Monday, November 29, 2004

Capital Theatre Posted by Hello
The Capital Theatre in Middleton, now known as the Capital Bar & Grill, the site of many fun movie nights for Robbo from 1990 to Summer 1999 when it closed its doors for the last time.

I'm Changing, Arranging

Too busy is how i would sum up this entire last week cool dudes and foxy ladies. Well, my school work for this term, with the exception of my Quantitative Methods examination on the 9th of December is DONE! Whooooooooooo! I am in the middle of printing out my Annotated Bibliography for Quantitative Methods and i finished my take-home examination for Social Theory. It was assigned last Wednesday and we were to do 4/6 questions. I also worked alot this weekend, we have a new popcorn machine in our Greenwood location and our boss was really mad at me on Saturday for not cleaning it properly the night before...excuse me for caring oh so much after such a virant week of being in nothing but the Vaughn... Anyways i recieved my Christmas schedule for work to the start of January and hrs are not all that darn awesome, it is cause we have a staff of i dunno...a zillion people right now, but i just cannot go and take away hrs of people who have been working while i have been at Acadia.... hopefully people will want to go to Christmas parties and stuff and i will recieve some extra shifts.... Actually went out to the local bar last nite with a former co-worker of mine, it was...ummm...interesting to say the very least, it has a unique clientele..some ladies wearing shirts and tights that they should not be...i say if i can't wear it and make it look good on my fat ass, then honey bunny, you can't wear it....there was one honey in particular that was really cute, but man she was aiming for the stars...probably for the Junkyard Dog's twin brother that i saw there shaking his thang to the oldies.... Some bald dudes who were up dancing, alot with the Kim Mitchell look, as David Spade said on SNL, "It don't matter what is happening in the back, what matter's is what's on top...bald is in boys!!!" My old man says it's a "Solar panel for a sex machine" Either way, when mine does go, i am not going to try to hang on to days of old. Anyways what else, um there was an old couple making out on the dance floor, lots of real...real...real...captial S S***tty dance music being played..sounded like 70s porno music for S*** sakes..., i think the guy seated next to us sang in a Vanilla Ice tribute band or was FOUR BUCKS A BEER!!!! What the F***!!! No wonder i never go to this joint, my hometown bars...last time i was to our other establishment i got into a damn scrap back in the summer of 1996 and last night...ummm i see why people rent alot of videos, even though i find it to be a waste of a Friday and or a Saturday night, i mean if i did not work there, i would not be there...even though i have a rockin group of co-workers...and yes i was in a scrap wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in 1996 with some loser with another bad Kim Mitchell hairdo, he pushed me, he punched me first...ummm...i ended it...never saw him again...he had alot of the Mitchell hair to hang onto also....frickin out of towners...never learn eh? The greatest Cdn was on tonight on CBC...poor Bret Hart looks bad lately, i hope he is ok. The ex-bass player for Hole was really annoying, she was representing David Suzuki and came off as a real B**** to the other representatives. The Balls of the night award went to the lady whom i can't remember her name that put down Lester B Pearson and looked at the Cdn flagg and exclaimed, "It's just a damn flag!" Did anybody else hear that damn room of BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Man i miss the Middleton movie theatre, my beloved former theatre known as "The Capital" The first movie i ever saw there was "Problem Child" back in the summer of 1990. It was a grand movie theatre, complete with a balcony and $3 cheap nights and the occasional $2 matinee as late as 1995. All kinds of music acts played there, Christmas concerts etc etc.....anywho, this out of towner comes to town in 1996, buys the theatre and proceeds to rip out the stage, the balcony and split the cinema into TWO screens!!! Well, needless to say a year and a half later, the CLOSED sign was on the theatre door and the windows were nailed this damn wormslime gets to go to Bridgewater, pull some of the same stunts and volia!!!! Their theatre is toast as's to the Drive-in, located at Coldbrook and the about to re-open Acadia Cinema for keeping old school moviegoing alive! No small screen, in-door bullstuff there lemmie tell ya.... Hey! The Axemen are on a 3 game streak! Two wins and a tie, i wish wish wish i didn't have to work on Friday and Saturday so i could have gone to the Acadia Arena and witness in person the games between us, Dal and SMU...beating SMU last night would have ruled...and i guess since i am on the topic of university sport, congrats to Laval for winning the Vanier on Sat, i watched for a bit in-between doing homework in the dungeon and eating some le din din dde Kraft...nice to see the game out of the Skydome and somewhere else for a change, i think they should move it to random colleges and universities, ones with a football programme, just ot give all a shot at watching a game, instead of having it go back to the big, empty, lifeless, corportate run- S***dome every year, that place does not even give off the feel of a college game...why is there no tailgating parties at Raymond Field anyways? booze sold at games and this? C'mon, it is not the senior citizen league...does MarrROT have to just ruin everything?! I mean, let's be a college...gotta fix the rep gang. Anyways this is enough ranting and raving for me for one night so be well and grab a Colt and a smiley smile....lates.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Simple Disobedience

