Monday, December 31, 2007

1975 red army at habs New Year's Eve

32 years ago today on New Year's Eve 1975, the Red Army was scheduled to play the Montreal Canadiens. The Red Army was the most dominant team in the Soviet League and the Canadiens were usually the best team in the NHL — both teams went on to win their respective team championships later that year. The game was billed in North America as the de facto world professional championships. The game resulted in a 3-3 tie in a contest that is widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever to have taken place. The Habs dominated the Russians, but a poor performance by Dryden (Whom my Dad thought was totally overrated) and a great performance by Tretiak (Whom was selected by the Habs in the 1983-84 NHL Entry Draft, but was denied playing in the NHL by the Russians) , ruined what should have been an easy win by the Habs.If not for Tretiak, this game was a rout.

Holy Robbblogs Batman!!!!!

A"It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid"- Publius Syrus

Hey gang! What is a new? Well its been awhile eh? How are things shaping up in Robbieland? Well another Merry XXXmass is over and well it was the second one without Dad which is something that always brings down the proceedings a wee bit eh? Woke up around 9ish, went to one brothers and then the other and then came home. I got some fun stuff besides the usual clothes, i got Don Cherry 900 on DVD and the Rocky I-VI DVD set, the reknowned book, "Searching for Bobby Orr" and a Scarface coffee mug! What else is new? Oh im working working working...maybe not for the weekend, but lots anyways. Now Old Man Robb..what about next year? What is happening? Remember that Fort Kent is out due to the cost of going. Well i have some 15-16 days to submit my application to St Thomas which is the cheapest out of all options in which i could continue my education...what do you need to go to St Thomas and take your Bachelor of Education? You need.....

1) A completed application form for admission to the university;
2) A completed supplementary BEd application form;
3) A non-refundable application fee of $35;
4) A letter in which you discuss your interest in becoming a teacher, your teaching preference (elementary, middle/secondary or second-language French), your reasons for applying to the program, any formal or informal teaching experience you may have had, and any skills or qualities you have that should be considered in assessing your application; (Guidelines for Letter of Intent)
5) Three letters of reference which assess your suitability for the teaching profession in terms of &your personal qualities and your ability to work with young people
6) Yourofficial transcripts of marks from all post-secondary institutions you have attended (if you're currently enroled in university, please ensure that a transcript of your mid-year grades reaches the admissions office by January 15th and that you make arrangements to have your final transcript of marks forwarded after graduation).

Now Then again it was suggested by Momma that why not say fuck it and go to Acadia for the next two years, face it is the place where Old Man Robb does do good and other places like Mount A and Kingstec were just not as hot as the days of Acadia U, plus it will be the tenth year anniversary in September of when i was first there. Well there is another offer boys and girls, it is a trip back to Japan...Japan Old Man Robb? Didn't your last school go under? Didn't you leave there when you felt your company didn't give a rats ass about their employees and would leave them swimming with the fishes? Well it is a different company called Aeon and the one bonus would be that you get your OWN apartment! No more squabbling with roomates over watching a movie at 9 at night or waking up at 7 in the morning to make coffee...but, me myself and Old Man Robb!!! They are having a seminar on February 2nd and i think i am taking the day off to check it out, you have to contact their main branch in Toronto in order to attend the seminar.... To go back woould be something, there is stuff i did not get to do due to working lots of hours and spending money like a tool, it was like my first year of Acadia all over again where i spent money and spent and spent and had nothing to really show for it... well except for the souvinears i brought home... but i never got to see Mount Fuji and or attend a baseball game at the Tokyo Dome, well i did see both from the Tokyo Metro Building where you could go to the 85th or something like zat floor and watch...not the same as going though... Ever watch someone make a complete ass of themselves by being totally oblivious as to something going on right in front of their face? Man someone i know is..what a fool/tool Is something that frickin worth it? It is not love, it is called lust...there is a difference you know, if you want to give something of yourself, pass it on to someone else i know whom is lost and has no direction for piss sakes, i know i procrastinate and see some things slide me by, believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain, i know from personal experience.. but man all that time of waiting? Was it worth it at all? I don't think the way the Axemen resume play Friday night at UPEI, the same night of the belated Venus staff party, i can't go though because i am working till 1 in the morning. Well i did go to Bad News Blair's Xmass party at Doolies 2 weeks ago, he was the designated driver and couldn't drink! hahahahahahaha!!! He was flustered cause i became quite hammered and was being hit on all over the place! LOL! And plus i kept saying to him.."Your sober!" i gave him a VHS copy of Rough Cut with Big Burt for xmas and he got revenge by giving me a copy of "Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave!" So i was hanging out with my little pocket sized buddy, we don't see each other much due to me working lots and lots, we exchanged gifts- she gave me a watch and i gave her some Axemen stuff, a Maple Laughs touque and a can of Tim Horny's hot chocolate. She was here on Fri night and we watched American Pie VI: Beta House and Hatchet. Beta House was not as good as the Naked Mile, but it was funny to still see Eugene Levy, Christopher (Shooter) McDonald and a cameo by Wee Man! Plus more Stifler family members than you could shake a stick at! Hatchet starred Kane (JAson) Hodder as a psycho named Victor Crowley and it was a throwback to the slashers from the 80s with Hodder again doing the Jason sleeping bag death scene, well a little gorier this times. I made it up to WolfVegas for my final bit of Christmas shopping, which included getting a Black Sabbath t-shirt at the Market which reminds me that yes...OZZY is in some 26 or so days...getting giddy Old Man Robb is to see the Ozzman in action at long last, too bad Robb Zombie is not coming, but i will live i thinks. Oh what to do today eh? I have my Colt 45 upstairs so i have today and tomorrow off, so it is time for some reflections ( not going to Reflections for New Years....) and good thoughts...have a good one!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

RAMBO teaser trailer(let the bodies hit the floor)

January 25th...Day before OZZY...Rambo is back and it has been 20 yrs since Rambo III...The startling nocturnal illusion was like the Hindenburg disaster meets Hiroshima meets the Stallone Smirk...starts out like a Bohemian Rhapsody to the jowls, then a Rock the Casbah to the groin! This time Rambo has since Part III withdrawn into a simple and secluded existence in Bangkok, where he spends his time salvaging old PT boats and tanks for scrap metal. Even though he is looking to avoid trouble, trouble has a way of finding him. A group of missionaries approach him and rent his boat to go up river to Burma, a warzone for over 50 yrs. Rambo accepts the offer and takes the missionaries up the river. After some of the missionaries are taken prisoner by sadistic Burmese soldiers, Rambo gets a second impossible job: to assemble a team of mercenaries to rescue the surviving relief workers...i cannot is going to be said, the first RAMBO movie without Richard Crenna as Col Trautman, but nonetheless..RAMBO, like ROCKY last year at back!!!!

Monday, December 03, 2007


Hey folks!

What a long time eh? And to start off the days leading up to Merry XXX Mass (My favorite midget porno! LOL!) I have some news.....



Bites the head off a bat.........

IM GOING TO SEE OZZY F'N OSBOURNE at the Halifax Metro Centre on January 26th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened? Well my main man with the plan Craig (Who got to go to the Vanier Cup and the Grey Cup in TO...lucky devil!) came thru and he and his brother Mark scored some Ozzy tickets for us! Wow! Robb and Ozzy finally! Well not face to face, but to finally sit in the 5th row! Can you say mosh pit!?!?!?!?!? And the rumor is out that none other than ROB ZOMBIE will be opening up the show! This so rules! Ever since being a kid and staring at the Speak of the Devil album cover at the West Edmonton Mall, stealing my brother's copy of Bark at The Moon and then going out and buying every Ozzy album ever! And Black Sabbath to boot! To say that i cannot wait is an understatement for sure....
How is work? Well i am back on night shifts. It is better for me and i find that there is less pressure on me to perform on the nightshifts, it is way more laidback and no fingers on the end of the nose when i am not getting the results that i should have. Our three months is up on December 10th and well i am nervous even though Momma says not to be, who knows? Tonight is supposed to be one hell of a storm though, and Friday is finally payday again and i can start me Christmas shopping finally.
How about me and my pocket sized pal? Well we went to see the Axemen play a few times, they won both too! Including a nailbiter over STFX and now the hockey Axemen have won 3 of their last 4 games and go into the Christmas break being 3 points out of a playoff spot! I went to see some Acadia basketball a couple of weeks ago and we beat UNB. My buddy hung out with me last night, earlier in the day me and Mom watched the new Mr Bean movie which was WAYyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the one from 1997. We also watched a couple of Smokey and The Bandit movies which were pretty hysterical, including the immortal Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 which is mine and Bad News Blair's favorite movie to tear the hell apart...EVER!!! Actually Blair wants me to go to his staff party this coming Sat at Doolies so i shall see what happens...
Last Sunday being off work, i went to the South Shore for a Sunday drive, it was nice as i discovered a candy shop in downtown Lunenburg that is a spitting image of the Freak Lunchbox in Halifax and they sold Pop Shoppe Pop!!!! I bought a Root Beer and a Wild Cherry...i took lots of pics and put them on Facebook (Also known as Crackbook for its addictiveness) The Turkey Burger was closed for the season (DAMN!) so i went to Arbys! Yes frickin Arbys! Which was the best part of my year in Cole Harbour in the late 80s as i skipped alot and ate alot of Arbys, contributing to my beer belly and maybe i helped close it down as it is no longer there. I remember my parents hating Arbys with Momma saying, "I could make this crap at home!"
How about those Sens losing 6 games in a row? And a friend of mine was saying that they were as good as the 1976-77 Habs who only lost 8 games all year?!?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! The Flower and company would squash these guys and i think the Oilers of the 80s would squash these guys, the Broad Street Bullies would have squashed these guys, the 4 time Champ Islanders would have squashed these guys and hell...i think the Don Cherry coached Bruins of the mid 70s would have squashed these guys! How the hell is that for a comparison!!!! Please......
It is that time of year i know...second Christmas without Dad around, i want things to be cool but i feel bad seeing Mom sad about it. Damn used to look forward to Christmas so much, to see Dad's little train around the tree and the doggies scared to death of it, Dad putting up the decorations and me and him going down to Fundy Spray in Middleton here and spending hours picking out the just right tree F'n Charlie Brown trees Dad would bellow! LOL! It is different...but i know how i like to spend my Christmas and if there are places where i do not wish to go, then i shall not go there. Some things in this world i can see right through, that i know are just not quite what they are all cracked up to the end am i right? I don't want to be....
What about school Robb? Oh yeah! I found a website that i saw over on the wall at NSCC here in Middleton and it is called Scholarships Canada and they have all the different scholarships for all the different universities across Canada. And starting in January i am going to start saving a certain amount off each paycheck...yes truebelievers (and i know there are some of you whom are not!) Robbocop has a plan and i do love it when a plan comes together ya know... plus the student loan people called again ...the loan is down there from the glory days at Acadiau, but there is still some owed, the lady was kind enough on the phone, told me that there are lots of people like $80,000 or so in around $17,000...but Sir Robert has a plan like i said and all will be good...i think. Just keep working and all will fall into place i thinks. In case things didn't go as planned for me i did pick up a brocure while up there at the school for working as a guide in France!!!! Imagine Old Man Robb in France?!?!?!?! But it is legit and operated by Veterans Affairs Canada and they are also placing students in Newfoundland as well, i almost went to Memorial in Newfoundland in 2003-04 instead of Mount A...wonder how that would have went?
Anyways folks, i am showered, ate lunch, walked the doggies and now i am going to wait and see if this storm pans out...have a good one!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rules You Pick Up At University...

