

Speaking of trying something different with good ol food, today me and Justin went over to good ol Nictaux to the recently opened Saltspray Cafe (Formerly B&G Grocery) and i tried "Steve-O's Peanut Butter Burger" and ya know what? The darn thing wasn't that bad to be honest, not something i am going to run out of the house to have again anytime soon..but it was good, the waitresses are very friendly and kept returning with refills of freshly brewed coffee and made it a total PB day by finishing it off with a slice of Peanut Butter Pie...

Sadly this was at 12:30 this afternoon and i still have no room in the ol tummy..leaving the wings still in the freezer and not in the fryer and well the ol Colt 45 is still up in the fridge... but im sure it will soon make an appearance as game time approaches...

Last Sunday i made a spontanious road trip to good ol Hfx...made the mistake of having a Red Bull on top of a Tims...never doing that one again as Old Man Robb was pretty wired on the way into the city and blasting Q-104 as i entered Hfx... I went to see Sue The Dino at the Museum of Natural History and it was neat to see something that was living at one time and roaming the ol Earth...i guess she was found over 20 years ago in South Dakota and according to the article i read she is 90 percent complete, none of the other 30 known skeleton dinosaurs in the world are as complete as Sue is...

And last Sunday i also finally bought The Alice Cooper Show on CD...i had the cassette for years, i remember purchasing the tape in the mid 80s at the record store that used to be downstairs at Mic Mac Mall..i remember buying quite a few tapes from there and from that particular bargain bin as well... of course this Halloween is the supposed release date of Alice's Welcome To My Nightmare Part II...a sequel some 36 yrs in the making...

Does anyone know the deal about Carey Price's and PK Subbin's secret handshake? Just asking...

I also just found out today that on April 28th UCW is presenting a big card of wrestling at the Halifax Forum and on hand to greet fans and sign autographs and take pics will be Jerry "The King" Lawler and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase!!!!! I wish i still had my VHS copy of Madmen, Maniacs and Lunatics for the King to so taking that day off...

Of course my Axemen just keep winning..two games in a row on their recent road trip to New Brunswick and have now clinched a playoff spot with three games remaining in the regular season.

What a mess in Egypt where people are rioting in the streets to protest the 30 year reign of President Hosni Mubarak..he is going to resign, but wants to wait it out for another seven months until his so-callled term is over..why wait? People are clashing in the streets..your supporters are fighting with your protestors...gangs are looting up the place, im sure tourism is going to be just grand..11 people are dead..over 900 injured..i see it on CNN and its just sad...concrete, firebombs and metal being fired at charging people on camels and horses.. there is speculation that Mubark is setting up his son for succession (See North Korea...) but this is opposed and according to leaks is not meeting the approval of the Egyptian military...
Does Obama have to step in? Cops killing people, people killing cops...just leave office Mubarak..let go of your hold of power because your people are upset..they don't have jobs and now they don't have peace...just let it go ...and go
What a frickin mess...

On the plus is Superbowl Sunday...i haven't followed the NFL as much this season as i have in previous years..but like the rest of North America i will be watching own personal Superbowl party watching it on the big screen in the dungeon where no fairweather fans are going to come over, eat my food, babble all during the game etc etc...none of those awesome commercials..shitty band at halftime..blab blab

On the plus side...another six or so months and Axemen Football will be back on the field :)

Have a good one folks!

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