Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Death Wish IV Killcount

More Bronson awesomeness from Allouttabubblegum and those madman Golan-Globus and Cannon Pictures..used to watch this one in Tower all of the time!!! Watch for Bronson blowing up a mannequin of a younger Danny Trejo! Im convinced Bronson could shoot down enemy planes by just pointing his finger and softly saying "BANG"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello there bloggeronies and wormslime..what is a happening in your world? Well how is Old Man Robb's world? Not too shabby seeing as how i am not done Chapter Two in my Education 4683 Introduction to Linguistics course...of course Chapter Three is going to be where the fun begins, while it is a chapter on Phonology and understanding it better, it is the first chapter to have a first major assignment covering modules one to three...i will be tackling this head on in my usual manner after i have completed the readings and the module lesson of course....still nerves can kick in at any given moment, but even that is a given mean WTF?!?!? Who ever thought that Robert Reid Hawley would EVER be taking courses at the education level...i mean ever??!?!?!

I did find module two on phonetics very interesting and there was a good question involving articulatory phonetics and how the teachers understanding of articulatory phonetics could be of use in the classroom..i replied that the concept of articulatory phonetics can easily be adapted into the ESL Classroom. The teacher can use the charts to show the areas of articulation of consonants and vowels to the students and what part that the sounds come from, whether it be the lips or the tongue, using charts will show how a particular sound is produced. It can be used for classroom activities using repetition of a certain word and having students say the words or working in pairs to say them as well. The charts can also be handed out to students and also a copy can be put on the walls of the classroom as a reminder to students as well. Do not simply tell a student that they are spelling a word wrong, especially to do it in front of their peers, which can lead to a student becoming more isolated and less willing to speak in the classroom.

What else is happening? Well me and Sir Blair went to the Axemen Vs STFX Saturday Night Lights Football game at Raymond Field..of course the Axemen were victorious..this time we actually got tickets for the VIP section..its not too bad despite the fact that you only have two beers to choose from with Molson being the sponsor, Molson and Coors..however it wasn't bad, the eyecandy was fun too, although a little bit wee too young for old coger but damn funny when two of them decided to take a stumble down the ol steps... was nonetheless a good time...again esp with the Axemen winning..hehe

Oh only question is this...where is the Axemen mascot and the Acadia Cheerleaders? I haven't seen them at all this Acadia football season...

Ummm...not those cheerleaders...

I think the biggest shocker of this weekend had to have been Mount A beating SMU...i mean when was the last time that happened? I had to check, it was during the 1998-99 season, my first full year at Acadia U...a 23 game winning streak for SMU which included a 105-0 trashing of Mount A around when was it...2000? 2001? I really cannot believe that SMU and STFX are both 0-3...a bit of rough going for SMU, their quarterback quit on them, a couple of ineligible players and of course Moncton snatching away the Uteck Bowl...i would like to see that columnist that was going on and on about keeping inter-league play with Quebec because AUS football is too listen here son..never assume just makes an ass out of you and me...congrats to Mount A though on finally getting the SMU monkey off their back...

It makes me sick seeing the police get called into Enfield the other day because of some kids playing road hockey in the streets..its also sad to see everyone so riled up about a damn road hockey game over the endless amount of drug abuse, underage smoking and swarmings that happen right under their goddam noses...I grew up playing street hockey in the Passage, right in front of my parents house...let the kids play some damn road hockey, at least they are out of the house, off this damned internet, not texting or Heaven forbid..swarming people which must be really brave when its 12 on 1...road hockey is part of growing up in Canada, it is in our our blood and people who complained should find something better to do and get a life...

Oh yeah...the Whale is coming back to Hartford ..sort of..the AHL team known as the Hartford Wolfpack will be changing their name to the ...ready for this one..the Connecticut there is an ummm interesting name for a team if i have ever heard one..can't wait to see those uniforms..on the other hand...anyone remember the logo/uniforms for Hartford's farm team the Binghamton Whalers? I always got a charge out of the sideways Whalers logo...

Oh yeah Acadia Homecoming is happening in two weeks time up in good ol WolfVegas...lots of stuff happening, Sloan will be playing in the SUB, football against Mount A is what could be a game for #1 in the AUS standings, basketball, hockey, alumni BBQ (Wouldn't mind if it was a tailgaiting party before the football game...) and it will be Alumni Night in the Axe on that Saturday anytime after the football game... should be good, i have not seen Sloan since i went to Mount A back in 2003 and it will be my 3rd time seeing a matter of fact it was ten years ago this year that i saw them for the first time in the SUB..heard they had played a show recently where they played or were going to play Twice Removed in its that would be sweet!