Found this one and added some...These are the sort of things to which you said "yeah, right" to before you actually got to university...

Quarters are like gold.
Be creative in the dining hall.
Flipflops become as important as soap, shampoo, etc.
You will never find so many excuses for a bucket.
Asleep by 2:30 am is an early night.
New additions to the food groups: Colt 45/ Billy Bob's Pizza and Scots Skins
Make sure your alarm clock has back-up batteries.
Duct tape heals all wounds. (If not, scotch or masking tape will suffice for a while.)
Showers...2, 3, 6 times a day...well for some...
Sleep...what the hell is that?
Two meals a day are standard. One for some!
In an imaginary world, holding hands is the first sign of true love, in college it means someone is too drunk to stand on their own.
Recycling becomes synonomous with laundry ("Oh, my jeans can last until Christmas...there's only a *little* bit of puke on them...")
10 minutes is more than enough time to get ready for your first class (not that this is anything really new).
Going to the mailbox was never an ego booster/breaker before.
It takes more than one person to carry your laundry, books, trash, alcohol...
You begin to nap again (also not new).
Isn't it amazing that the book your professor wrote is always required for his class?
Labs used to be fun.
Squirt guns=stress relief.
E-mail/ Facebook becomes your second language.
Ten-page papers used to sound impossible, now they're a Godsend.
You never realized so many people are fucking smarter than you.
You never realized so many people are fucking dumber than you.
Professors are like celebrities: you see them, but they never see you.
Western Europe could be wiped out by a horrible plague and you'd never know, but you could recite Scarface ad verbatim.
See every movie under $3 that your campus provides; it's actually proportional to the amount of money you have.
Roadtrip whenever possible.
Bum rides, money, notes and snacks as much as you can get them.
Don't burn bridges, especially if he's good in Biology.
Beer cans make awesome christmas tree decorations.
Plain pasta never constituted a complete meal before.
The health service attendants are there because they couldn't make it in a real hospital, never ever forget that.
Forget putting the toilet seat down,you just pray that they flush.
Frisbee becomes a contact sport, best played in your hallway at 2 am.
Care packages rank up there with birthdays.
College chicks are the same as high school girls, just with more freedom...and no curfew.
It never sucked so much to get sick.
Cold and breakfast is covered.
Learn to love your roommate, especially when he leaves you the room.
You always thought that worshipping the porcelain god was just an's not!
You'll learn more about male genetalia than you ever thought necessary, guys talk more about that than women and sex put together.
Beware the freshman 15, or in some cases, the freshman cup size.
Even though the beds are long, they are also extra narrow.
You never thought you would share so much about yourself with people you have known for such a short time.
Computer games go in and out faster than the latest fashions.
Any game can be made into a drinking game.
Slasher movies are more than just classics.
Find one thing you like in the dining hall and go with it.
You will hear more stupid nicknames than you ever thought possible.
Phone calls almost never happen and when they do, you just don't get the messages.
Cereal makes a meal any time of day.
Keep your high school term papers; nowadays, everything is recycled.
You almost forget how to drive.
You'll drink anything if it's free..
People still cheat, it's just more technologically advanced.
You get really good with excuses for skipping class.
The girl you're going to marry may live right next door, so keep your stereo down.
Ordering food at 1 am is a common occurance.
You never realized how cool you can be.
TV becomes a bigger time sucker than ever before.
You realize how great your hell summer job was once you get to work study.
Keys have never been so important, yet you seem to lose them more than ever before.
You learn to sleep with light, noise, extreme temps, and roommates snoring.
You become a juggler with the balance between school, friends, girls, activities, work, parties... People that were geeks in high school seem okay now....ummm...maybe not
You begin to realize that college is about the ideal lifestyle, except for those pesky classes.
You get good at rationalizing on whether to do homework or not (usually not).
Procrastination becomes an art.
Jeans may be worn as many times as the wearer desires (for example, see \# 12).
The only reason you ever dress up is when everything else is dirty.
With all the wealth of knowledge around you, you start to feel like you're on intellectual welfare. Amount of alcohol consumed is directly proportional to grade point average.
Classes: the later the better.
The cute girls actually talk to you now.
The Jamican dudes next door always have special brownies...
Your teachers just went from Mr. and Mrs. to Prof.
Card games never lasted for hours before.
Vacuuming happens every semester, if you get around to it.
Boys will dance in college.
You are NEVER alone.
You find out what beer slushes are
It's amazing how late you can stay up doing absolutely nothing, yet falling asleep in class or in the library takes an average of two seconds.
You spend a ridiculous amount of time pondering the mystery of whether the cafeteria Lucky Charms are the real thing.
You begin to subdivide your room into sections such as den, library, etc. to make it sound like a house.
All you have to do to make new friends is have mom send up some cookies.
Dishes aren't dirty enough to wash until they have bugs and/or mold in them.
Printers only break down when you desperately need them.
You get along so much better with your family now that you never see any of them.
Your life will never be the same again.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

FRIDAY THE 13th- February 2009!!!

Well now...what do i know about the Friday The 13th remake? Well shooting starts in February of 2008 and the film is going to be released in February 2009 and it is a joint production between New Line Cinema/ Paramount Pictures and MTV Films. According to sources, the film will have Jason Voorhees and Jason will have his hockey mask and the movie is basically a remake/ re-imagining of Parts II, III and IV. The film starts off with four teenagers finding the ruins of Camp Crystal Lake and knowing full well of the legend of Jason and his demented mother Pamela, eventually the foursome find a run-down cabin that has the name "Jason" carved into the walls and a certain famous decapitated head. The film will also explain how Jason can be in so many places at one time via tunnels that are underground and underneith Crystal Lake...the flick sounds promising but there are so so many questions...who will be Jason Voorhees? Kane Hodder? Tyler Mane who is fresh off portraying Micheal Myers? Andrew Bryneski who is a vetern of two Leatherface films? Or maybe someone fresh...look for this flick to gain major attention in the coming months...
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

International Robert Reid Hawley Day....Or Something Like That

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." ~Thomas Edison

Hello People...

What is new? Well i have not blogged in a hell of a long time! Why? Busy boy i have been seeing what is a happening out in the world, been working alot and our three month probation at work is coming to an end on December 10th..what do i think? Well work has its ups and it has its downs. I like most of the people, i never thought i would ever spend so much time at the Greenwood Mall in my life, well not by choice anyways. A job is a job is a job, better than being jobless at this point in the game, but yet Old Man Robb yearns for more. I did consider a move back to night shifts, why? Well days are a bit of a pressure cooker and nights seemed so much more relaxed to me. Had a decent day today, i wish i had more days like them.

On November 6, 2007 the court-appointed receivers announced that Nagoya based G-Communication would sponsor Nova, operating just 30 branches....