How y' all doing? Man i am finally finished my British-India report for Seminar and my Participant Observation report for Qualitative Methods. I finished British-India last night at 10:30 while watching the Grey Cup out of the corner of me eye. Man, this means i am basically done two of my four classes, i have to present what i found in Qualitative methods and Seminar is done except for other people's presentations. I had to borrow twenty bucks from work just to make it back to Wolfville this week, i am bad with money, i blew alot of it me first term. I dunno, it seems like having a good time is a priority, but yet i have always (at least in the Acadia yrs) managed to be able to have my work done on time. I talked to my Qualitative prof this morning and she was ok with the fact that my report is now twelve pages instead of ten. She told me that peoplpe were messaging her looking for extensions to their papers...what the F**K is wrong with people? Extensions? Good mother of all mankind you have had since October to finish a 10 page report...a 10 pager?!?!?!? Man that is something that maybe, with prior research, could dbe done in a weekend, maybe three to four days....some people. Man it is 31 days exactly until Merry X-mas...actually when speaking to an ex this weekend, she mentioned that the first porn she had ever seen in her life was at my parents basement back in 1991! 1991! Man that is a liffetime ago! It was a porno called Merry XXX mas! and it featured a midget as a perverted elf! Who needs Will Farrell when you have midgets?!?!?! This flick was 10 times as comical as Elf would ever want to be. The Hockey Axemen lost again on Friday night, this time at the elegant Forum in Halifax to SMU. Man, if i can go back before 1991, back to was June of 1987 that i went along with me buddies to the very first WWF card in Halifax at the Halifax Forum, the main event was Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs The Huckster...i mean the Hulkster, Hulk Hogan...the place was sold out...i mean sold out! They even sold all of the standing room tickets and scalpers were outside having a field day! It would take another sixteen yrs for the Hulkster to return to Halifax, i was there again...but the nostalgia of the summer of 87 was missing somewhat...a friend of mine, when i conversed with him in September remembered Macho Man flipping out in the dressing room area and grabbing some poor fan because the guy flipped him the bird or said something to Elizabeth (Macho's manager) Ahhh...the old days. Anyways, i have to get a movin on me Quanatative Methods paper, it is an analytical bibliography and while i have the notes, i need to put them in if i can get a crackin this afternoon on it, i will be quite ahead of the our take-home examination for Social Theory is being distributed on Wednesday...people are already e-mailing me for the notes...i will help them out, becuase for some strange reason after all of these years, i am still Mr Nice Guy...i dunno why...but i am...but if they are paying to go here, i mean...we do pay through the nose to come here, then at least go to class, i at least sobered up enough to attend classes, most of the time...but c'mon, these are the prime years of yer life you are wasting by laying in bed and being sick from drinking yer guts up the night before...spending the entire night on MSN and ICQ is not an excuse for missing class...profs don't buy that one much...and if you are going to waste time, why not stay at home and i dunno, work at CO-OP or Petro Can...or something like that instead of taking up a bedroom in residence that could be home to a good student. I knew or sadly knew a guy in res that had a reality he should have taken his ass and went home at Christmas time...i dunno if he was stupid or if it was part of an act, but dammit all he wanted to do was bully smaller students, knock on doors at 3 Am in the morning and generally pull down the spirit of the floor...i remember one of the students wanted to give him a floor award that said, "I'm Fat, Lazy and Stupid", but it was he whined about everything, would play jokes on people, but flip when someone played one on him, never share his booze, but yet be there for a F***in handout whenever someone else had one, was a complete follower, had an average i think of 0.0, never went to class, andd committed the cardinal sin of trying to tell his elder students of how to run their lives......he should be a poster boy for Dumbasses Anonymous or something like he gave me the finger everytime i turned around, because he had nothing else original to say, nothing to add to our floor...i wished for him to walk off a plank or something...mean to wish S*** on other people, but man...stay home, we all need gas station attendants to swipe debit cards or take my $20 for gas in the morning...i know i ranted in earlier blogs about white collar taking over univiersities, but man if blue collar students want to still have a spot, then start giving IQ tests to incoming students or something. Ok...enough ranting, i am off to eat me Hamburger Helper and immerse myself in some textbooks, then i am going to pick up Richie from work, eat more Helper and stay in the Vaughn until i deem that i can leave...anyways webslingers lates!