Went to the NEW Greco Pizza/ Petro Can/Robin's Donuts today in good ol Middleton....good to have an alternative to Tim Horny's but on the other hand, they are going to need more than ten seats to satisfy the Middleton crowd who is sick of the bat-shit insane crowds at Middleton i don't see any Pizza Pretzels...are they a discontinued item at Robin's donuts now? I remember getting them at the ol Greenwood location and they were mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm awesome...

Now i've never been to a sc-fi convention..dunno if i should start but there is one called Hal-Con at the end of October at the Lord Nelson in Hfx...Mr Chekov from Star Trek is going to be there..the chicky who died in the first season of Star Trek The Next Generation who was also in Pet Semitary is going to be there and the dude who played Boba Fett...wait...have to look up his name...Jeremy Bulloch..of course they charge for autographs for bring some change, it would be fun to see the people dressed up and what kind of stuff the vendors would have at their tables...i would love to see a horror convention come to Hfx, no idea if anyone would go, but they always look like fun with guys like Kane Hodder (The REAL Jason) and Gunnar Hansen (The REAL Leatherface) appearing and from what i have heard and seen, always awesome with the fans...would be a cool idea and i think people would show up...

Finally i see that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Shame) has put out their list of 2011 i am glad to see Mr Alice Cooper FINALY on his list and please give Mr Cooper his due...but again these bunch of hacks who make up this committee has again snubbed KISS!?!?!?! Why? I know KISS has never been the darlings of the media or music snobs for that matter, but OMG..they are icons! Not too many other bands have the following of the KISS was said earlier..KISS not getting into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is like Pete Rose not getting into the Baseball Hall of Fame....its ok because the fans know it...the people know it, in denial that they know it that they should be there.....

Have a good one folks!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

BBQ Spaghetti

No friends that is not a misprint...tried to make this one while i was teaching in S Korea...not the term tried, well living in S Korea, sometimes you do not have access to all the ingredients at hand, while not the wild time that Tator-Tot Casserole is, its not too have fun!

1/2 cup cooking oil
1 cup chopped onions
3/4 cup chopped green bell peppers
1 pint BBQ sauce
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup dry seasoning rub
Pinch salt
2 tablespoons liquid smoke
3 pounds spaghetti
1 pound cooked pork shoulder, diced

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and green pepper and saute until tender, about 5 minutes. Add barbecue sauce, sugar, seasonings, and liquid smoke. Reduce the heat to a simmer and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. When sauce is 15 minutes from being ready, cook spaghetti in a large pot of boiling, salted water until al dente. Drain pasta and then transfer to a large serving bowl. Pour sauce over the pasta and toss. Top with pork shoulder. Serve immediately.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

COBRA Killcount!!!

Another one of AllOuttaBubbleGum's awesome killcount's...the 1986 Sly Stallone classic COBRA!!! Courtesy of the guru's Golan-Globus and Cannon Pictures...  

Rain...Rain...Go Away

Hello people and scum of the Earth..what is a happening? Well same old same old in the world of Sir Robert Reid Hawley Esquire...where to start? Well tonight is going to be a fun night indeedy as me and Sir Blair are heading out around 5ish and headed to Raymond Field to go watch the Axemen Vs STFX in a nighttime game!!! Saturday Night Lights! And the big announcement is tonight we are VIP!!! Yes we are actually going to be able to get a beer and sit down with the damn thing right in our seats! And for the $19 bucks that VIP costs it better be darnwell worth it!!!  The pic of the new grandstand comes courtesy of Jerry Neville's AVR will be nice to go sit and have our beer in a seating area, last time it felt like the Cantina sscene in Star Wars w/o us having VIP tickets..."We don't serve your kind here!"

Last week wasn't so great for the Axemen though as they travelled to Bishops and promptly lost 31-16 to the Gators who were up 31-0 at the halftime, so the Axemen did manage to make somewhat of a game of it in the last 2 quarters...but not enough..however we are good to go because SMU, STFX and Mount A all managed to lose their games to our Quebec counterparts...I do think interleague play is good cause it is a chance to see a different team and a break up some of the monotony, however with the new stadium built in Moncton i thinks we are going to see expansion coming sooner than later to the AUS

Of course there was the revelation this week that the Uteck Bowl is moving to do i feel about that? Well i think Halifax dropped the ball, Mayor Kelly and his gang were doing the old it aien't broke so don't fix it and left town..see if Halifax had taken the Commonwealth Games, then we woould have had a new stadium built, we can long for a CFL team all we want till the frickin cows come home, but the point remains that will remain a pipedream at best until we have a stadium..Moncton has expand the seating in that stadium to a good 25,000 seats if they want to with room for a 5,000 or so on the field fot a big size concert attraction...and the CFL having an game being played in it this week..heck Moncton might get a CFL franchise before Halifax ever does.. I really think Halifax dropped the ball on this one and that is too bad....