Interesting news, lots of unemployed still a matter of fact Old Man Robb was contacted by Canada AM...yes you read that right...CANADA F'N AM on CTV to chat about his times, trials and tribulations with NOVA...i went to someone for advice and they think i do not need this kind of publicity, what happened in Japan with me should stay in the past, stay gone and not be drudged out again, the media likes to manipulate things, people, make people hear what they want to ehar, do you want sensationalism? Well the media can do that, cut an interview here, put words in here, make stuff up etc etc...places you work can do that how there was a rumor floating around NOVA circles that i was fired for having an affair with a female Japanese students, i mean how frickin low can you go? Cowardace is what i think that is, why help someone? Just make shit up just to look good...what goes around comes around and karma usually has a way of making shit blow up in peoples faces. I believe karma is what happened to NOVA, you scratch my back i scratch yours? No no not old friend Craig pointed out to me an article in the Daily Bugle, i mean News about a girl who went from Nova Scotia to NOVA and she was NEVER paid and friends were getting eviction notices slid under their doorway. No no you want to go to Japan? Well give companies the benifit of the doubt, maybe G-Communication can turn crap around, but then again i heard horror stories about them too....
Well the big ol honkin strike at Acadia is over and the kiddies are back to class...What does Old Man Robb think? I still think Gobblygooker has got to go hit the bricks, by paying professors salaries on par with their counterparts in the US it means as i read that Acadia can lure top teachers and use that as a selling point to attract students who will bring in those dollars AKA tuition. However as the article read further, enrollment is down some 10-15%, it makes sense doesn't it folks? Higher tution to cover the costs of paying the professors, however higher tuition usually equals less students, leading to more turmoil and suspicion down the road which leads to...volia! Another strike! Acadia cannot afford another strike ...not now and not in the forseeable future. The faculty at Acadia lost ONE MILLION dollars during the 3 week strike period! Jeesh! I agree...give it back to the students, i think Acadia owes them one this time....
Well what about Old Man Robb and next year? Well i think good ol Fort Kent, or Fort Knox as Momma Hawley keeps calling them is out of the running, i chatted extensively with represenatives from Fort Kent and i was seriously leaning towards them, as far as to sign a letter of intent to go with them, even though i would have had to write a PRAXIS examination to get in there (Who the hell does that nowadays?) And what killed FK for me was the cost of going there...$21,000...WTF??!?!?!?! Chatted to Acadia about going and taking my education degree there over the course of 2 yrs...$17,000...all of a sudden a friend tipped me off about St Thomas University in Fredericton...STU...$11,000 and that is for classes and for accomodations which is actually something called Windsor Street Properties that is a senior residence for senior students like myself and the program also puts teachers out in the field in like November and in March and it just seemed appealing to me as of this moment. STU? Another trip to NB for schooling? And can Old Man Robb break the Acadia curse? What is that? Well it seems like the only place where Old Man Robb excels at academics, well i did have a vey good second term at Mount Allison back in the winter of 2003-04, but Senior Darth Vader put those dreams out to pasture didnt he...hack... and Kingstec? Well Madame Baskerviles who would not know talent if it fell out of her ass made sure that Old Man Robb didn't catch the airwaves, but i still wanted the Airwaves and i proved her wrong and i proved Darth Vader wrong, i tell you karma is showing up alot in Old Man Robb land alot lately, others seem to be wrong about my abilities and it is my duty to make them see their errors in their ways, remember when the Captain said i would only last half a year at Acadia waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1998-99? He was wrong (wont admit it...) Maybe i McGinley-ed these things i touch sometimes...make them jump the shark if you will... NOVA? Gone...Baskervilles? Gone... Anakin Vader? Who? No matter...GONE!!!! Hope STU has a radio station.... third time is usually the charm and i am ready to ASSUME The POSITION again! Took Momma out for supper for her bday the other night at the Kingston Diner (Nuthin finer than eating at the diner!) and gave her a $50 gift certificate for Sears so that made her happy. Yes i was moved by MarkMessier's speech the other night at the HHOF of Dad's favorite players ever and a role model to young Robb...met him and Glen Anderson at Sportscheck on Edmonton when we were kids, Mess had hair then, but was a cool guy...We Will Win he promised and actually delivered on the promise...remember when Eric Lindros tried that and lost? Eric yes you had size, you could scrap..but Hall of Fame? No Eric turned your nose up at the Nordiques (No-Dicks as Dick Irvin seemed to say) and you couldn't stand alone...Carl had to do everything..wha wha whaaaaaaaaaaaa... You were not the leader, nor did your teams win and most of them seemed damn happy when you left...coincidence isn't it? And to this couldn't carry Mark Messier's jock strap, let alone his skates...
Well how' about me and my pocket sized pal? Well we went to see the Hockey Axemen lose to Moncton Blue Eagles 5-2 on Saturday night, well it was something as i must admit there was lots of empty seats in the ol arena on SAt now now Old Man Robb you have heard the excuses that the weather made this happen...did it? I think fairweather fans made it me, it is a rebuilding year and only the faithful have been out to the games, jump on the old bandwagon if the team becomes successful again say next year when the rookies have matured and is heading back up the standings again, but stay away when times are tough, i say live with your team, die with your team. I walked into Needs last Sat morning to get some milk and a paper and some moron spots my Yankees hat and babbles, "Should get a Red Sox hat buddy" and makes a gesture...i look at him and clinch my teeth and say, "NEVER" in a most hateful way possible, it is called loyality folks and that seems to be something forgotten about alot in this day and ago. In addition we also hit the VIL before the game and had a Keiths and she a double rum and Coke and we roared at this poor lady who was drunk and cut off at the bar, poor woman sitting there with her head on the bar drunk as a skunk and to boot she forgot her frickin purse... i teased my pal that she was trying to steal her purse, of course she found another fan at the game that she found annoying with his horn...blowing the darn thing some zillion times and that was during the first period alone! LOL!!! Me and my pal also watched some movies the night before, she was finally introduced to the greatness that is SLAPSHOT, the should have been Oscar winner of 1977, i mean if your Canadian, then you like this movie...i mean come on...the very essance of being a man is liking SLAPSHOT. The Hansons still play the greatest shift in hockey history, or at least movie hockey history and Paul Newman's fashion sense is a sight to behold! And those opposing players! Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken, Andre "Poodle" Lucier, "Ogie" Oglethorpe, Ross "Mad Dog" Madison and Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown!!!! Sure awesomeness!!!! and we watched my ECW DVD and i think she thinks wrestling is real as she insulted lots of the wrestlers who were on the screen... cheers for the good guys...ick... never Old Man Robb, the bad guys were always the ones with the most personality to me, i mean back when i was small and watching the days of Grand Prix Wrestling...Killer Karl Krupp, Frenchy Martin and No Class Bobby Bass were the greats cause they had the gift of gab, something lots of today's wrestlers in todays steriod enhanced wrestling scene do not seem to possess in great abundance. Went to Bad News Blairs the other night and yes folks he did drink all of my Keiths...suprise!!! We sat down and sipped on a few pops and watched the original (and best) Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974...and yes i do think Franklin was the most annoying character ever to grace a movie screen and yes i was very happy to see his demise at the hands of Leatherface. A year ago on this date i was pretty upset, i remember glad that hurt is long gone and far away, i am glad to be around someone who likes me for me, im not somebody's something to do/ kill time with till something else comes along....makes me happy to be appreciated. Well it is getting late folks and yes the Habs keep winning, the Axemen won a game (In OT over SMU 4-3) and it is almost the weekend, working for the weekend one more day and then two days of rest...have a good one!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

An old centerfold from the sadly missed "Terrorzone"..captured in their 80s haydayin the guise of their sequels from 1986 and 1988 are Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre II, Jason from Friday The 13th Part VII, Freddy from A Nightmare on Elm Street IV and Micheal Myers from Halloween IV. If horror had the merchandising it has today, this would have been likely sold besides AC/DC and Iron Maiden posters at places like A&M Records and Tapes and would have been a zillion dollar seller!!!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


"Positive anything is better than negative nothing." – Elbert Hubbard

Hey there my peeperonies! What is a new? Well long time eh? I've been a busy boy working working and working, but as Joey Ramone proudly wrote in 1981, "It's Not My Place in The 9 to 5 World." Yes the lure of more education is eating away at Old Man Robert Reid Hawley Esquire like a fart in the car, esp with Fort Kent sending more brocures, am i a shoo in? Actually believe it or not true believers, Fort Kent just called me tonight! They gave me all kinds of contacts as well, they seem to geuinely want me to come there and that is why i am favoring them at this moment in time. Well i get in? Well now, i think so...but do they think so too? My sister was down for a visit from the mighty metropolis of Seattle and she would like to see me go become a Huskie at the University of Washington, but i would need a student loan of Trump proportions in order to land a deal there i thinks. So again it is down to 2...Acadia and or Fort Kent. Well me and my pocket sized pal are just a hanging around, we took a spin up Windsor way, the Hall of Fame was closed, but she was in a daze starting at all the Maple Laughs...i mean Maple Leafs stuff that is there in a display case inside. We went down to the waterfront Tims and hung out on the trains that are on display there. On Saturday me and my pally went to see the Axemen get beat at Raymond Field by STFX by a score of 42-20...sad that i have taken her to 2 games in a row only to see my precious Axemen beaten both times...i teased her that she had a new man by the name of HOTPANTS at the game, who had to be seen to be believed! He was no Retardo Montalban...but then again who is eh? LOL!!!! Then after the game we took a spin over to the VIL and had a brewsky, her first time ever there and she seemed to dig the legend that is is the Anvil in Wolfville, she was infatuated with the Vilmobile that seems to sit very silently outside...i feel bad her Laughs had their asses waxed by Washington 7-1 the other night, like have they ever scored 7 goals in a fricken game ....ever? I took both her and my Momma out to dinner on Saturday before the game at the Irving Big Stop in New Minas, lots of memories of being there with my folks, esp those MONSTER pieces of pie they would serve, actually i had taken my Mom out on Thursday to eat as well at the Mid Valley Motel...sheesh..son of the year i am becoming eh? Well Acadia is still on strike as like i said the Gobblygooker is toast there, contract up and getting out while the getting is frickin good i say, i heard the boos and witnessed the eyerolling when she was introduced to the crowd on Saturday, some day that she was left with a mess by Ogilthorpe, but she has done some messing of her own...who else has had 2 strikes during their presidential regime? Who? According to the Acadia Alumni email i got the issues are as follows, "The issues that must be resolved are complex and are driven by declining enrolment and budget constraints for the University and a desire to reach national and regional salary competitiveness and stable employment levels for the faculty." Enrollment for Acadia is on the decline, there used to be a waiting list of 300 just to get into Tower as recently as is a mess up there and the ones i feel sorry for is the student body who may just yet have their year flushed down the tubes as talks have yet again broken off... by the way....