The Halifax Forum (w/ Santa) This historic arena is where i witnessed many an AHL, junior and university hockey game, the legendary "Grand Prix Wrestling" promotion with illuminaries like Leo Burke, the Cuban Assassin and my favorite of all time, "Killer" Karl Krupp. Me and my old buddies from Eastern Passage would visit the Forum at least once a month in the late 80s to early 90s to see our WWF (not WWE...lame Vince..lame) heroes like Randy Savage, Roddy Piper and Jake "The Drunk...i mean Snake" Roberts...old times never to be forgotten eh?
The Halifax Forum Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Confusion, Illusion, a Misinterpretation, of the Original Me

Hey Ho naysayers! Lots of stuff ...well not really, but man...i think i have my British-India 24 page disaster almost finished, my Qualitative Methods- Participant Observation Paper is almost done and so this will leave my Quantitative Methods paper/ Annotated bibliography for all of next week and my takehome examination for Social Theory. Whew! Was that a load or what? Not much else, took the dogs for their haircut today, they haven't recieved a trim since September, it is the first time i have ever seen Maggie's face! My brother thinks she is ugly, but we are all subject to our own opinions. I remember a girl, one who stood me up twice actually once told me who am i to judge beauty? Then five minutes later i commented to her about a girl i was interested in and she replied, "Ugh! She is butt ugly!" Or something amongst those lines....The remaining question is how could old Robbo let himself get stood up twice by the same girl? You should have seen the guy she stood me up for! Another member of the George Steele/ Meatloaf fan club...i am talking homely...ladies i know i am not hot...but am i that bad? I worked Friday night 6-11 and tonight or well SAturday night from 6-12 with an afternoon shift tomorrow in Greenwood...then it is seriously back to the Vaughn to print out and wrap up these two reports that i have spent countless hours on and i am sick to death of doing...I hope British-India will be ok...The boys from 2nd Floor Harper, actually my monitor from last yr, Chris e-mailed me asking me when am i going to visit? Well...boys i would like to...if i had the bucks, maybe they should take up a collection and send me a bus ticket, or something...i have vented about Mount A now for awhile, about there lack of meal hall hours on the weekend, coffee shop closures at 4 pm, campus bar that only opens at 9 at night and all the rest, but strangely i would like to visit, there is a part of me that enjoyed the goings-ons at Harper, i miss the gang. It is too bad the Campus D****bag (needs one of These!) at Acadia missed his chance to save face, what better way would the start of the year have been than to interview someone who has been at 2 of the top three schools in this country? It was a gimmie gimmie gimmie story that he missed the boat on! Talk about your choke! Buffalo Bills be damned!
Anyways i am off to bed, you kids have a good one....and don't forget to hoochie poochie!

Friday, November 19, 2004

I Haven't Got The Time....