What else is happening?
Well i am onto chapter two of Education 4683: Intro to Linguistics and Chapter Two is concentrating on phonetics..what is phonetics? Phonetics is the knowledge of a language, including knowing what sounds are in the language and how they may be strung together to form these meaningful units. In contrast to phonetics, phonology is the study of how sounds and gestures pattern in and across languages, relating such concerns with other levels and aspects of language. Phonetics deals with the articulatory and acoustic properties of speech sounds, how they are produced, and how they are perceived. Pictured below is the North American Phonemic Chart...oh boy Robb's got lots to do...sigh..

I did however order "Great Gonzos- The Best of Ted Nugent" from the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's...why Old Man Robb..why? Well i know it is the day and age of the MP3 and i am as guilty as anyone walking the earth of doing this...however i must agree with a roomate that i had in Japan when he said something along the lines of "I like going over to people's places and seeing their CD's...something to look at.." and it is true..who wants to look at a bunch of blank CD-R's? Plus i had Great Gonzos on cassette back in the day and it went along with a BIG box of cassettes ..some 100 or more cassettes to good ol Tash..why? Well cause i did not have a tape deck anymore and alot of them had been replaced...except for Black Sabbath's Born Again (Miss that one alot) and a few others...

Sadly Intensities In 10 Cities was out of stock...  :(

Finally got out to see the EXPENDABLES this week at the Zedex!!!! It really delivered the goods...was glad to see Stallone back on the screeen for the first time since Rambo IV and to see that cameo with him, Arnold and Bruce Willis was great as was the return to the big screen of Dolph Lungren and of course all the star power with Statham, Li, Couture, Stone Cold, Eric Roberts and Mickey Rourke who mumbled and mumbled for about ten minutes about some lost im pretty sure there will be a part two...who should Sly get? Chuck Norris? Jim Kelly? Mr T? John Saxon? Van Damme? The possibilities are endless for a sequel and they could make a few of these things...

And yes i am going to order this one next...
Alot of people might not be aware of this and i wasn't as a kid renting the original SPM from the Dairy Bar in the Passage, but the original flick as well as the two sequels were all directed and written by a woman..that was quite rare back in the 80s hayday of the slasher flick! Yes it was and still is a slasher classic, of course it is overshadowed by Friday The 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and countless others, but it has become somewhat of a cult classic amongst slasher fans and people who love 80s cheesy flicks...

Of course this is the one i want out of the set...
Another classic from the Dairy Bar...this time the killer is brought back as a rocker with a big ass drillbit on the head of his guitar..nope that is not a misprint true believers...

Oh yeah last weekend for the drive-in located in Coldbrook..didn't go out at all to it this summer..why? Well there was never two movies together that i wanted to see and really folks i want to make it worth my $$$ to go to the drive-in..don't get me wrong now..i love the drive-in, it is a relic from the past that we here in the Valley are very lucky to have as well...there are not too many of the darn things left anywhere...and i know they make lots of cash off catering to families and playing alot of kiddie stuff and indoor bullstuff as the great Joe Bob Briggs would say...ahh to dream of those nostalgia days of the drive-in..triple features and the if the adults could have one of the week, say a Sunday night to cater to them that would be good, i know that would probably cost $$$...but it would still be pretty cool...

Ahhh...the glory days...

Well i did attend the Axemen Vs STFX game last Saturday at Acadia Arena...we lost 2-1 in a really decent game as part of the Don Wells tournament and well there are some things i would love to babble hear me out aboot this one.. it was a really really rough game we had going there and lots of scrums after alot of plays in the game between two old rivals...and i know fighting is banned at the AUS level..but what would happen if it wasn't? I could hear fans ...or what few fans attended and they were obviously newbies because they were wondering how come no one is dropping the gloves...i just wonder if even if percieved as cheap, would spike attendance..just something i have always wondered...The Flyers in the 70s, The Red Wings in the 80s with Kocur and Probert..MSG was sold out in minutes knowing Domi and Probert were going to go at not condoning it folks so do not damn me for it...but im just wondering if more people's curiousity would be settled...the rough stuff draws them in...the quality of play they discover is happening keeps them there...just a thought...cause it is sad with this level of hockey to see this...