NOVA went bankrupt
Karma has a sick sick sense of humor, i scratch your back, you stab me in mine eh? Well now the UN was getting involved in sending f'n relief packages for some 1000 teachers who are stranded in Japan, the worst mass outbreak of unemployment the country has ever seen. It is weird eh? I come home and the next month the checks start to bounce. I feel sorry for those stranded there, and it is finger pointing time too and lots of shrugging of shoulders as well, people who said quitter and all kinds of BS are not saying much now, i felt the writing was on the wall and i just maybe there was a helping hand from above, maybe the voice of my Father saying son get the hell outta there by any means necessary. Call it a vision, call it crazy Old Man it it i am here now and very much in the drivers seat of my destiny. Ran into someone the other day who didn't know that Taco Bell was a real restaurant, thought it was just in the movie Demolition Man with Stallone and Wesley Snipes...some people need to get out more...Rented Grindhouse the other night, watched Death Proof and Planet Terror, they are a tribute to the old school B and C flicks i loved as a kid, but man none of those flicks cost some 60 million to make and starred A list stars like Kurt Russell and or Bruce was Russell's character a wuss at the end of Death Proof? I expected a bit better from ol Snake, loved the car though, ol Quintin, good flicks but never was much for original ideas, liked Planet Terror a bit better, but my favorite part of both flicks were the trailers for Machete and esp for Thanksgiving!!! Felt just like watching an old school 70s/80s trailer like My Bloody Valentine/ Graduation Day and or The Prowler. I guess originally Quintin wanted Stallone for the role of Stuntman Burt...i mean Mike, but was too busy...probably saw the ending and figured no way was he jobbing to those chicks! LOL! Well folks i am going to go grab me a Timmy's and watch the Habs continue their winning ways...have a good one!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Revenge of Robert Reid Hawley

"There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." - Oscar Wilde

Hello folks! What is a new? Well a week ago me and my pocket-sized buddy went to watch the Axemen lose miserably to Bishops up at the newly renovated Raymond Field. It was her first time eve at a football game and she was impressed i think... she had never seen such a mob of people in her life, around a good 3000 strong were there i think. I was soooooooo glad to finally hear Blitzkreig Bop by the Ramones added to the playlist at the field, hopefully it will be finally joining inside during hockey as well. However some funny stuff like why did the oldtimers Acadia marching band start playing that NA NA NA Good riddence song when we were clearly losing? I dunno...we went to A&W in New Minas afterwards and used my coupons up and then came home to watch some HNIC and watch her Maple Laughs lose...hehehe...we are gonna do something today for sure, i have to see how her new braids in her hair turned out... this week we only hung out once and that was to go up to the shore up in Port George, where this other dude in a truck parked and stared at us, prompting us to go back to my week the football AXEMEN are home to STFX on the 27th and i think me and my pocket-sized buddy shall be going. Oh and the other Thursday my ol pal Sarah and her hubby were down and we went on a Wolfville pub the Vil and the AXE!!!! LOL! Sarah was disappointed cause it was not a karioke night at the Vil and therefore we couldn't see Chrissy sing Eye of the Tiger by Survivor for the 5,5000 time!!!! It was ladies night, but i only saw aboot 5-10 ladies and some 3000 dudes...weird.. we went to the Axe and they were shocked at how nice the ol Axe looked, another one of the Gobblygooker's spending sprees? LOL! I still like how the Axe plays a mixture of current stuff as well as some moldy oldies before they start playing all that dance crap around 11 ish. I did feel bad earlier in the week with us over a year later finally clearing out some of Dad's stuff and sending it off to charity, we didnt' wanna do it, it was hard on my Mom but t had to be done, however i felt like, or had this sad feeling that wwe were throwing him out, which we weren't, not at all and i am sure if Dad were here, he wuld tell us to go on and not to dwell on certain things, still felt quite a ting of sadness putting his stuff in clear bags and driving away with it. Life does go on, but that don't mean you have to like certain parts of it. Well NOVA is almost officially no do i feel? Well sorry for those who are still stuck there, like i have stated before i think Dad was staring down at me and said Son...get out of i fucked up, but i think it was a good i did. Imagine being stuck there, landlords wanting to evict you liek they have been doing to other teachers all over Japan and not being paid, the instructors were not paid again yesterday, i think the Pink Bunny is dead and as a business NOVA deserved not to be in business a long long time ago. NOVA branches are closing i guess with little or no notice and it is truly a feeling of unrest over there. And isnt it funny how no one there can find Nozoro Sahashi during all of this? I bet the SOB hauled ass out of there and is probably hiding with Osama somewhere i imagine. Im really glad i am here.....Not much happening on the Acadia strike front,although i imagine the parties are pretty wild right now. Money Money Money was what Ted Dibiase's theme music should be and i think it should be the theme music that plays as the official theme song for this strike, people get some greedy eh? The main issues are wages, benefits and staff complement. What is going to happen to those 4th and 5th yr students if this thing keeps going and going? What about those in the education program? This is the second strike for ol Gobblygooker and it does not bode well and what does the Gobblygooker do? Go on a planned trip to China while her school is on strike!?!?!?!?!!?!? WTF??!?!?! Who abandons their post when their school is going down the crapper? I agree with someone who stated that she is maybe trying to singlehandedly wreck one of the best Canadian universities in the country....hmmmmm maybe Bush sent her!!!! Or Nozoro Sahashi...or someone...get your house in order! A University has 2 strikes in 3 years, spends huge amounts of money fucking up atmosphere of the place i mean plasma TV's in the mealhall? Another residence? A new science building like come the fuck on! Oh not to mention the rise in the tuition, which forces a DROP in enrollment, Tower closes, Cutten closes, Tower re-opens (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!) and you know what's next? Another fucking strike because everyone's not getting paid enough! Where is the money Gobblygooker? I think she is the Caribbean with Nozoro and Osama planning their next big coup!
Rant Robb Rant!
Anwho i did get the new Ramones It's ALive 1974-1996 DVD and it is pretty awesome! Finally i get to see the It's Alive concert from London's Rainbow Theatre on the 31st of December 1977, for those of you who do not know...It's Alive is one of my favorite albums of all time, it is the best live representation of the Ramones I've ever heard. It catches them at their absolute peak, in front of a spastic British audience who are loving every second of it. Anywho the DVD is great, weird to see the Ramones appearing on Sha Na Na in 1980 and finally for the first time i get to see the Ramones at the 1982-83 US Festival opening up New Wave Day...imagine the Ramones opening? Insulting! Imagine the other bands having to come on stage after the Ramones? Anyways it was something like a zillion degrees out and Joey playing the whole time with his leather jacket on! Awesomeness! Plus hearing "Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow" for probably one of the last times on stage till the band discarded doing ballads in concert was a highlight. Just funny to see them performing in front of all those California yuppies...
Anywho i gotta get me day going, shower, walk the dogs, go see my buddy, enjoy my day off cause i am working tomorrow to make up some hours...have a good one!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Burning - theatrical trailer.

The trailer to the 1981 cult classic The Burning.

Here I Stand

"You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going"- Mike Litman

Hey gang! What is a happening? Another make-over on thy old Robbblogs eh? Looks more like it did three yrs ago eh? And guess what? What? Well the 6th of October marked the 3rd anniversary of Robbblogs online!!!!! Wow! Lots has happened, i was at Acadia at the time, left with another notch on my belt ala sociology, looked after my father for a year (miss you always Dad) left the store formerly known as Andrew's, went to Japan, came back from Japan, went back to the store formerly known as Andrew's, was hired by a research center and once again, left the store formerly known as Andrew's for possibly the last time in my life. Now i am eyeing a return to academia, now where shall it be? Behind door #1 is Acadia which is my alma mater and close to my heart, besides my family and my dogs, what is closer? However there is competition and an offer to be done my education faster at Fort Kent down in Maine, whom sent me more stuff in the mail the other day and seem to be genuinely interested in me, maybe they have a Canadian recruitment quota!!!! Decisions Robert Reid Hawley esquire is what you have to make! Well i have news that shocked me, but didnt shock me....NOVA....almost on the verge of collapse. Should i be happy? Well i made some good friends while i was there, there were some that treated me like crap, but what do you expect? Nova according to the reports was a victim of over-expansion. Now they have closed and or merged some 200 of their schools, dozens of the teaching staff were handed their eviction notices because NOVA failed to pay the rent on their apartments. It looks like a shitty mess, i feel bad for the teachers that may be unemployed, i did hear that money arrived, but was it just a band-aid? NOVA seems like a disaster waited to happen and yet i don't feel sorry for them cause as a business they do not give a rat's ass about their teachers, look at me! One stupid mistake and where was NOVA? Not their way? Gimmie a break, i am better than what they made me out to be.....alot better, maybe im poorer in the pocket not working there, but i am happier in my life. If that makes any sense at all.... So onto cooler topics, what about my pocket-sized buddy? Well well well. We gathered here last week to watch the traditional Montreal-Toronto HNIC match-up, of course her Maple Laughs won. However the Habs beat the Pens w/ Cindy Crosby last night and it was Corey Price's NHL debut!!! Whoooooooooooooo!!!! Habs have lots of FIREPOWER. Bobby Gainey has put all the essential elements in place for success. And Price! Awesome debut, Some what is it? The exact Day old Patty Roy debuted against the Pens in 85 and was victorious and now Price on the anniversary does the same exact thing! Now thats what makes the HABS the HABS ! EXCELLENCY!!! Anyone see the vid of Danny Bonaduce (Partridge) picking up that douchebag from Survivor and dropping him on his face? LOL!!!! I guess this loser said on that show which i have never watched cause well...reality shows kinda blow, he lied that his grandma died in order to gain sympathy from viewers and that did not sit well with Bonaduce: Texas Ranger and so he used the reality show awards show (GAG!) to almost powerbomb this chicken fucker threw the stage! Yay Danny! C'mon get happy!!!! Me and my little buddy went up to Port George the other night and took a walk out on the dock and onto the rocks, it was nice..a wee bit chilly, but other than that it was pretty good. We watched Silver Bullet on DVD the other night again and i made her jump some 5-6 times. Actually i picked up a cool old school DVD the other day, The Burning which was finally uncut and in it had a retro Tom Savini feature showing him doing all of the special effects, back in the day before CGI crap. My 11 Keiths are still sitting at Bad News Blair's...Well my Axemen barely got by the Mounties last weekend up in Mount A, i spent my Sat off last week watching that match-up before HNIC...when the game went 29-29...i got cold, thinking we are gonna lose and i am never gonna her the end of it...ever!!! I have this Sat off and we are playing Bishops at Raymond Field at 2:00 and i play on being there and i am gonna ask my pocket sized pal to go with me. Me and her took a drive last night, drove around went to Berwick of all places, sat for coffee at Tim's where this guy stared and stared at her till she stared back and he got startled and looked away, we came back here and i put on my Japanese wrestling tapes i had brought back from Japan, she was roaring at the commentators how they would be chatting and all of a sudden... TIGERDRIVER!!!! at the top of their lungs. We even exchanged gifts cause last Saturday she bought me a Habs Stanley Cup banner and so i had to get her back and i bought her a Maple Laughs 2008 calander. Well my old pal Sarah is in town with her hubby and it is her last night here, i might go up to Wolfville to see them tonight, maybe go to the Vil, sing some karioke...take the camera...could be funny. Anywho folks, i have to getta shower, walk the dogs, answer some mail and get on with me day off! Have a good one!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday's Going Going...GONG!