Hello webslingers, hoosers and other life forms. Well...i did my speech yesterday on British and India Imperialism, it lasted a good twenty-five minutes and i think i did well, this was a wee bit of a different assignment because my classmates mark me, instead of the prof, so it should be interesting to see how i did, i wore my suitjacket and pants with a new turtleneck, one sweetie told me that i looked, "Dashing". I was at the library last night till almost 2:00, i have now completed 17/24 pages for my Seminar paper. Also, i finished the textbook for my social theory class, something in my professional college career that i have never done before! Actually, yesterday could have been a lot worse than it was, on Wednesday i grabbed the wrong suit jacket and pants for my presentation and had to drive all the way back to Middleton, a good 45 minute drive to retrieve them, the worst thing about this is that is put my budget for the week out of whack because i have the rent money put aside and i am trying to have some Christmas money put aside for myself, i have only myself to blame i guess. Also on the way back i ran into my Qualitative methods prof whose class i skipped to go home and get me suit and she was totally unimpressed with me missing her class, her TA taught it i guess, but she did complement me on having a nice suit...A girl from my Seminar class was trying to play matchmaker and set me up on a date with a girl who never had one before, i politely declined, now hear me out naysayers, i have nothing against the girl, it is just that well...i can be picky, and by that i do not mean that my dates all have to look like supermodels, it is just that there has to be that certain something, i do not know what it it looks? It is a standing glare? A nice smile? Confidence? There is something that has to attract me...i can be quite the A**hole when it comes to relationships...god knows i have destroyed a great many of them, ones that happened and potential ones...well...alot of the former buffoons helped as well, i cannto take all of the damn credit. Well, i am now home in this raging metropolis of Middleton and i have to wrok tonight down at the Andrews from 6:00-11:00, tomorrow in Greenwood from 6:00-12:00 and the 3 hr short shift in Greenwood on Sunday from 1:00-4:00. Anyways i has to try and complete some of me damn homework, so in the meantime an in between time, till later this is Rockin Rob signing off.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Empty Experience