Oh and before i go away not quietly into the night...what is up with this?

Now come on! The tickets used to have BK coupons on the back and if you presented the ticket after the game at BK and got a Whopper, then you got a second Whopper FREE and did you hear that word true believers? FREE!!!! Now i like going to Joe's and Scottskins are like GOLD in WolfVegas...but come on now..half price? That is just plain silly..come on Joe's offer them things up for free ...i guarantee a spike in business after the game is over and like anyone could eat two plates of them things in one sitting!!!

Anywho folks that is enough babbling from Old Man Robb..i've got some more homework to do on this rainy Saturday afternoon in Middleton and then at 5 i am leaving for tonight's Axemen-STFX match-up...have a good one!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just Wondering...

Here is a note i wrote on Facebook today...thought i would share it here as well :)

Lately ol Robb has been sitting back and thinking..and sometimes that can be a dangerous thing indeedy. What is on my mind? Well quite a bit course, finishing my course, maintaining my average, getting my ESL Teaching Certification and of course how well Acadia sports and the Habs will do! Anywho there is something that boggles this old brain about all this great technology and the technology that Old Man Robb is referring to today is this site right here...Facebook..good ol Facebook..or Crackbook as i have heard it be referred to...

What i am wondering is why do some people add me to their Facebook or accept a friendship request from me in the first not saying this about all people, but well quite a few? Especially is they are not going to talk to me...esp if i message them or write on their wall just a friendly response...why? Did Robb do something wrong? Am i not cool enough to drop a friendly line back to? Especially when it is old friends from long time ago...what is it? Is Facebook just a popularity tool for people to say oh look how many friends i have? Look how big my list is? Life is not a popularity contest...basically life in the real world can suck really bad sometimes and other times it can be quite rewarding based on personal accomplishment.

If you don't want me on your list...say so! It's ok gang will still go on.. i will still get my ESL Certification, i will still realize my dream of being a teacher in the next year or so and helping people, the Leafs will still suck, movies will still be bogged down with crappy CGI, i will still go on about the virtues of Colt 45 and someway...somehow Carey Price will still be a Hab even though i legally think he should change his name to Red Light Price...all im saying is in the outside world outside of Facebook, nothing will change and life will still go on as planned. Perhaps people realize...holy shit! Look at this crazy dude! What a wanker! I know in real life (Whoa! What a concept!) that if i don't want to talk to someone, im not going to ring them up, stop on the street to say hello if i run into them shopping or sitting at a pub or what have you...should FB be any different?

Don't get me wrong..i like coming on here, i love chatting to old friends from back in the day, from the beginnings in the Passage, to WK, to Kingstec, to Acadia U, to Mount A, to Acadia U (Again!) and from Japan and S Korea and all theinteresting and non-so-interesting jobs that i have held over the years and all kinds of other people that i have randomly met or never met over the years but added cause we had a common interest over something....I do realize that people have grown up, have jobs and so on and so on and don't check this thing...heck some people have accounts and haven't checked them in eons! However if you don't find the time to answer a quick hello over the course of two months or so...or a year...why have me on your FB?

Anyways that is my two cents for the day...have to do some homework...WTF is this lingusitics...linguini stuff all aboot anyways....

Monday, September 20, 2010

Black Sabbath- She's Gone

I used to refer to this as the sequel to Changes..would be nice to see Ozzy drag this one out as a suprise to the set-list...along with lots of other tunes...not to be played after a break-up..or being left at the altar...

I've been gone a long long time, waiting for you
I didn't want to see you go, oh, no, no
And now it's hurting so much, what can I do?
I wanted you to be my wife

he days are passing slowly, since you've gone
Your memories are all I have, yes I have
I sit here waiting but you'll never show
Without you I can't carry on, ooh my baby

You said you'd always love me, all of my life
And then you said your last goodbye, yeah, goodbye
Why the sudden changes, why all the lies?
I should have seen it in your eyes

The endless hours of heartache, waiting for you
My summer love has turned to rain, all the pain
The silent emptiness of one sided love
My life means nothing now you're gone, ooh my baby

Friday, September 17, 2010

Death Wish 3 Killcount

More awesomeness courtesy of AllOuttaBubbleGum
A great chance to re-live some Tower memories courtesy of this great poster and the great BRONSON..he should be like Chuck Norris..just be able to point his finger and go BANG!!!