"If a man does his best, what else is there?" - General George S. Patton

Hey gang! What is a happening? Well first some big news! As of tomorrow Robert Reid Hawley Esquire has been promoted/ moved!!!! To dayshift! Rocks to be me! And know what else that means? A raise!!!! And know what else that means? Well it has to be confirmed, but..........WEEKENDS OFF!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO would scream the NAture Boy! So how are things? Well my and my NEW friend (My pocket-sized buddy) actually came here to the house to meet Momma...ya know, the cranky lady who is happy one minute and disastisfied the next, ahhhh sometimes it is never enough know what i mean? Anyways me and my pal went for a drive the other night to Wolfville and we went for a walk on the mudflaps behind Tim Hortons and then went in where i had her in hysterics that Bruce Lee had brought a posse into Tims. She makes me feel good, what can i say? She pays attention to and express appreciation for me, she enjoys my company and there are no distractions which i really smiling which is something i havent really done in a long time despite how i appear to others. This weekend i have Sat and Sunday off and we are going to watch the first HNIC of the season, and no that Analheim VS LA game from jolly ol England does not count. She will be cheering her Leafs and i will be cheering my Habs, wait....that is the week after...typical HNIC fuck up, why not have the rivalry to end all rivalries being played out on the first telecast of the season? Personally i would like to see the Habs Vs The Leafs for the next outdoor game. Ok ok Olympic Stadium is old and shitty and falling apart and so they could play it at the Skydome. Oh and i finally filled my CD booklet which has room for 80 CDs....lots and lots of tunes flowing out of Robbocop's car the other day lemmie tell ya! Put together some metal compilations including Iron Maiden's Maiden Japan in its entirety at long last! Some punk, surf music (including a Jan & Dean mix...yes i am cracking the hell up!!!), 80s rock, 90s rock, grunge, alternative and well...various...even a whole Southern Rock CD made up of Skynard and Blackfoot...has any other Canadians besides Robbo ever heard of frickin Blackfoot? Good stuff indeedy!!! Went over to Buddy Blair's on Sat night with a 12 pack of ol Keith's, but i only drank 1 as Blair had a 40 ouncer of Colt 45 ready and off to the ghetto we went! We watched a Dave Chappelle DVD which was hysterical, there wa a skit for PIMP of The Year! LOL! They would put pictures in front of Dave Chappelle and he would comment on them, when they put the Osbournes in front of him he commented, "She sang Papa Don't Preach, bitch should sing Daughter Don't Sing! HAHAHAAHAHAH!!! Then commented on Rosie o Donnell, "BOY GEORGE"!!!! Her underwear has DICKHOLES in them!?!?!?!?!?!!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA was so funny that Charlie Murphy as another pimp broke character and started i loved the Charlie Murphy skit with Prince...funny..Old Man Robb Hawley says check it out!!!! The night concluded with Blair passing out outside while taking a leak and then curling up into a little ball in his favorite chair...then passing out on the floor with a huge ol...WHOMP!!!! Acadia faculty going on strike again? Jeesh...what the hell does ol Gobblygooker gotta do to keep that place in check? This will be the second strike (see 2003-04) during her reign of terror...i mean power. Im starting to wonder if they should bring back ol Kevin Ogilthorpe!!!! The football AXEMEN got BOMBED by ol SMU on the weekend!!!! I hope to be off for the 13th and get to go see the Axemen take on Bishops at the newly renovated Raymond Field. Perhaps i shall take my NEW pal with me...yesterday i got me stuff from Fort Kent in the mail, all colleges/ universities always take the time out ya now to so make their campuses/ facilities look beautiful in the mail, imagine if they were honest just once and showed their campuses/ dorms/ facilities to look as they really do look? IMagine Acadia putting the Tower or Chipman/Eaton back in the day on some of their guides? Hell no! The best one i ever saw was for UCCB or UCB or whatever the lick a chick it is called...anyways they showed a science class or whatever class it was and right in the middle of the pic is a goofy kid with a SMU shirt on!!!! I was like this is your premium publication to entice kids to come to your college/ university and you have a brat with a RIVAL t-shirt on!!!!! Anywho i liked the Fort Kent stuff they sent, now i would not want to go back into residence, i was wayyyyyyyyyyy too old the first time back in the day, but there is something offered called, "The Lodge" which is a unique on-campus living environment where it is a suite-style accomodation. There is a triple that accomodates three students in individual bedrooms, no sharing rooms for Old Man Robb im afraid, they come with a kitchenette with a friedge, nuker (Microwave), a common living room with a sofa, bath, desks, chairs and dressers. I would love to go for a campus tour to see the place and i guess on the tours you can sit in on a class, meet profs, eat at meal hall and you can stay in a room in one of the residences. We shall see what happens, but one thing for sure is that Old Man Robert Reid Hawley is gonna do his damn best to get his hunky ol ass back in a university classroom for September of 2008!!! Anywho i gotta go have a shower, shave and get ready for my shift at 6:00, i am off early tonight so i can rest up for 9 ish tomorrow...have a good one!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


"When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it."- Sigmund Freud

Hello folks! What is a happening in Old Man Robert Reid Hawley land? Well this past Sat my friends Barry and Michelle were married in Nictaux and i was glad to be there. From there we had the reception up in Port George and i was the MC for the evening, i didnt mess anything up too too bad, names or anything. It was a good time and there was lots of cold Keith's on hand. The other good news is that i was informed yesterday that Barry is gonna be a daddy and that brought smiles to everyone in the house. What else is a happening? Me and my new friend hung out on Sun nite, driving to Wolfville, parking the auto at Les Tower and going for a walk, then we went to Timmy's in Wolfville where we met the Sheik of Arabia (Long story) and then drove on home, oh and she enjoyed my April Wine mixed CD! What is a happening? Well a gentleman (You? A gentleman sir Robert Reid Hawley esquire?) never tells...HOwever it is nice to be around someone who does not have an agenda of their own, who does not shove things in your face, who does not try to change you, who is not moody or wha wha wha over every fuckin little thing, someone who truly seems to enjoy your company, someone who does not use you until they see something better etc etc....i guess im happy...Well i was informed of some news the other day that West Kings Hockey is planning a reunion for over the Christmas holidays and guess who might be the announcer for those games? Well right now it is a Facebook group with like 3 who knows eh? Old time hockey seems to be back right now with the Islanders and Rangers having a donnybrook which included a goalie scrap and then Dean McAmmond of the Sens gets KO'd last night by some goon trying to make the Flyers. How long before this steriod bust makes its way to Vince McMahon? Our company from Cape Breton is gone home, the couple that came with my aunt and uncle wanted to take one of our dogs home...ummmmm yeah right, do you have $1500 buddy? I didn't think so....Work is going ok, i wish i was working dayshifts, i walk into work the other day and there is the first daytime shift happening, lots of major teeth gritting going on with Old Man Robb there i gotta tell ya folks. However it is the same old same old, what am i supposed to do? Shuddup and collect a check, that is what i am excepted to do, just follow the ol status quo and dont' say anything cause Robb you need this job, the student loan people are being assholes and bugging the crap out of ya and you still have this dream of making it back to school, of someday being the teacher that you know you are, not some programmed robot monkey that others want you to be, that is not teaching, that is just regurgitating a bunch of crap, just like in Japan, just like here in many of the places that you have worked. So my stuff from Acadia arrived yesterday in the mail, they haven't made up an application for 2008-09 yet, so they sent me the 2007-08 application for the School of Education at Acadia. In order to get into the education program at Acadia you must have the following done:

1) Application for Admission Form
2) $35 Processing Fee paid in Canadian Funds
3) Transcripts- Including TWO copies from every post secondary institution i have ever attended, EXCEPT Acadia University (Those should be lovely...MTA and Kingstec...well MTA wont' be too bad except for Darth Vader...K-Tech and the Bitch of the Baskervilles? Ugh!)
4) Supplementary Package: This includes:
a) Why Teaching Matters
b) Experience Profile
c) Academic/ Teacher Certification Requirements
d) Three References

Whew! Fort Kent's looks alot simpler...we shall see what happens eh?
Well the football Axemen had a nailbiter against McGill on the weekend eh? What was the score? 45-44...the minute i was out of Barry and Michelle's wedding, i was like JIMMY!!! Get the score! LOL! So we went to my place and of course the SMU game was on....typical EASTDINK! But the highlights scrolled across the bottom of the screen and i was happy to see them... and how about those Mount Allison Mounties?!?!?!?!?!?! They beat STFX, 25-13, for the second straight time after ending a 34-game losing streak against their conference rivals last season!?!?!?!?!? This weekend the Axemen are playing SMU on the new playing field at ol Raymond Field, but sadly i am working 12:00-8:00 on Sat, i really feel bad that i have to work 6:00-1:00 on Friday night cause that is me ol pal Jimmy's last night here and the gang is going to the Top Hat for wings and beers....a raincheck is what i am gonna have to take ol buddy. Actually i am going to ask work if i can take October 13th off so i can go watch the Axemen take on Bishop's during Acadia Homecoming, maybe ill take my new friend with me....hmmmm...dunno yet...maybe make my way to the Vil, who knows? Oh i do know the schedule for the Anvil:
Monday- Monday Night Football on the Big Screen
Tuesday- Beat The Clock
Wednesday- ?
Thursday- Ladies Night
Friday- WINGS
Saturday- DJ
Sunday- Varsity Night
cool eh?
Anywho i have to go, round up some supper and then i am picking up my new friend between 8:00-9:00 and we are going to come back here and watch movies, maybe some slasher flicks..Mother's Day, The Burning, Motel Hell...something.... anyways...have a good one!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Night Of The Living Robbblogs!!!