Long time no blog! Well naysayers, i am back and in Perkins working on homework like you do not beleive! For those out of towners, NS was hit with a power outage the likes of which i have never seen and we were without power for a good day and a half in Middleton. It was like a state of emergency in the old hometown, people were lined up at the two gas stations like a mile down the road, Needs was jammed with people and so was the local CO-OP. People's moods were changing from being ok with all of this to well..pretty snarly by Monday. ...we were lucky to have a wood stove, a kerosene heater...i had filled up the Jeep on Friday and stocked up on groceries on the same brother made me nearly hit the ceiling when i was wondering about school and had phoned my old advisor to find out about Tuesday, he said " Why the F*** are you thinking about school now? Who cares? ...well D***head...i care! I have spent more money (well not really my money) going to Acadia and Mount Allison than you will earn in the next 20 years, i care because it is my future, or whatever the hell i have left of a future if i cannot make the shut the hell up...ok enough ranting about that...Oh...i had to work on Monday night in Greenwood, from 4:00-9:00, but we only had half our power and no computer, i feel bad for my manager as she had to enter everything into the computer that we had written down and our ice cream has all but melted in the Greenwood store and i think it has to be disposed of. The Middleton store managed to save their ice cream. Classes resumed today and my 45 minute presentation in Seminar on British-India has been edited down to 30 minutes, this means i will have to throw out some of the stuff i was going to present, so that means i will chat for 15 minutes and then ask questions for another 15 minutes, so that is not so darn bad. While waiting for my yearly flu-shot in Greenwood on Saturday, i read the Macleans Annual University Rankings, again we came in 3rd, behind STFX and Mount Allison. Well, i have never attended STFX, i have an ex who lived in a residence that was ran by nuns and would not let males (even people's Dad's) into the dorm rooms and had a one hour visitation time on Sunday's...yay! Let's all head back to the middle ages! I hope it has gone co-ed! As far as Mount Allison is concerned, well i agree with their ranking over Acadia as far as extra-curricular goes, Mount A had a way of making people feel more welcome than Acadia does, Acadia can be a cold place, the rich and the poor do not work well together, we have a lot more brown-nosers here (AKA...Campus Douchebag...) and like i have stated before, if you are a frosh and 18 and single, then get used to alot of lonley nights sitting in residence, becuase i used to remember hanging out with the kids in the lounge and then once 8:50 or so hit, it was down to the Axe or the Vil and they were left to hold the bag basically, no cable in their rooms...i remember us splicing the cable my 4th year, we had paid enough to come here, or so we thought and we basically decided that we deserved a little extra, i mean we were dying eating Marriots or mari-ROT as many called it...yummm...dreams of tator-tot casserole and spinich turnovers! Anyways we lost the Acadia Theatre in 2000 (although it is re-opening) Radio Acadia died in 2001-02...we just started to run out of things to do and last year at Mount Allison, i was welcomed into the fold by the people at res, i mean i was welcomed in at Tower, but once Frosh week in 98 was over, so was the smiling faces from frosh leaders, the old gang on 3rd was treated as if they were an alien species (blue collar) At Mount Allison we had the open liquor policy, cable in rooms, CHMA - who also was featured prominently in the magazine, one of the best college-radio stations in Canada. However, Mount Allison does not have some 4,000 laptops to purchase and has therefore has the budget to have concerts and other suprises for students, like the residence party my old res Harper had last January, i mean could you imagine them doing that here? Selling tickets and it is enforced by security, it was fun! There are downturns though, having cable in your room can lead to less floor unity, sitting around in the lounge on a snowy Saturday with your buds watching football and some crappy b-movie like Sleepaway Camp or something, playing games like table-top hockey and having a few wobblepops, but on the other hand, having cable in your room stops fights over the stupid television, we had one guy that we should have called Mr Spock one year because all he did was watch science-fiction shows and hog the lounge, along with the guy whose entire in-bred family lived in our res, who hogged the lounge watching MY VCR! Every year brought a new TV lounge hogger...go to F***ing class losers! Ever notice that alot of the lounge hoggers flunked out? Or that their tv shows of choice sucked worse than anything that came before it had ever sucked? We called Mr Spock the captain of the USS CRAPPY TELEVISION!!! Babylon 5 and Jag...uggh that boy watched really really S***tty tv. The one thing, in my opinion only, that Acadia has over Mount A is the classroom experience, i found my profs at Mount Allison to be cold, uncaring and looked like they were just there to get a check and like the Flintstones, punch out at 4:30 on Friday afternoons, now i am told that they have a great science program up there, but i am not a scientist, so i do not know, i remember e-mailing profs at Mount A and it always came off as if i was bugging them on their personal time, especially the lead A** know who you are! I never seen anyone hide behind the system like this guy....and i really do miss most of the guys and girls in Res up at Mount Allison, you made me feel welcome and wanted, but now that i am back at where i feel comfy, back at old Acadia U, i feel better. I do have to touch on the Football Axemen's loss on Saturday to SMU, i feel for the seniors, last time playing for the ol' red and least nobody dumped horse manure on your front lawn on Sunday, there is always next year. I did see a blog about a girl i liked many years ago, we stopped talking due to the fact i moved away, she believed some silly made-up rumors about me and we were both really immature at the time, i am happy for her i guess she recently married and still seems to look pretty and very happy, i do not feel the need to drop her a line as we have both moved on with our lives, again she looks happy and i am mostly happy with my life as a professional student. My Mom always bugs me about being single, but i am happy this way, no heartbreak...i won't have no more of it....anyways enough blogging smogging for today, i have a presentation to brush up on for tomorrow's seminar class, i have just got to finish up those two major term papers for the 23rd, pick up Richie at 4:30, eat my fabulous TV dinner for supper and then down for a date with the Vaughn Library till ummm...closing time...should be a real wingdinger so i shall chitty chat...bitch about life later on.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Marks, Ruminations and Other Stuff...