All I See Is Rain...

Hello there peeps..what is a happening? Well its been a whole week and it has sunk in and i have to say this...HOW ABOUT THOSE ACADIA AXEMEN??!?!? Whoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Yes the naysayers were on me like stink on a skunk about the might SMU Huskies this and this and so lo and behold me and Blair made the trip to Raymond Field last Saturday...with first a stop by Joe's Food Emporium for an Axemen Sub and Keith's...which they served us in a Molson Mug...ugh...then we go to the game and this year the Axemen have premium seating for $19 where you can have your brew and watch the game instead of standing around looking like a spare dick at a wedding in a beer tent...well me and Blair were not allowed to get a brew on the other side and had to walk back around to the stands to the OTHER beer tent..loved the way the oh so tough dude said it "Your beer tent is over there" he might as well as went on like the bartender in Star Wars "We don't serve your kind here..." Blair laughed and laughed at me going on "Someone is going to get an Email about this!"

Anywho..the game happened, we stood in the OTHER beer tent and watched and well...yeah WE WON 17-7 which made me a happy little Robb because we are as of this moment #10 in the CIS rankings... of course we could only celebrate with Molson and Coors because that was the only TWO beers they had on hand...NO KEITHs for like the 20th yr in a row...blab blab because its the sponsor...lots of probably fairweather fans there too...they like to show up when we are winning...kinda like the hockey fans who don't show up anyways...must be nice for parents and student loans ...all that $$$ to sit in a dorm room and text and play video games..what a life...there was some assclown on the way in who said we were in the wrong line-up and that was the student line, that was all fair and good even though technically electronically and online i still am a student..then he said "Even though you want to be Acadia students"
Ah hem...
Listen here you little assclown..i was at this university and going to this university and probably going to class too while your momma was wiping your ass while you were watching Mr Fucking Rogers...i get disgusted when some of the younger generation have no frickin respect for those who paved the way for them... a picture of me with the first generation of Acadia laptops lays in the F'n Smithsonian, i have been an international teacher, awards at the academic level and there were no scholarships or handouts given to me..some punks...bring back Christmas expulsion for god sakes which they abolished around my first year and send some of these punks who embaress me because they go to my alma mater out on their frickin ass...

Rant over...back to our regular Robbblog programming...

Ok..back to my reality check..oh yeah...AXEMEN WIN!!!! Now they go onto play Bishops on the road..sadly Eastlink will be carrying the Laval-SMU game..but there will be a webcast available HERE

Oh yeah....Mount A beat STFX for their first win in a season opener since 1989...

Oh yeah...this pisses me off too by the way.... i was pissed off about Ozzy's short Halifax show in 08...but the fact remains that Ozzy had to play TWO nights in order to satisfy the demands of the ticket buying public in Halifax and there was still people who could not buy a ticket! And now the Ozman is touring Canada w/ the legendary frontman of Judas Priest Mr Rob Halford and guess what?!?!?! Like the just as awesome double feature tour of Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie there is NO Halifax just like Ozzfest this part summer when it had Ozzy, Motley Crue and Judas Priest?!?!?!? What the hell happened Halifax? Have we got no case of the rock n rolls? Some assclown tried to tell me Ozzfest would not have drawn here....well you emo sookybaby Ozzy drew 20,000 people over two nights, the Crue sold out in 2006 and Priest is a constant concert draw...i predict at least 40,000 would have been here on the Commons...except boy...there would not be a Commons left after that concert and Moncton of all places is the one with a stadium...JEESH...
Here are the tourdates for Mr Ozzy and Mr Halford....

Nov. 12 Victoria - Save On Foods Memorial Centre
Nov. 14 Vancouver - Rogers Arena
Nov. 16 Calgary- Pengrowth Saddledome
Nov. 18 Edmonton - Rexall Place
Nov. 20 Winnipeg - MTS Centre
Nov. 23 Montreal - Bell Centre
Nov. 25 Ottawa - Scotiabank Place
Nov. 27 Toronto - Air Canada Centre

So how is Educ 4683 going for Old Man Robb? Well truebelievers my first chapter is done like dinner and it was basically an introduction to the world of linguistics, had to listen to a lesson and then go to the forums and post answers to some questions..well it was alot of reading so Old Man Robb is really going to have to buckle on down if he is to do well in this class..there were some definitions to start, right at the basic core..what is language and one definition by Edward Sapir said that " Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols."
If language is defined as a system of communication, then language is not unique to humans. Humans can be creative, which is a characteristic not found in the communication system of another species.  Talking birds imitate sounds, but do not understand the sounds that they are always imitating. Birds, bees, crabs and spiders communicate in their own way, but the information passed is limited. Lingustics is also unique in how is it classified within academia, is it a science? Is it more related to philosophy? Linguistics is linked to a wide range of academics.