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."- George Eliot

Hey folks! What is a happening? Well tomorrow is the big day as i am the MC for my old pal Barry's wedding. Nervous? Nope! Used to speaking in front of the ol big crowds and besides this should be fun eh? Becoming the wedding king between this one and Sir Bullen's wedding coming up in May which shall include some other 3rd Floor Alumni i hopes. Went to Barry's stag party at the Top Hat last Saturday, aka The Touque, aka The Flopper aka All kinds of shit you never heard of! LOL! It was fun! Was going to draw a 9 aka the artist dude from Seasme Street/ Mr Bentley from the Jeffersons on Mean Gene's head but me old pal Mike simply put a Lego tattoo on there as well, as for Barry....yup he got pretty smashed and had a painful ol night..kinda like myself after the last Venus staff party, around the 6th -7th Keiths i remembered the A&W that i had with the gang from work and cut meself off, we did not need to see me and Barry in a competition of duelling buckets. How is work? Well i am in the middle of a five night stand, i have worked every night this week 6:00-1:00 in the morning, it has been a long ol week, nothing like pretending you have duck tape on your mouth eh? It reminds me alot like NOVA, where it is don't have any input, just read the script and do as your told mmmmmmmmmmmk? Remember Old Man Robb, it is just one year out of your life and that the good stuff is awaiting you around the corner. Speaking of the good stuff i recieved a phone call from Fort Kent on Monday! What did they have to say? Well we took care of some preliminary stuff, i need to have two subjects and my history and sociology qualify me, as a matter of fact i am overqualified cause the nice gentleman on the phone asked me if i had 60 college credits to my name and i replied i have almost 150 which lead him to go, "WHOAH"! LOL! So what i need are transcripts from both Acadia and from Mount Allison, the application from the online Fort Kent website, a $40 processing fee paid in US funds and i need to do something that is called a Praxis Test, which is a test of the basic reading, writing and math skills and this has to be done in Halifax and costs roughly around $200... Am i in? Well not yet...a i gonna try? HELL YEAH!!! So me and my friend hung out last Sunday and we went for a spin up to Aylesford Lake which is really nice in Fall, no one is there to bother you and then we went to Tim Horny's in Greenwood and sat and chitty chatted. So what is a happening? Well we get along good and that is all one can really ask for eh? My friend likes the Leafs and i am the dyed-in-the-wool Habs we can work around that. hahahahahaha!!! We are going to hang out probably on Sunday the way, my friend loves the mixed CD-R's!!!!!!!!!!!! So my beloved Axemen lost this past Saturday to STFX and MTA was hammered by SMU...i hope we can get it together, we tied the game and went ahead and then lost. I really wanna make it to Homecoming this year, i shall try to get the time off. Actually i am going to start cutting back on my eating habits a wee bit starting this coming week i thinks. I had to acquire new dress pants for the wedding tomorrow and i did not like the look of my waistline, the last time i had a major diet/ weight loss was the summer of 2003-04 where i lost over 30 pounds, mind you i put lots of that back on, but i have the feeling that i could darn well lose it again if i really wanted to, you can do anything if you put your mind to it, remember gang that winners never quit and quitters never win and shortcuts in the long run dont really pay off, i have known people who have tried to cut corners, and what are they going to be left with? In the end they will be left with shit on a frickin stick...really man go back and think about it, a second thought can last forever, trust me i know all aboot it. I came home, brooded most of the summer, now i have steady employment till next year, see what that is? People tried to change me man, they just couldn't make me become someone im not..a frickin clone/drone...recovering from a self-deserved defeat is called getting back on your feet! And don't listen to other people's bullshit! People love to hear themselves talk, i here on this nutty blog for like what...three frickin years now? Hmmm..what's a good one..lemmie see, i was kicked out of Japan...ummm hello i left! NOVA fired me...ummm if they fired me, why would they call me three times since i came home? Just like the dumbass who said i flopped at Mount A...check it out as i have said before dude...student in good standing, my marks are about to be acquired by Fort Kent and if they were so fricking bad, don't ya think i would try and get out of giving the marks to them? And i still get mail from them! If one can see through bullshit, then they can forge their own path. ......whew! Ranting Robb!!!!
Anywho, i have got to get started on supper, working 6:00-1:00, then being Robb MC, then hanging out with my friend Sunday and then who knows? Have a good one!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday The 14th

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."- Muhammad Ali

Hey gang! What is happening? Well first week at the new job is almost in the books, how did i do? Well ok, training went ok, no bumps or bruses yet i believe. Tonight i work from 5:00-10:00, a short shift, but it ok. I got 2 paychecks- my last one from the Land of the Rising Sun, that is Japan to all of you not in the know, and one from the Store Formerly Known as Andrews, so it was a good day financially. Today i also contacted both Acadia and Fort Kent to send me some information on their education programs, well Old Man Robb you very well could have just taken it off the internet, however Ol Momma likes to see it the old fashioned way, so i asked for things to be mailed out. Man my Axemen barely got past Mount A last weekend up at Huskie Stadium, of course i was stuck watching the SMU Vs STFX game on Eastdink, i mean Eastlink, what the hell do we have to do eh? Defending Atlantic Champs, who badly want to go for the threepeat and hell we can't even get the first game of the year over SMU? HELLO! Who is #1 now? And don't gimmie any bullshit about national rankings this and that and this and that, dont wanna hear it. The Axemen are on the road tomorrow and playing the X-Men at STFX Oland Stadium, now this game is on EASTDINK...Well whatelse is new in Old Man Robb land? Well i still have yet to recieve a work schedule from my new job and therefore the jury is out on if or not i can attend Barry's stag party tomorrow night at the Top Hat or the Flopper or whatever the hell ya wanna call it. It should be a doozy of a time, stag parties if nothing else are usually pretty memorable. Of course i can so see me now getting a lift home. Well last Friday night i went over to a NEW friends place, we had some laughs, watched MY BLoody Valentine, the coolest movie ever to be made in Sydney Mines and made plans to hang out again, i made my NEW friend a Mix CD-R with lots of old school metal in it, including some Sabbath, Iron Maiden, KISS, AC/DC etc etc...lots of cool stuff and i included the lyrics as well! Aient that super cool of me? I love the lyrics for Iron Maiden-Iron Maiden:

"Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares.
I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be faught, Iron Maiden can't be sought.
Oh Well, wherever, Wherever you are
Iron Maiden's gonna get you, No matter how far.
See the blood flow watching it shed Up above my head.
Iron Maiden wants you for dead."

Headbanging yet? Oh by the way, me and my NEW friend have an unconfirmed Tim Horny's date coming up...perhaps on Sunday. Well i have to go walk me doggies and get ready for me big shift tonight! Have a good one!

Friday, September 07, 2007

How To Take a Shower in a Dorm...

I saw this one and it laughed...made me think of the ol daze..although i never had a college roomate....

7:00 A.M.: Alarm to wake up for 8:00 A.M. class
7:05 A.M.: Hit snooze button again.
7:10 A.M.: Hit snooze button again.
7:30 A.M.: Roommate throws granola bar at your face because you’ve been sleeping through your alarm for twenty minutes.
7:31 A.M.: Walk to shower after successfully hiding erection in waistband.
7:32 A.M.: Walk back to room for shampoo.
7:33 A.M.: Get undressed in shower.
7:34 A.M.: Get dressed, walk back to room for towel.
7:40 A.M.: Actual shower done. Fake sneeze several times. Listen for “Bless you.”
7:40 A.M. and 12 seconds: Masturbate.
7:42 A.M.: Sound of other shower stall turning on. Stop masturbating.
7:45 A.M.: Several sneezes heard.
7:45 A.M. and 9 seconds: Loud moaning and utterances of “Oh yeah” from other stall.
7:45 A.M. and 24 seconds: Loudly clear throat.
7:46 A.M.: Moaning continues. Shower officially over. Towel off as loudly as possible.
7:47 A.M.: Open curtain to discover strangely religious autistic kid was making sounds as part of normal praying/toweling off process.
7:47 A.M. and 1 second: Feel bad.
7:48 A.M.: Return to room. Roommate already gone for 8:00 A.M. class.
7:48 A.M. and 1 second: Masturbate.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fall Semester