Hello there fellow Axemen, Axewomen, non-Axemen...whatever the F**K ya are. Well, after a few days abscence because of nothing but a steady rash of homework and working on assignment after assignment and other stuff, i have recieved some marks back! Well, first i recieved my midterm/ final examination mark back for Qualitative Methods and i made 85%!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!? WOW! Holy S**T!!!! Just when i thought that i was washed up, couldn't hang with the big boys anymore...that i should comes a mark that made me eyes roll out of me head!!! Then i recieved some of my marks back for my Discussion Questions and i made 95%!!! I was on fire this morning!!! Then i had my Seminar class at 12:00, just a short class today as i made 75% on my British-India project proposal! These marks today add up to a combined 85%! A mark of A...why am i not as impressed as i could be? Well, the Seminar one is worth 10% of my mark, but it is the first marks from that class, especially when me prof tells the class that the proposals were no where as good as they could be. I have to do an extra assignment for Qualitative Methods with, in my non-professional opinion, an absolute hottie...a red head. What could make a girl hot to me? Well, i kinda do like red heads...although it is usually not their hair that i am after...actually ol' Robbo likes a NICE GIRL...did everybody read that now? The girl has to be NICE ...and i do not mean boobs and bums and all that stuff, just have a good personality. I have made mistakes in the past, but anybody want to know a coicidence? Two of the girls that i had the unfortunate memory of dating were single child's...AKA, the only damn kid in their fammily, which also usually means that they have been recieving everything on a silver platter, are spoiled and have an EGO that flies all the way to the moon, i mean look at it, there are no siblings to be in competition with, and don't mention stuff like cousins, i mean them you can send away at the end of the day with their parents. One girl back in high school i remember to this day, spoiled rotten and leave it to lovesick ol' Robbo to fall for her..hard...anyways we went out for awhile and then she dumped me for a guy who looked like Meatloaf, who fancied himself as a rock star and could not get out of the 10th grade, people tease me about my lack of academic prowless in high school, but hey...i graduated and then went on to do alot of post-secondary education, anyways the next year she found out that almost all of her friends were my friends and it was just her and Meatloaf and all the food she could consume, i mean...she put on weight....ok, so i am not exactly anorexic, but damn...they usually do not remain whatever the hell it was the you were interested in in the first place! Fast forward to my years in the Tower and there was this girl i got together with shortly after Frosh Week...well...she had no friends during frosh week and had next to no friends after we broke up...Her and me high school no-so Miss Cool had alot in common, only child's, spoiled, and with enough pretend-luggage that Jerry Springer would probably kick them off the set! They always did the hard done-by routine that a younger and much stupider Robbo always fell for...then they went out with absolute LOSERS afterwards and i do mean LOSERS! I think Meatloaf sweeps the floors at a Taco Bell somewhere and George Steele is well...probably being a loser somewhere...we named the Acadia sweetie Moolah, because after first year...well, she looked like the Fabulous Moolah!!!!! (Thanks El Blinnico!!!) Well because of the Fabulous one....well Floor Awards became a treat for the next four years, the legend spread to two universities, the boys wrote and played songs about her and now when i do visit Tower, kids ask me about Moolah! Kids! These fellas were in grade seven during the forgettable affair! UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH!!! Anyways, wow...what a rant eh? Anyways, my partner for Qualitative is a real cutie and is a really nice person, but probably has a boyfriend and is probably majorly UNAVAILABLE!!!! The real sweet nice ones are always UNAVAILABLE!!!! Anways i am going out for a walk, i am in Perkins and have been here since class was over early at 12:15, you all have a good one, i'll stop playing Ann Flanders for now....

Monday, November 08, 2004

High Five Anxiety

Hello there webslingers and webslingerettes...whatever...anyways it is me coming again from the burning metropolis of Middleton where i have worked all weekend at les store and completed homework assignment after assignment. Actually none of my biggie three assignments are completed, but i am still working on em. On the 18th i have to present my British Imperialism in India Paper to my seminar class, i have to teach for about forty minutes and i hope i do not mess it up, just remember the basics that Imperial rule in India became a traditional form of militaristic and despotic imperial state, a form of military fiscalism; it depended on traditional peasants and aristocracies to generate revenue and that British strategy was blamed for reversing India’s economic and social development by entrenching and creating, archaic forms of landlord-peasant relations. Ok, make sense of that eh? My other papers seem to be flailing along, i am still single, no women to speak of...The Football Axemen dropped STFX 15-8 at Raymond Field yesterday, i wish i could have been there, but watching on Eastlink in the basement, surrounded by homework and textbooks had to suffice. I still have no idea who won SAturday nights Hockey game in PEI, but i do know the Friday night score... :(
Oh well...another week of school, no classes due to Rememberance Day, me Mommie's B-day and then home again, payday and then the whole thing starts again...just one big ol' cycle. Anyways, it is again a quiet day with not too much to report...ohh except for this little ol' teaser trailer of probably the biggest movie this summer...until hard...or something.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Have You Ever Seen The Rain? Ummmm..Duhhh

Hello there webslingers! The Football Axemen are currently leading STFX 1-0 at Raymond Field and the winner advances to play a well-rested SMU next week...i wish SMU had to play someone today to even things up a bit instead of like having the week off and stuff. I am right heads over foot with the ol' homework today, more British Imperialism in India stuff, where the Brits took over well...everything and left India kind of holding the bag. I have to work at 6:00 in Middleton tonight, i worked last night till 12:00 midnight and man, all people could say, ""Shrek 2! Shrek 2!" materialistic people, get a life! I mean i would have a life if i wasn't such an old professional university student. Another girl smiled at me the other day, she had pink hair...she was sitting in Perkins and ripped out two big smiles at me...maybe she felt sorry for me or something...i dunno...kinda bummed out doing all this homework, looking at the rain and then back at the Axemen on the tube...Anyways, it is some good ol' Chinese Food in the George and then off to work...short blog today, short blog....anyways adios amigos!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I Am Here..Can You Hear Me?