There were thoughts given about lingustic competence Vs someone's linguistic performance..i know from teaching in both Japan and S Korea that someone's knowledge of English performance is not necessarily what is written down on paper or in spoken performance..there are many different factors. A student may possess very good skills when it comes to speaking a language, but it can be another situation altogether when that student goes to write an examination. A student can make grammar and spelling errors, but that is not a reflection of their knowledge of a language or of the subject matter.

What affects a student's performance in the classroom then? A student's performance can be affected by nerves, not only for a written examination but also a speaking examination as well, some people can know what it is that they want to say and are an expert in a subject area, but their speech is affected by nerves stemming from speaking in front of a group of people, say in a classroom, they have long pauses, words come out unnatural. The student knows the message that they want to convey to others, but there are factors unknown to those watching that are affecting the student's perfomance.

Gosh....Old Man Robb has work to do!!!!!!!!!!

However Saturday Night will be spent at Acadia Arena..the Axemen are playing host to STFX at 7:00 as part of the Don Wells Tournament..should be a good one i thinks.. been awhile since i've seen some Axemen hockey and well it is nice to have it back, i remember attending the Axemen Vs Dal last year at the Wells Tournament and well attendance was ...sparse to say the least and no i am not going to get into it again because it will be Saturday by the time i am done ranting about the lack of fan support..

And yes it is the DON WELLS Tournament...i caught heck cause i forgot the name of it and referred to it as the JAY WELLS sorry..

I want to go back to last Saturday for a second now...something that was on my mind and dammit i could not get the feeling out of me head...before the start of the game, we had the usual introductions and O Canada as it should be with the players and their helmets i know it has been nine years since it happend...9-11..hard to believe i was down at the Vaughn Library when the news came in, went to a friend's place and sat there in open mouthed horror as the Towers went down in New York...yes we know the story.. maybe im just old fashioned but i thought there should have been at least a moment of silence to remember and pay tribute to those who fell on that day...just some food for thought and something im not going to rant and rave about, but it would have shown a wee bit of class and shown..we have not forgotten...

The question of the day i want to know is who in Middleton now has the coolest vehicle in town?!?!?!

Oh! When i dropped my brother off the other day in Bridgetown i went to a local video store there where they seem to be selling off the majority of their stuff and Old Man Robb FINALLY got his mitts on a copy of National Lampoon's Animal House! Finally Bluto is on DVD at Old Man Robb's and yelling "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?" It is sitting comfortably on my video shelf next to National Lampoon's Class Reunion...i remember the CHMA awards when i went to Mount A in 2003-04..there was an ass next to me that asked me about the name of my show..the legendary "Assume The Postion" and asked me where it came from..i told him it is from Animal House when Kevin Bacon (Before Friday The 13th even!) gets initiated...well he said is that some sort of teen comedy??!?!? My god what are they putting in teens Kool-Aid these days?!?!?! I thought it was a pre-req to see Animal House before going to wonder SAT scores are down...

Actually the most curious i ever was about a National Lampoon movie wasn't even a National Lampoon movie at all..there was a movie they used to keep in the XXX binder at the Dairy Bar & Video in the Passage back in the day..the mid 80s to be exact..well Old Man Robb never saw it, but yet always cracked up at this cover...wonder if anyone has ever seen National LamPORN's Frat House?!?!?!?

Oh yeah? I have to whine again about last addition to different beer tent's, no Keiths, no 9-11 moment of silence and so on and so on ...where was the half-time show...are we waiting for Homecoming for that? And most importantly of all..where were the Cheerleaders?!?!?!? I was waiting and waiting and waiting!!! There looks to be an awesome half-time show at Metropolitan Field in Lower Sackville on Sunday where Sackville High and Lockview are going to be playing in the 2010 Annual Kinsmen Community Bowl, but also Dressed2Kill..Nova Scotia's own awesome KISS tribute band is going to be playing the half-time show at the would be awesome if they could get them for an Axemen football game half-time show...

Ahh to dream of cheerleaders...sigh...

Oh well gang..going to do some homework..get ready to hang out with some friends for tonight, got some steak on the BBQ good and ready to go! Remember can always be worse...

Have a good one!