Hello peeps! What is a happening in Old Man Robert Reid Hawley land? Well Monday i start work! Well my training is what i start, i got the position yesterday. Not gonna reveal it yet, something else for the resume? Yes it is. Now i am glad i have something to do this year before it is back to Acadia or to Fort Kent in Maine. This does however put egg on someone's such a hider you know that? I was going to be a "Lifer" eh? Life time video clerk? I guess ya havent noticed i went to school, graduated, university..graduated..twice, had a tour of duty in Japan..some people are the real boy in the plastic bubble and you are a prime example of that my man. What else is a happening? Well this past Saturday was Welcome Week 2007 at Acadia and yours truly was on hand as a representative of Acadia Alumni, collecting a free t-shirt to go with the other 33 Acadia t-shirts, to welcome the new kids to the re-opened, strong but fair, bold but yet beautiful Crowell Tower, or as they referred to it as Cutten Tower. It was fun, nice to see parents from Middleton and their look of shock and horror, or should i say shock and awe when i was there, they thought i did nothing else but work in the store formerly known as Andrews..............WRONG! It was too bad i had to cut it short and come home to work from 1-11:00 at the store formerly known as Andrew's, where at 10 at night for the first time ever, i fell asleep while on the job....ahhh good times. I still get people, well i had alot of people mistake me for an Acadia employee on Saturday, i wish...the ball is in their court, they have the resume which was professionally done and it is their call whether they call me or not ok? Like i have said before people sometimes don't like to give chances and Dad used to say it too, nobody wants to hire someone whose ass might be sitting in their seat next year, call it unfair, it is the truth. Man 10-12 WWE employees suspended for being on the juice! Congress is calling Vinnie Mac and they want a piece of the WWE pie. So Friday night i headed over to the Zedex, yes i still call it the Zedex even though the ol Zedex is good and buried and gone for good to go see Halloween or i should say Rob Zombie's Halloween, sadly the movie was not there yet and i had to sit through Hairspray from 7-9:00...not my cupa tea, but it was weird seeing John Travolta dressed as a broad and married to Christopher Walken. Finally Halloween started and was interesting. It was neat how Zombie made the movie his own, it should have been called Halloween The 13th going by the body count. I cannot believe some stuff like killing off Dr Loomis, or i was wondering what kind of WWE-steroid distribution plan they have in the looney bin and or where Micheal learned to drive an 18 wheeler and how he knew where to find his baby sister and or where her adopted parents live and i was roaring "shut up" at Danny Trejio when his character kept talking to Micheal after Myers thought he killed him. It was cool to see all the horror cameos like the mom from the original Hills Have Eyes, Pete from the original Dawn of the Dead and everyone from House of 1000 Corpses/ Devil's Rejects. Good flick and last night i downloaded the workprint with the different ending and ex footage..very what is on for the weekend? Was going to go to the Axemen's football home opener Vs Mount A on Saturday, but Raymond Field is not finished yet and so the game is being played at Huskie Stadium at 12:30 Saturday afternoon. I was hoping it would be televised, but no go there either. So i might be heading to the drive-in in Coldbrook with a friend on either Sat or Sunday, already saw the Simpsons. i thought it was an under-developed flick with little to no originality, not different from the tv show. I did catch an article about the AUAA in the paper the other day about wanting to expand the product, when i was working Saturday more people were talking about watching NCAA Football on the tube than catching a game in their area, well a game that is now moved to Huskie Stadium, but that is besides the point. And off topic...did anyone catch, well in my case i caught the highlights of one of college football's greatest upsets when Appalachain State smeared, embarrassed, humiliated, and put Michigan State in her place when Appalachian State beat Michigan (ranked #5)in the Labor Day weekend 2007 game, .Never before had a Division I-AA team beat a ranked opponent and Appalachian State did it before more than 107,000 hostile fans in Michigan. Anyways back to the local sports secen..anywho there is never an advirtisement outside of those in the know, or close to Wolfville..and for years they never ever had to, the stands were full from students and alumni and therefore people that live 40 minutes away like in Middleton and never stepped foot on that campus in their lives despite being football and hockey fans have no reason to go to the games because they had no idea in hell that there were even games taking place. Now they are doing what i said they should have been doing ages ago and trying to sell the sports product to people outside of the Acadia loophole. If you have a product, you gotta sell it and you got to get out there on the firing lines and make sure people know when games are, where they are and what kind of product they are going to be witnessing on the field, or on the ice. I think some hockey exhibition games wouldnt hurt either, i remember a few yrs ago Kingston Arena was jammed to see an Acadia Axemen hockey exhibition it again! BErwick, Digby, Yarmouth and LET PEOPLE KNOW!!!!! Not too hard boys...jeesh! What to do? Well i walked the doggies, dropped Momma off at 10:00 am, designed a resume for a friend, listened to some friends soap opera aboot their life and Facebooked a bit, now it is time to go downtown for a bit, load up the MP3 some old school rock in there, like Ted Nugent's Instensities in 1o Cities and KISS Alive in their entirety on have a good one folks!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Long Time...

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try."- Alexander the Great

Wow i have not blogged in like..ummm..ages! Well what is a happening? Well lots i thinks. I am all signed up for this coming Saturday, like a conquering hero (or anti-hero) Old Man Robb returns to Acadia and to the re-opened Crowell Tower as a representative of Acadia Alumni and i will be assisting with move-in day! This will be happening from 8:30-12 noon and that night? Well Old Man Robb returns to the Store Formerly Known as Andrews to work from 6-11! What else is new? Well last week i had a job interview somewhere i always wanted to score a job interview ....well lets just say it was up at AU...thought my ass was finally in the door...well somewhere along the lines someone somewhere frigged up and it was not to be. Typical? Well my old stomping grounds has had its share of embaressments recently and it was just more egg on the face, i walked out the door mad as hell and not wanting to take it anymore. What now i thought? Well i have been thinking more and more about going back overseas to teach. Now Robert Reid Hawley, didnt that almost end in near distasterous porportions last time? Well yeah, but i have to get these stupid....i mean student loan people off my backs once and for all and i am almost in range of achieving that very goal. I need more experience, i mean 6-7 months in Japan is fine and all, but recently i applied for the positon of EA (educational assisstant) for a variety of places and well...i dont have that TSOL or whatever it is called training and BOOM! There you go! So like the old saying goes, you have to get experience to have experience and i think teaching overseas again is looking better and better, i saw an ad and i applied, this time to KOREA! South Korea that is....not North. I did apply to China, but it turns out what they were looking for was a math teacher and anyone who was witness to Old Man Robb taking stats back at Acadia in 2004-05 could testify to the fact that i SUCK at math. Of course my Mom thinks that me going to Korea is like me going to Beruit or somewhere so i am doing my best to educate here on where i am possibly going. So what else is new? Well last night i took in wrestling out in Windsor. It was a Mainstream Wrestling card at the War Memorial Community Centre and it was fun, but hot as hell in there. Fun times. Anything else Old Man Robb? Well i have caught some movies recently including Superbad...which was super hysterical, me and the Dunker went and laughed our asses off...the two cops, one of them being Seth Rogan who i roared at in Knocked Up earlier this summer should have their own movie and the kid who played "McLovin" was funny too, i liked that the kids in this one seemed normal and not some kids out of a GQ magazine like those in the American Pie movies. I went to see Rush Hour 3 and man...did Jackie Chan look bored out of his frickin mind! And i have always found Chris Tucker annoying...he is to me a 2nd rate Eddie Murphy wannabe. Been to a few parties a few weeks in a row...well one that i walked out of at 1 in the morning cause i was BORED off my ass! And if i ever go to another party where i hear Pickledick...or Nicklebeck all fuckin night i am gonna scream..but i think half the problem was that all my old pals from the Passage were having Reunion #2 down at the Buffalo Club in Cow Bay and my heart kept telling me that i should really be there instead....the other party...well it was fun, but that Sunday was a write off! Big time! ick.... this past Sat was fun though, hung out with friends and watched "Weekend at Bernie's" for the first time in eons! The sequel sucked royally, but i liked the original. Yeah my Mom comes home tomorrow, she has been in Cape Breton since Saturday and i have been here with the doggies. The Football Axemen's home opener is coming soon, but i am told it may be moved to Huskie Stadium because the artificial turf may not be ready just yet. Man that would be one depressing home opener if it was played up there, but when you think about it, where the hell would they play around here? The West Kings field? ROFL! Plus this Friday Halloween or should i say Rob Zombie's Halloween comes out, i am curious so i am going to go sometime over the weekend and see what Zombie has done to this all-time horror classic. Anyhow i am making one of Dad's all time favorite dishes, liver and onions and so i am gonna take off and chat to the rest of you peeps later! Have fun!

Monday, August 06, 2007


"Experience is a dear teacher, and only fools will learn from no other." -- Benjamin Franklin

Hey peeps! What is a happening? Well the jobs are posted on the School Board website and i am applying like a mother! Speaking of mothers, mine is back from PEI and she brought me back a PEI Rockets t-shirt. Well it was peaceful and quiet, all of that is gone now..LOL! Today was nice, we went to the Hall of Fame in Windsor where i was able to go inside now and take some pics and i do have a bone to pick...only one Acadia Axemen jersey hanging up in there! 1?!?!?!?!?! How many frickin NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS do we have to frickin win!?!?!?!?!?! And i dont mean we have to have a wall dedicated to us, but at least give us a nice display case with some team photos and some souvinears and stuff. rant over....and we stopped in Wolfville at the Farmers Market and i went to the petting zoo, one of the rabbits was loose and it was funny as ol hell to see this woman chasing him all over the frickin place. It is a nice place, i notice they keep the bear inside now to keep him away from all the frats/ dorms that have stolen or have wanted to steal him as part of their initiations/ scavenger hunts. Speaking of residences, i got an email from Acadia Alumni the other day and it went something like this:

Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 8:30 a.m. – Noon
Move-In Day
You will be posted to various residences (perhaps the one that you stayed in) to help new students move-in. Please meet at Alumni Hall at 8:30 a.m. for a brief orientation and to pick up your complimentary t-shirt. If you participated in this event last year and you still have your t-shirt, please wear it for this event.

Friday, August 31, 2007 & Saturday, September 1, 2007 - Various time slots between 9 a.m. & 4 p.m.
There will be an Alumni Table set up at the Welcome Centre (Fountain Commons) with yearbooks, alumni memorabilia, and a scavenger hunt Question and Answer for new students to see what being alumnus/alumna is all about.

Saturday, September 1, 2007 - 4:30 p.m.
Alumni Reception: Join us at Alumni Hall for an opportunity to mingle and relax after move in day.

Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 2:00 p.m.
This is the time when we challenge our new students to learn the words to Stand Up and Cheer.
Join us at the Red and White inter-squad football scrimmage and see which class is the loudest!

