Monday, February 04, 2013

When I Was 13...

I saw a friend of mine over on Facebook has a set of questions called "When I Was 13". Old Man Robb figured he would take a crack at it over here on good ol RobbBlogs.. the long running blog of Old Man Robb that NOBODY ever reads... or that i think NOBODY ever reads.. if they do.. they sure don't leave any comments eh?

Here we go...


When I was 13....the year was 1984

I was engaged to: Phoebe Cates... loved her in "Fast Times at Ridgemount High, Private School and Gremlins has just come out and me and my brother took the bus to the Penhorn Mall to go see at on Saturday afternoon matinees.. twice...

I lived in: Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia

I listened to: That damn heavy metal as my Momma put it 

I drove: My bike to Lloyd's and the Dairy Bar to rent VHS movies and buy pepperoni.. sometimes ice cream .. sometimes the store across the street from the white school

My biggest fear: Some of that gang that used to sit on the steps at the white school

I am now: 41

I am: Waiting for my chance to teach.. preferably in a Canadian classroom

My biggest fear: Not getting what i want... being able to teach in a Canadian classroom

I now live in: Middleton 

Have a good one folks! 


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