Well truebelivers it has been awhile...i have been busy being single ....very ...very single and doing lots and lots and lots of homework. I completed my proposal for my Seminar about British Imperialism in India, a matter of fact i handed it in this afternoon and i have to present it to me class on the 18th and hand it in on the 23rd..a 24 page term paper! Yikes! Then again i know someone who is doing a 75 page thesis on Jessie Jackson! That's right! Jessie F'n Jackson! I started my annotated bibilography for my methods class and my participant observation paper for Qualitative Methods. All of these papers are still in the primitive stages, once i find that motivation that i am looking for, they will then proceed. Bush was relelected...suprised anyone? I wonder how many Philly Steak and Cheeses Micheal Moore is eating right now? Poor he was boring...Man, i am really bushed this afternoon..just no motivation at all..and that sucks cause this time of the school year, you need motivation to complete all of these inane projects! I even brought an extra Michelina thing today because i thought the motivation to get cracking would has not happened yet i am i have to work Friday and Sunday in Greenwood and Saturday night in Middleton...i wonder what new Hollywood indoor bullstuff will people be fudging their pants to get their mits on this week? See what a dedicated employee i am? I do not have a fricking clue as to what this weeks new releases are! I think i am gonna have to ask me Momma for a loan on some dollars this weekend cause i am broker than broke! A girl smiled at me yesterday...i think she was smiling at the guy behind us fatty boys never seem to win eh? I once had a friend who commented that, "You got to have the gut to strut!" Well...i am not strutting...maybe that is what i need, if you want to get something done in this world, throw someone a bone...dangle a carrot in front of their face, maybe if my profs had some hot girls for me to purchase, i would find the inspiration to do these crazy assignments...if i do these three assignments, the term will pretty mucch be over, i have one examination...just one exam!!! And i amm done and then it is the crazy commercialized season called Mom does not know what to buy me..i do not know if Sister Sarah's sells blow-up dolls or not...ok...i am just kidding! Ah, the day i will get a clue eh? Man TSN is broadcasting old hockey games now...some say it is desperate, i like to look at the game before millionares, helmets, before the insitigator rules, before the Soviet Union fell apart...when there were mullets and bench clearing brawls...fights..fights...fights...Don Cherry was coaching...sigh...ok i am going dream of old flames...i mean do some homework and stuff...later gators...

Monday, November 01, 2004

October's Over

Good afternoon cool dudes and foxy ladies! Ahh, only one class today and it is done like dinner. Now i can concentrate on me midterm in Qualitative Methods for tomorrow and my seminar proposal for Thursday. Actually i have been writing the proposal, which is about British India Rule since class ended at 11:30, it is almost done, i just need to build up the bibliography somewhat and then press print and pick up down at the Vaughn. We only have five brat...i mean children come to the house last night, i worked from 4-10:00 down at the store and it was DEAD! So i worked on homework, in addition to saying no, the flavor of the week is not in. What do i mean by that? Oh, just the movie that came out on Tuesday (new release day) and people just piss themselves to get ahold of it...don't they know that in two weeks time that movie will just be sitting there collecting dust because some other, probable piece of S*** will be out. Shaun of the Dead is finally in New Minas, i am excited because both that and Napoleon Dynomite will be showing up at the store in December. Man i read last night until 1:00 and my prof was right, Social theory is full of boring old guys. Max Weber went crazy in the end of his life and i almost did reading some 40-45 pages of babble. Oh well..hope i did not upset any Weberians! (losers...) The Dunker was just here and had lunch and we did some serious giggling at a WHA tribute page (nice mullets boys!) Anyways, i have to pick up Richie today at 4:30 (It's collection time!) and then back to probably here and the Vaughn to do some serious cramming before me middterm tomorrow! Later on and don't vote tomorrow...smash the state!