Monday, September 3, 2007- 10 am. - Noon and/or 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Special Interest Groups: The Alumni Affairs Office will be presenting workshops for new students to teach them what being an alumnus/alumna means and to help them write the 2011 Class Cheer!
We welcome you to join us during Welcome Week, so that you can meet new students, talk with parents, share stories about your own experience at Acadia, and offer support during this exciting, yet often intimidating time.
It sounds like fun, i will check my schedule and see what i can do about maybe helping out some. I do wish i had some extra cash on me for this Friday cause my old junior high school- EPJH is having a reunion at the Buffalo Club in Cow Bay, that is where my grade 9 prom was held back in June of 1988 cause the school stopped doing grade 9 graduation this year. Hard to believe i waited all the way to 2003 to finally attend one of my graduations eh? Talk aboot being a stubborn old coot! 15 yrs, skipped the WK one (I regret it now...ahh to be young and rebellous!) well..sometimes that streak is still there, ever take something the wrong way? Well someone, whom i am sure that they did not mean it called me over the hill the other day...ummmm excuse me? I waited to graduate university in my 30s, go to Japan in my mid 30s, see the world, make lots of new friends everywhere i went, accomplished lots, recieved awards almost everywhere i have went and you have the nads to call me over the Fn hill? What the Fuck have you ever done? I tell you folks sometimes it takes second, third, fourth efforts to get to where you are going to wherever the hell that fork stuck in the road leads you and some wanna settle for less, that is fine and dandy and all, but that is not me...not so over the hill, old man Robb...some things you take with a grain of salt, it is just that i found the delivery and the tone to be a little malicious myself. I still have stuff left to do, other areas to conquer. Maybe i feel a little held back, some dont like seeing others have success, especially others that they dont think should have that kind of success and they feel better about themselves if they shoot that person down. It makes me think of a good quote (To me anyways...) From Rocky Balboa (AKA: Rocky VI)
"I appreciate that, but maybe you're looking out for your interests just a little bit more. I mean you shouldn't be asking people to come down here and pay the freight on something they paid, it still ain't good enough, I mean you think that's right? I mean maybe you're doing your job but why you gotta stop me from doing mine? Cause if you're willing to go through all the battling you got to go through to get where you want to get, who's got the right to stop you? I mean maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to someone, something... and you're told no, even after you paid your dues? Who's got the right to tell you that, who? Nobody! It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do!... You know, the older I get the more things I gotta leave behind, that's life. The only thing I'm asking you guys to leave on the table... is what's right."
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"
Well now..whew! Ranting Robb!
Hung out with Barry and his wife to be Michelle on Sat nite, we were gonna go to the beach, but it was rained out. We watched "Private School" and laughed so frickin hard at the adventures of Bubba Beaureguard and My Favorite Martian/ Mr Hand as the horny chauffeur and my favorite Betsy Russell (Sorry Phobe..even though you were my first crush and the reason i wore out 3 copies of Fast Times) Accordiong to Joe Bob Briggs, " The basic plot has the students at the Cherryvale Academy for Girls bouncing around in their underwear all day so that the guys from the Freemount Academy for Boys can come over and go for the groceries" LOL!
Anyways i have to get going for now, tired as ol heck and lots to do tomorrow..have a good one!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Acadia Axemen Home Hockey Schedule 2007-08!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we go!!!

Sat. Sept 29th- Carleton Vs Acadia- 7:00 PM
Fri. Oct 12th - SMU Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Oct. 26- St. Thomas Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Oct. 27- UPEI Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 9th- UNB Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Nov. 10th- Moncton Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 23rd- STFX Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 30th- DAl Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 11th- SMU Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 18th- UPEI Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Jan. 19th- St. Thomas Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 25th- DAL Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Feb. 8th- Moncton Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Feb. 9th- UNB Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Feb. 16th- STFX Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM

Feb, 20, 22 & 24th- Quarterfinals (Best 2-of-3)
Feb, 27 & 28th- Semifinals (Best 3-of-5)
Mar 8, 10 & 12th- Finals (Best 2-of-3)
Mar 22nd to 25th- CIS Championship at Moncton

Wow! Post 280???? 300 soon.........

"Into what boundless life does education admit us. Every truth gained through it expands a moment of time into illimitable being—positively enlarges our existence, and endows us with qualities which time cannot weaken or destroy."- Edwin Hubbell Chapin

Hello peeps! What is a new? Not too too much, mainly housesitting at the moment here in good ol Middleton. I have completed yet another resume for yet another round of handing out, c'mon someone hire me before the North takes me away! The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Info sheet asks lots and lots of crazy questions like do you have any training in the following:

1) CPR
2) Computer Literacy
3) Counselling
4) Drug & Alcohol Education
5) English Second Language
6) First Aid
7) Internet Research
8) Race Relations
9) Sign Language
10) Work Scheduling

Lots of stuff you need, some i have, some i dont. Lets see what happens eh?
What else is new? Not too much, friends want me to go see the Simpsons Movie, i might but am i gonna feel like i am watching TV? I heard one reviewer say that it seems that they are afraid to take the gloves off. At least my Habs are re-signing Ryder, and please lose interest in Breeze-By, he is a joke and should be put out to pasture along with Yashin. Life could be worse...i could be Lindsay Lohan. I was asked this week what a Wifebeater shirt talk about feeling weird about explaining something! What have i done? Went to Wolfville for a drive, walked through the petting zoo up there, went for another drive down by Cornwallis, checked out the Convergys thingy again, and again the price of gasoline along with the words of wisdom from others have made me refrain from there. I do have a new friend that would love to watch some hockey with me in the new year. Well now...Flames fan Vs Habs fan (ME!) how will this work out? 1985 Cup (Habs) Vs 1988 Cup (Flames) ?!?!?!?!!!? Well i am glad my Mom is gone to PEI for a week, she needs to get out of this house more often, a house where i think sometimes she finds the time a wee bit long, even though it has been a year since Dad passed away, his presence is felt all over this place, even at this computer where i am typing this very blog. Still miss ya buddy....
That BT Torrent which was recommended by a good buddy of mine is very cool for downloading movies and rare stuff and other stuff as well. What have i downloaded? Student Bodies (The original slasher movie parody...puts Scary Movie to shame!) , Ninja III: The Domination (With the coolest fist 10 minuntes of a flick ever!!!) , Fantastic Four (1994 crappy version- i LOVE it!) The Burning (1981 Friday The 13th rip off...very nasty and gory!) , Jackie Chan's Police Story (With the original ending of Jackie singing...cover your ears!!!) and waiting on a few others. Just started downloading The Big Bus (Which was like Airplane!) and Top Secret (Also like Airplane!) this morning. It is good for stuff on DVD and others that you dont wanna bother getting on DVD. I did purchase Private School on DVD the other day! Me and Barry are soooooooooooo gonna have to get together and watch it! MEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNSSSS!!!! Plus Phobe Cates was one of my original crushes...just think guys...Fast Times SWIMSUIT scene!!! Nuff said!
I have been reading a book i bought from the used bookstore downtown, as a matter of fact for years i could not find this book ANYWHERE and now i only paid $1.99 for it and it is all mine! "Dave Schultz: Hammer- Confessions of a Hockey Enforcer" which was written in 1981. I had the honor of meeting Mr Schultz when the NHL oldtimers came to Wolfville last November (Nice guy! We went to the Vil together with Chris Nilan and Dale Hawerchuck!) Anyways i LOVE his chapter on Bobby Clarke:

"There are those who have charged that Bobby Clarke is a coward who would start trouble but never bother to fight his own battles. There is no doubt that Clarke is a ruthless athlete who lives by the bottom line- winning. In the past decade he has been one of the most threatening users of a hockey stick in the NHL, at times employing it in the manner of an infantryman handlng a bayonet. Many have mistaken cowardice for bravery. Canadian chauvinists will tell you that Clarke was a hero in 1972 during the Team Canada- Russia series because he violently sent the Soviet's best forward, Valery Kharlamov to the hospital with a cracked ankle after whacking the Russian star with a two-hander. Do you think Clarke would have gotten away with such bravery if he had bludgeoned Larry Robinson of the Habs in the same way? I Think not."
"When the Flyers finally traded me to LA, i felt that Clarke had a hand in persuading them to upload me. And that, for me, is even more significant. I had lost both my respect and my faith in Bobby Clarke's capacity for honesty and integrity. His dedication to the club had turned to ruthlessness."
Could not have said it better myself Hammer.
Anyways gang, back to the drawling board. Have fun!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mainstream Wrestling Tour Dates 2007-08

Saturday, August 25 – Digby Arena, Digby, NS
Sunday, August 26 – War Memorial Community Center, Windsor, NS
Thursday, August 30 – Dave Doolittle's Sports Bar & Grill, Dartmouth, NS
Friday, August 31 – Trenton Community Rink, Trenton, NS
Saturday, Sept. 1 – Holy Redeemer Parish Center, Sydney, NS
Sunday, Sept. 2 – Sarah Denny Cultural Center, Eskasoni, NS
Tuesday, Sept. 4 – Bruce II Sports Center, Port Aux Basques, NL
Wednesday, Sept. 5 – Bay Arena, Bay Roberts, NL
Thursday, Sept. 6 – Remax Center, St. John's, NL
Friday, Sept. 7 – Unity Park Arena, Placentia, NL
Saturday, Sept. 8 – Marystown Arena, Marystown, NL
Sunday, Sept. 9 – Clarenville Stadium, Clarenville, NL
Monday, Sept. 10 – Cabot Stadium, Bonavista, NL
Tuesday, Sept. 11 – Joe Byrne Memorial Arena, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
Wednesday, Sept. 12 – Lion's Club, Lewisporte, NL
Thursday, Sept. 13 – Stephenville Dome, Stephenville, NL

All shows begin at 7:30 pm with doors opening at 7:00 pm (Doolittle's 8:30 pm bell). Newfoundland tickets go on sale Friday, August 10 at their respective venues for $10 general seating, $12 ringside, $16 V.I.P. (Early arena entry, backstage meet w/wrestlers, exclusive souvenir, and surprise).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Plugged In

Hey folks! What is a happening? Well i am still on the job hunt, new resumes and cover letters in hand and ready to take on the world! What do i have to do? Well i can get on the list of substitute ESL/ EA teachers with the Valley Regional School Board, yes it is something to put on a resume, but dont i want more? To actually teach? I have to find a school administrator, aka a principal to sign for me and i have to go get a background check done down at the RCMP station here in Middleton. Then i can hand in the application, my resume and my cover letter. Well and if nothing? Well then up North looks like a good alternative i guess. I have a little left to go on my student loans thanks to burseries and scholarships, so going up North would take care of them in a matter of months, just sign my name on the dotted line on a 10 month contract. I have been hearing stories of isolation, extreme boredom, bring a good book, get a good hobby, buy a PS3 etc etc if going there. What to do eh? Well i went up to New Minas with a friend last week, played some pool at Doolies, no my waitress frend was not working if your asking Blair. I went to see the Transvestities or whatever it is called and i was BORED! However the new Adam Sandler gay flick was quite comical. Spent Sat night over at Barry's and we watched some Sandra Bollock movie and we were roaring at NFB stuff on Youtube, the Big Snit, the Cat Came Back and some funny memories of the summer of 1993-94. Well i have to get going up to New Minas to take care of some business, have a good one!